发布时间:2020-02-09 21:51:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Mecanoo: 比尔梅地区的发展是由于阿姆斯特丹在上世纪六七十年代后期进行了大规模的扩张,这个街区的规划构想了一个地铁系统,一个没有交叉路口的道路网,统一的十三层住宅区并且配有停车场和广阔的绿地,但这实际上带来了一些不安全的社区问题。现在的社区被要求提供不同的住房存量,并改善对公共区域的管理。这个规划策略的一部分就是将纳尔逊·曼德拉公园改造成一个新的城市公园,拥有700户住宅和6公顷的体育设施。Mecanoo的设计主要有三个因素:景观中的住宅整合、清晰的公园边界以及对公园入口和活动的加强。

Mecanoo: The Bijlmer area grew due to a large expansion of Amsterdam in the late sixties and seventies. The utopian modernism that underpinned the plans for the neighbourhood envisaged a metro system, a road network free of crossings, uniform thirteen-story housing blocks coupled with parking garages and extensive green spaces. In practice, it delivered an unsafe neighbourhood with problems. Now re-branded Amsterdam Zuidoost, the neighbourhood was urged to provide a differentiated housing stock and improve its management of the public realm. Part of this strategy is the transformation of the Nelson Mandela Park into a new urban park with seven hundred homes and six hectares of sporting facilities. Mecanoo’s response to this brief has three main elements: the integration of housing within the landscape, clear boundaries and entrances to the park and an intensification of activities.


Undulating strips of individual homes and apartments define the edges of the park. The park was elevated 60 cm to mitigate the dampness of the lower lying areas. The Bijlmer tree edge is the transition between the park and residences: it is a fence made of trees which were stripped of their bark and placed on steel legs. The Nelson Mandela Park has eight classic main entrances that are characterized by three vertical gates which always remain open on either side of a horizontal gateway.



“Nelson Mandela Park” is written in ironwork on the vertical gates, and the horizontal gateways have names that refer to the surrounding neighbourhoods including: Entrance Huntum, Entrance Flierbos, Entrance Gooise side, Entrance Kelbergen and Entrance Vogeltjeswei. Just by the gates alone, the Nelson Mandela Park is set apart from the other city parks. The Bijlmer paths wind fluidly throughout Nelson Mandela Park and connect the ‘cultural’ northern part of the park with the natural untouched part in the south. They pass by and even underneath the Karspeldreef, occasionally intertwining themselves with the sidewalks surrounding the Nelson Mandela Park avenues. Nelson Mandela Park features a range of distinctive trees, tall species like giant sequoia and fields of special trees such as flowering magnolias. In Nelson Mandela Park you can see and smell every season. The rolling parkland of the Nelson Mandela Park together with the variety of plantings creates a spectacular experience throughout all seasons. 


There are also plans to create an arboretum above the Karspelsedreef.  The southern part of the park is a nature park with a lot of water, large fields with colourful plants and several bridges and banks and a deck over the water. There is also an over seven-meter high hill covered with butterfly bushes, and providing a magnificent view. From this hill you can see along with the sun’s path through the Nelson Mandela Park.



Playing fields for organised sports are located in the middle of the park. These artificial grass and turf fields are partially hidden from the houses by trees which are placed around them. Besides sports, many other attractions are placed within the park. Along the main path are three different esplanades, the Sports and Game esplanade, the Tribune esplanade and the Nature Esplanade which all have their own identity and function. The Sport and Game esplanade is organized as a major sports and game facility in Southeast. A good view of the Great Meadow is provided by the Tribune esplanade and can be enjoyed during the Kwakoe festival or a football match. In the stands, visitors can bask in the sunshine, read a book or relax. The Nature esplanade can be enjoyed from the benches overlooking the natural pond.

©Harry Cock

方案内容: 32公顷公园的规划设计,包括700栋住宅和8公顷体育项目、办公室和学校

设计: 2003 – 2004年

实施: 2009 – 2011年

客户: 荷兰阿姆斯特丹地区

摄影: Harry Cock; Mecanoo

Programme: Urban and landscape design for a 32 ha park with 700 dwellings and 8 ha sports program, offices and school, first prize competition

Design: 2003-2004

Implementation: 2009-2011

Client: District Amsterdam Zuidoost

Photography: Harry Cock; Mecanoo


阿姆斯特丹纳尔逊·曼德拉公园 Mecanoo 设计
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