发布时间:2015-12-03 12:10:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆(SNFL)是在纽约新建的中央流通式图书馆,由荷兰事务所Mecanoo与Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners合作设计。图书馆所在的建筑原先是曼哈顿中城图书馆,修建于1914年。新图书馆空间被置于既有的建筑外壳和钢制框架内,建筑面积为16722平方米,其顶部设有一个壮观的角型屋顶和公共露台,成为纽约第五大道上的一座新城市地标。

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL) is New York’s new central circulating library, designed by Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo in collaboration with Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners. Built within the 1914 shell and steel frame of the Mid-Manhattan Library which it replaces, the 16,722 m2 (180,000 sq. ft.) building is topped with a spectacular angular roof and public rooftop amenities to make a new urban icon on Fifth Avenue.

▼Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆外观,The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library, exterior view © John Bartelstone

Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆是面向所有纽约人的新一代图书馆,为年轻用户、成人学习和商业提供了专门的设施,同时也为道路对面的纽约公共图书馆(NYPL)大楼——世界著名的施瓦茨曼大楼(SASB)提供了完美的现代补充。

SNFL is a new-generation library for all New Yorkers, with special facilities for young users, adult learning, and business. It offers the perfect contemporary complement to NYPL’s world-famous Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (SASB), located across Fifth Avenue from SNFL.

▼图书馆新增的屋顶构筑物,the striking sculptural addition of the library © John Bartelstone

Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆的首层空间围绕着一条内部街道布置,其上方“浮动”着一个由木梁构成的线性顶篷,从第五大道的入口一直延伸至接待台。

SNFL’s ground floor is arranged around an internal street that runs beneath a floating linear canopy of wood beams, from the Fifth Avenue entrance to the welcome desks.

▼首层空间,望向接待台:ground floor, view towards the welcome desk © John Bartelstone

▼首层陈列区,book display on the ground floor © John Bartelstone

电梯、楼梯和夹层阳台位于空间的一侧,另一侧的地面上设有长方形的窗洞,从中可以看见位于地下层的儿童图书馆和青少年中心。儿童图书馆的游戏区充满自然光,青少年中心设有专门的楼梯、学习室和媒体室,并装饰以艺术家Melinda Beck创作的大型创意壁画。地下一层还设有一个内部窗口,来访者可以从这里看到图书馆分拣机的运作。

Located on one side are elevators, stairs, and a mezzanine balcony. On the other side, a rectangular opening in the floorplate reveals the lower ground floor, which houses a Children’s Library and Teen Center. The Children’s Library play area enjoys natural light, and the Teen Center has a dedicated staircase and study and media rooms decorated with bold and whimsical commissioned murals by artist Melinda Beck. An internal window in the lower ground floor allows visitors to see SNFL’s book-sorting machine in action.

▼“Long Room”构成图书馆的核心空间,“Long Room” as the heart of the library © John Bartelstone

▼地下层设有儿童图书馆和青少年中心,the lower ground floor houses a Children’s Library and Teen Center © John Bartelstone

图书馆每年要借出200万册书籍,这一巨大的数量为图书馆的访问、组织和存储都带来了挑战。设计方案提供了更多的空间和书籍、更充足的座位和高度更亲切的书架。新增加的“Long Room”作为SNFL的核心空间,将图书馆的概念真正地引入了原先用作百货商店的旧结构当中。

SNFL has an annual circulation of two million items, and this sheer volume generates challenges in access, organization, and storage. The design solution offers more space, more books, more seats, and lower shelves. The heart of the library is the Long Room, a new space that truly brings the idea of a library into the old structure, which was originally designed as a department store.

▼线性中庭将图书馆分隔为两个区域 © John Bartelstone The linear atrium separates reading areas and book stacks on each side

独特的线性中庭将图书馆分隔为两个区域,一边是包含三个楼层的灵活且日光充足的阅读区,另一边是包含五个楼层的书架区域。这是一个高效且具有创新性的解决方案,可以平衡人们对浏览藏书以及更多公共阅读空间的双重需求。在“Long Room”上方,第五和第六层容纳了图书馆商务中心和Pasculano学习中心。

This dramatic linear atrium separates three floors of flexible, daylit reading areas on one side and five levels of book stacks on the other, a creative and efficient solution to balancing the need for a browsable collection and the desire for more public reading room space. Above the Long Room, the fifth and sixth floors host the Business Center and the Pasculano Learning Center facilities.

▼书架区域,book stacks © Max Touhey

▼阅读区,reading area © John Bartelstone

▼从阅读区望向书架区,view towards the book stacks from the reading area © Max Touhey

Stavros Niarchos基金会图书馆为中城的城市景观提供了一个备受欢迎的新公共露台和造型独特的屋顶构筑物。来访者可通过电梯或楼梯直接到达位于七层的屋顶平台。该楼层拥有倾斜的、由木板条构成的天花板,其内部设有一个灵活的、可容纳268人的会议和活动中心。

▼剖面图,section © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

SNFL now delivers to the Midtown cityscape a sensational new public roof attraction and a striking sculptural addition. Elevators and stairs continue to the seventh floor, which is built at the original building’s roof level. This new floor has pitched wood slat ceilings and contains a flexible 268-occupant conference and event center. An L-shaped roof terrace runs above the 40th Street and Fifth Avenue facades and includes a roof garden and an adjacent indoor café. It is Manhattan’s only free, publicly-accessible roof terrace and offers staggering Midtown views, including across Fifth Avenue to the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building and surrounding skyscrapers.

▼位于顶层的会议和活动中心,the top floor contains a flexible conference and event center © John Bartelstone

▼屋顶露台,roof terrace © Max Touhey

▼露台夜景,roof terrace night view © John Bartelstone

向上倾斜的屋顶被用于覆盖机械设备,高出街道层约56米。屋顶的倾斜度和铜色的铝制表面受到曼哈顿学院派双斜坡屋顶样式的启发,同时也是对纽约装饰艺术风格摩天大楼的锥形尖顶和更新一代的塔楼立面致意。mocanno创始合伙人和建筑师Francine Houben将这一壮观的屋顶比作是“纽约人的巫师帽”。

Above the seventh floor, a dramatic new roof slopes up to cover mechanical equipment, reach-ing 56m (184 feet) above street level. Its angled pitches, and a patinated copper-colored alumi-num surface, are inspired by Manhattan’s Beaux Art copper-clad mansard roofs, two 1904 ex-amples of which are visible from the terrace. As a new native New Yorker, the form also nods to the tapering spires of New York’s art deco skyscrapers and faceted facades of its newer towers. Francine Houben declared this spectacular roof to be ‘a Wizard Hat for all New Yorkers!’

▼图书馆夜景,SNFL night view © John Bartelstone

▼地下层平面,Cellar floor plan © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

▼一层平面图,SNFL First floor plan © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

▼七层平面图,Seventh floor plan © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

▼屋顶平面图,SNFL Penthouse plan © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

▼立面图,elevation © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle

▼剖面图,section © Mecanoo + Beyer Blinder Belle


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