今年是加拿大国际园艺节的20周年,因此主办方和设计团队都希望本届艺术节能为社会大众带去一些乐趣。经过讨论,他们决定将游乐场(Playgrounds,法语为Terrains de jeu)作为主题,因为它不仅是培养创造力的沃土,更容纳着一系列紧凑的休闲和游戏空间。
The International Garden Festival celebrates its 20th edition in the presence of 40 designers and more than 100 friends of the Festival.
Born in the world-wide celebrations of the new millennium in the ear 2000, the Festival has delivered on its promise of renewing the art of the garden. Whimsical and colorful, the conceptual gardens exhibited have wowed visitors and illustrated the remarkable creativity and imagination of landscape architects, architects and artists from Canada and around the world.
The International Garden Festival is celebrating this year its 20th edition and having some fun. Terrains de jeu – Playgrounds is fertile ground for creativity, encompassing both the notion of compact space and play.
Terrains de jeu of the 2019 edition have transformed the Festival site into a giant playground for exploration and amusement. In a world where humans dwell in urban towers and live increasingly distant from natural phenomena, to “go out and play” is becoming increasingly imperative.
Child-friendly without being childish, adventurous without being unsafe, the interactive gardens of the 2019 Festival are curated spaces that are an invitation to interact with nature.
▼园艺节展出的概念性花园总览,overview of the conceptual gardens that are on display
The new gardens selected by the jury for the 2019 edition that are on display are:
Dirt Ground
设计师:Silvia Bachetti & Agnese Casadio (博洛尼亚,意大利)
Architects: Silvia Bachetti & Agnese Casadio (Bologna, Italy)
▼花园俯瞰图,aerial view of the park
▼花园外观,exterior view of the park
▼花园内部局部,partial interior view of the park
▼花园局部(上左),孩子们在花园中玩耍(上右,下),partial view of the park (up left), children are playing in the park (up right, down)
Le dernier petit cochon
设计师:APPAREIL Architecture (蒙特利尔,魁北克,加拿大)
Architects: APPAREIL Architecture (Montréal, Québec, Canada)
▼花园鸟瞰图,aerial view of the park
▼花园外观(左),花园内部(右),exterior view of the garden (left), interior view of the garden (right)
▼花园内部空间的互动式体验,the interactive experience inside the park
设计师:Mathilde Leveau & Ronan Virondaud (魁北克,魁北克,加拿大)
Architects: Mathilde Leveau & Ronan Virondaud (Québec, Québec, Canada)
▼花园外观,exterior view of the garden
▼花园内部,interior view of the garden
The Colours of Métis
设计师:SOWATORINI Landshaft [Sébastien Sowa & Gianluca Torini] & sevengardens [Isabelle Smolin] (柏林 & 埃森市,德国)
Architects: SOWATORINI Landshaft [Sébastien Sowa & Gianluca Torini] & sevengardens [Isabelle Smolin] (Berlin & Essen, Germany)
▼花园俯视图,top view of the park
▼花园外观,exterior view of the park
▼人们参与进花园空间,people participate in the park
Making Waves
设计师:Ted Kesik, Cornel Campbell, Thevishka Kanishkan, Reesha Morar & Anton Skorishchenko (多伦多,安大略省,加拿大)
Architects: Ted Kesik, Cornel Campbell, Thevishka Kanishkan, Reesha Morar & Anton Skorishchenko (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
▼花园俯视图,top view of the park
▼花园鸟瞰图,aerial view of the park
▼花园局部,partial view of the park
Ici et ailleurs
设计师:José Luis Torres (蒙马尼,魁北克,加拿大)
Architects: José Luis Torres (Montmagny, Québec, Canada)
▼花园俯视图,top view of the park
▼花园鸟瞰图,aerial view of the park
▼花园局部,partial view of the park