发布时间:2023-08-28 00:39:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

比利时建筑师Tom Thys赋予了Aristo住宅新的生命,这座历史悠久的住宅建于1914年,它坐落在特里格诺山谷的斜坡上,俯瞰着阿布鲁佐的山丘、树林和田野。

Belgian architect Tom Thys has given new life to the Aristo House. This historical building dates back to 1914 and is situated on a slope of the Trigno Valley with a fantastic view over the hills, woods and fields of Abruzzo.

▼住宅外观概览,exterior view of the house © Lorenzo Zandri


A purist and tranquil place, from nature to architecture. Inspired by classical design language, the Aristo House has been reduced to the essentials and the result is effective, from the original brickwork and the clear, linear structures of the rooms to the soft, natural colours and the simple yet high-quality furnishings.

▼住宅与周边环境,the project and surrounding environment © Lorenzo Zandri

▼住宅立面,facades of the house © Tom Thys architecten

▼泳池,the pool © Tom Thys architecten

▼泳池与露台细部,details of the pool and the terrace © Tom Thys architecten

设计的灵感来自于意大利建筑大师Andrea Palladio和荷兰本笃派教士建筑师Dom Hans van der Laan的作品。住宅由3个主要空间单元构成,包括一间起居空间以及两间卧室,内部空间构成完美对称。设计以一种“动态叠加”的方式,将书桌、浴室和两间阁楼与蜿蜒向上、贯穿整栋住宅的楼梯整合在一起,进而将简洁清晰的建筑语言与丰富的空间体验完美结合。

Inspiration is found by the work of both Andrea Palladio and Dom Hans van der Laan. The house consists of 3 ‘rooms’ (one living space and two bedrooms) in a perfect symmetrical composition. The technique of ‘dynamic superposition’ integrates a staircase, desk, bathroom and two mezzanines in one meandering space penetrating the house. Clarity and simplicity are coupled with a rich spatial experience.

▼主入口,entrance © Lorenzo Zandri

▼客厅,living room  © Lorenzo Zandri

▼餐厅厨房,kitchen-dining © Lorenzo Zandri

▼由室外看餐厅与写作角,viewing the dining area and the writing corner from exterior © Lorenzo Sandri


The interior is divided into a large living room on the ground floor and two symmetrically arranged bedrooms on the first floor. Both with large double beds and a wide view over the valley. Complemented by a bathroom with a circular mirror and a small writing corner integrated into the hallway. In addition, a unique mezzanine level under the roof offers visitors even more space to relax, sleep and be, which – as befits a true retreat – can only be reached via a ladder. Finally, any reduction is always a question of organisation. Even the kitchen-living room, including fireplace and sofa, is free of all practical utensils, which can be found in two small adjoining rooms.

▼通往阁楼的梯子,ladder leading to the mezzanine © Lorenzo Zandri

▼卧室,bedrooms © Lorenzo Zandri

▼走廊与浴室,hallway and bathroom © Lorenzo Zandri

▼浴室细部,details of the bathroom © Lorenzo Zandri


In this way, thoughts can drift freely through the days. Whether on one of the many levels in the house, on the terrace with a truly meditative view or by the pool, which stretches out long and leisurely into the landscape. The open-air shower, which connects the pool with the building, is a major highlight of the house! On hot summer days, wooden shutters provide a subtle play of light and pleasantly shady moments.

▼露天淋浴房与室外楼梯,the open-air shower and the staircase © Lorenzo Zandri

▼由淋浴房与卧室看泳池,viewing the pool from the shower and the bedroom © Tom Thys architecten

▼夜景,night view © Lorenzo Zandri

▼区位图,location plan © Tom Thys architecten

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Tom Thys architecten

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan © Tom Thys architecten

▼立面图,elevations © Tom Thys architecten

▼剖面图,sections © Tom Thys architecten


Aristo住宅,意大利 / Tom Thys architecten
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