发布时间:2021-07-05 14:00:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于奥克兰Greenhithe地区。最初,这里曾是一片废弃的荒地,场地被一条溪流割裂成两个部分,最终沦为高速公路旁的垃圾场。场地上杂草丛生,在周边整洁的社区环境中显得格外碍眼。因此,Copeland Associates Architects事务所为场地的整体生态修复付出了巨大的努力,同时也为后期建设打下了良好的基础。设计的核心理念旨在打造一栋因地制宜的建筑,其中建筑的形式与体量是设计的关键。最终项目采用了简洁的矩形体量形式,并将它们以三角形的组合方式聚集在一起,这种设置最大限度地减少了土方工程与地基的建设成本。

Originally, the site was split into two areas by a stream and had become an abandoned and neglected wasteland that stored and collected motorway run-off. The site was overgrown and an eyesore in an otherwise attractive neighborhood Recognizing significant effort required to rehabilitate this difficult site and accommodate structures, initial studies focussed on developing a ‘best-fit’ building footprint closely influenced by contours and obstructions. A triangular grouping of simple rectangular pavilions was adopted that minimizes earthworks and foundations costs.

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment © Kelvin Lim


The imperative to bring energizing morning sunshine into children’s activity spaces determined roof shape, with high-level east-facing electrically-operated windows providing both good daylight and fresh air. At ground level, placement of doors and windows optimises natural light and cross-ventilation. The insulated slabs act as thermal heatsinks retaining solar energy, and provide the polished concrete floor finish favoured by the brief. Generous translucent veranda canopies provide rain and sun protection, creating comfortable indoor – outdoor play-spaces underneath for the children.

▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © Kelvin Lim

▼项目局部航拍顶视图,partly aerial top view of the project © Copeland Associates Architects


Minimal carbon footprint is inherent with timber as primary building material. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) wall and roof panels are both structure and internal finish. External cladding is also timber. In foundations and retaining structures, timber poles and mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) decrease concrete use. Timber and steel components are dismantlable and recyclable at end-of-building life.

▼项目远景,viewing the project at distance © Kelvin Lim


Environmental choice/eco-label products to improve indoor air quality for growing children include zero ODP insulation and low VOC and formaldehyde products. Emissions are minimized by using Low GHG all-electric high-efficiency commercial grade air source heat pump heating in winter with zero-ozone depleting refrigerants. To reduce energy losses the building envelope has external rigid insulation detailed to minimise cold bridging. Windows and doors are double glazed.

▼项目主要采用木材作为建筑材料,The project mainly uses wood as building material © Kelvin Lim

▼倾斜的屋顶带来良好的采光,The sloping roofs bring in good light © Kelvin Lim

▼室外活动空间,outdoor activity space © Kelvin Lim


Sustainability of construction moved hand in hand with economic factors. Deciding to separate car parking clear from buildings streamlined the construction programme. Excavated materials from the buildings site were used as fill for the car park, where slow MSE retaining construction was adopted, saving cost and carbon.

▼总体概念分析图,Diagram – Overall Concept © Copeland Associates Architects

▼场地与建筑生成,Diagram – Site Design Approach © Copeland Associates Architects


Each of the three separate buildings had foundations specific to its own location on the undulating site. Each took shape sequentially, enabling efficiencies in the small locally-based workforce and frugal use of mechanical equipment. Use of prefinished prefabricated components significantly reduced the amount of construction materials, time and waste once the floor slabs were completed. Significant lead time needed for design and fabrication of the prefabricated elements dovetailed with the foundations period.

▼结构分析,Diagram – Building Components © Copeland Associates Architects

为了尽可能地节能减排,改善环境素质,Copeland Associates Architects事务所采用了一系列切实可行又经济实惠的环保措施,包括: • 优化隔热性能,以平衡冬季供暖和夏季制冷的能源需求,框架墙隔热系数:R2.6。屋顶隔热系数:R3.5 • 采用热泵供暖与降温,并根据计算设置充足的可开启窗口,包括:细流通风孔、手动可控的垂直百叶窗、滑动门等 • 休息睡眠区采用机械通风 • 采用低能耗LED照明设备,并通过水平开窗保证良好的自然采光 • 设置临时区域照明控制设备 • 配备低流量用水装置,将雨水收集储存起来用于冲洗卫生间、花园灌溉等。

▼室内概览,overall view of the interior © Kelvin Lim

▼木制的墙体与天花板是围护结构也是室内装饰,Wooden walls and ceilings serve as enclosures and interior finishes © Kelvin Lim

▼充足的自然采光与舒适室内氛围,Sufficient natural lighting and comfortable indoor atmosphere © Kelvin Lim

▼木材、抛光混凝土与金属的完美结合,Perfect combination of wood, polished concrete and metal © Kelvin Lim

A range of sensible and affordable environmental features have been included to minimize energy use and improve environmental quality: • Optimised levels of thermal insulation to balance wintertime heating and summertime cooling energy demands – Framed Walls: R2.6. Roof: R3.5. • Heat pump heating and cooling. Natural ventilation with a range of opening window provisions including trickle vents, manually controllable louvred vertical windows, sliding doors. • Mechanical supply ventilation to the sleeping areas. • Low energy LED lighting and good levels of natural light through perimeter glazing. • Occupancy control of lighting in transient areas. • Low flow water fixtures.  Use of local rainwater tank and rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing and irrigation/hose taps.

▼生态技术分析,Diagram – Sustainability Approach and Minimising Carbon Footprint © Copeland Associates Architects

本项目共需要105立方米的交叉层压木材(XLam CLT),这些材料均由Radiata Pine制造。根据制造商提供的EPD(环境产品声明)原材料到成品供应链计算报告,再考虑到材料运输过程中的碳足迹,综合来看,建筑的落成相当于贮存了28.3吨二氧化碳。基地的建设以及建筑中其他的木材则进一步提升了隐含碳的总量,这将显著抵消建筑钢材和混凝土带来的负碳。理论上来讲,本项目的建设几乎达到了碳中和,然而,由于缺乏全面的数据,目前还无法对该建筑进行完整的净碳评估。

The project required 105m³ of XLam CLT manufactured from Radiata Pine.  The manufacturer’s EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) specific cradle to grave supply chain calculation reports that this equates to circa 28.3t sequestered CO2at the site, taking into account the freight carbon footprint.  Foundation and other timber will add to this embodied carbon, and this will significantly offset the negative carbon contributed by construction steel and concrete.  It is thought that the building will be close to carbon neutral, however, a complete net carbon assessment has not been possible due to lack of comprehensive data.

▼家具细部,detail of the furniture © Kelvin Lim

▼室内材料细部,details of the interior © Kelvin Lim

▼平面图,plan © Copeland Associates Architects

▼建筑A立面与剖面图,elevations and sections of Building A © Copeland Associates Architects

▼建筑B立面与剖面图,elevations and sections of Building B © Copeland Associates Architects

▼建筑C立面与剖面图,elevations and sections of Building C © Copeland Associates Architects


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