发布时间:2018-12-10 15:58:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

关于山水城市理论的想法,早在钱学森《论宏观建筑与微观建筑》一书中便有提及,而当今马岩松作为主张山水城市理论的代表者,他指出:“我们正在面临着新的挑战:如何创造一种新的高密度城市的类型。山水城市这个想法正是尝试着将传统的价值观和生活方式带到现代的高楼大厦中。” The idea of Landscape City theory has been mentioned in Xuesen Qian's book "On Macro Architecture and Micro-Architecture" long time ago. Today, Yansong Ma, as a representative of the theory of landscape city, pointed out, we are facing a new challenge: How to create a new type of high-density city. The idea of a landscape city is to try to bring traditional values and lifestyles to modern buildings. 山水城市下的生态学哲理 Ecological philosophy of Landscape City

南京证大喜玛拉雅中心三期的建筑设计由MAD建筑事务所操刀,整个项目公区及办公样板间则由万境设计主持室内设计,设计总监严宏飞希望将山水的概念进一步融入室内空间的打造上,他认为,我们应该倡导一种生态办公模式,即山水城市下的生态学哲理,这是一种探索空间与环境的共生关系,给人以情感寄托和归宿体验。 The architectural design of the third phase of Nanjing Zendai Himalaya Center was designed by MAD Architects. The interior public area and office model room of the whole project was under the responsibility of WJ Design. Design director Yan Hongfei hopes to further integrate the concept of landscape into the creation of indoor space. He believes that we should advocate an ecological office model, that is, the ecological philosophy under Landscape City, which is a symbiotic relationship between space and natural environment, giving people an emotional sustenance and experience.

山水城市是一个现代的城市,也是一个高密度的城市状况,但我们需要更多的关注环境,我们带来很多植物和花园,更愿意将建筑视作一个城市景观来对待。 The Landscape City is a modern city and a high-density city, but we need more attention to the natural environment. We bring a lot of plants and gardens, and we prefer to treat the buildings as a part of the city landscape.

进入大堂,我们设计了前厅中空挑高达11米,释放出大面积的公共区域和休息区,绿植造景区以及苔藓的置入点位贯穿于整个大堂空间中,室内通过绿色的置入,在弱化传统办公写字楼浓重的商务调性的同时,呈现自然形态与多维景观。上部线形栅格的构成呼应建筑外环境,形成内外空间平衡的自然界面,展现生态办公新理念。 We designed the front hall as high as 11 meters to release a large space for the public area and rest area. The green plantation area and the placement of moss run throughout the lobby space, to weaken the traditional tone of office, meanwhile to present a natural form and a multi-dimensional landscape. The composition of the upper linear grid echoes the external environment of the building, forms a natural interface that balances the interior and exterior spaces, and presents a new concept of ecological office.

延续大堂的竖向设计手法,电梯厅区域以黑白为主色,增加整个厅的档次感,白色瓷片配以黑色金属收边细节感更强,竖向灯带的应用提升空间的同时也具有导视功能,每户入口有灯带强化,并辅以延长处理,增强其识别性。 Continuing the vertical design method of the lobby, the area of the elevator hall is dominated by black and white, which increases the overall sense of the hall. White tiles with black metal trim make a touch of detail. The application of the vertical light strip enhances the space and also has a guiding function. Each entrance has a light strip reinforcement, and it is supplemented with an extension process to enhance its recognition.

“SKY PARK”生态办公 Ecological Office

创意样板办公空间,这里呈现的是一种新型办公模式,引入“SKY PARK”生态办公主题,重在营造场景感,弱化功能空间,释放概念空间。在整个空间中以大量的形式不一的绿化贯穿,营造更加轻松、愉悦的"花园式"办公环境,为未来注重品质绿色生态和创意的企业入驻提供不一样的体验办公场所。 Creative model office space is a new office mode, introducing the "SKY PARK" eco-office theme, focusing on creating a sense of scene, weakening the functional space, and releasing the concept space. In the entire space, a large number of different forms of greening run through, creating a more relaxed and pleasant "garden-style" office environment, providing a different experience office space for companies that focus on quality green ecology and creativity in the future.

从前台到办公功能区的流线贯穿了绿色生态的联动关系,强化人的可达性、参与感和舒适度,强化生态办公的轻松氛围,空间中钢格栅的运用是对自然光和灯光的演绎,灯光系统与空间材质的线性关系将细微的变化融入环境中,独具美感和体验。顶部灯光膜的运用打破传统写字楼给人的压抑感,提升整个办公空间的氛围。 The green ecology runs through the streamline from the front desk to the office function area, enhancing people's accessibility, participation and comfort, and strengthening the relaxed atmosphere of ecological office. The use of steel gratings in space is to reflect the combination of natural light and light. The relationship between the lighting system and the space material incorporates subtle changes into the environment, making the space unique and aesthetic. The use of the top light film breaks the sense of oppression of the traditional office building and enhances the atmosphere of the entire office space.


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