这家惬意的咖啡店坐落在福冈的市中心,项目周边杂乱无序,不远处的十字路口也总是拥挤不堪。Suppose Design选择闹中取静,在城市中创造了一座安静的森林,在这里,可以感受到安闲舒适的微风,想象一个惬意的午后,人们凭窗而坐,城市的熙熙攘攘,都被杯中的咖啡,对付的烟消云散。
This cozy coffee shop is located in the heart of Fukuoka, amid a cluttered neighborhood and a crowded intersection. In such a place, Suppose Design Office creates a forest in the city, where people can feel calm and comfortable breezes. Imagine a pleasant noonday, people sitting at a table by the window, enjoying their coffee without worry, their thoughts being allowed to leave the city.