发布时间:2021-05-26 18:05:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


When the doors of Billerica Memorial High School opened on the first day of the new school year, a sense of pride permeated the halls—a palpable sense of gratitude for this physical expression of the town’s contemporary identity.

学校建筑外观,school building exterior view © Chuck Choi


It’s rare that a single building has the power to shift the perception of an entire community—but that was exactly our opportunity in designing the new BMHS. Billerica had quietly reinvented itself in recent years, excelling in business, robotics, drama, and athletics, so we seized the chance to design a flexible, forward-looking educational environment that matched their myriad achievements. We partnered with students, staff, and community members to ensure that the town’s largest civic building embodied its aspirational commitment to education while respecting its historic civic legacy. It’s a concept we’ve called reflection with direction—honoring the past, aiming for the future—and it’s woven throughout the fabric of the new building’s architecture, detailing, and branding. The school demonstrates how simplicity gives rise to depth, and how we, collectively, can be re-made.

▼运动场视角,view from the sports field© Chuck Choi

校园周围的新古典主义建筑与 19 世纪后期的工业文脉启发了我们——设计方案用一种谦逊而尊重的材料语言将不同的元素连接起来。

The school’s neoclassical civic neighbors and late-1800s industrial context informed a design that connects distinct elements to speak a humble material language.

▼入口立面,entrance facade© Chuck Choi

▼建筑侧立面,building facades© Chuck Choi

▼谦逊而尊重周围环境的材料语言,a humble material language© Chuck Choi


▼日照方案,daylighting© Perkins&Will

Simple, honest materials are synthesized in inventive, three-dimensional compositions. This language stands as a metaphor for the mission of the “maker” classroom, a part of the school’s guiding curriculum. Corbeled brick on the south facade takes measure of the day’s light, amplifying shadows and quietly functioning as a masonry sun dial, tracking the path of the sun.The building’s elongated brick façade is organized by a repetitive frame expression. Brick is used within this frame as a wall material containing windows of varying dimension and function by stepping, corbelling, and coursing to animate the façade.▼南面凹凸的红砖外立面,corbeled brick on the south facade© Chuck Choi

▼立面局部,school building partial view© Chuck Choi

▼砖墙细节,brick wall details© Chuck Choi

通过关注碳排放,木材的使用有了新的意义;建筑中使用的经 FSC 认证的云杉所产生的碳吸收,能够抵消一辆普通校车行驶 740,298 公里产生的碳排放量。

Timber takes new meaning through carbon-conscious detailing; The embodied carbon in the FSC Certified spruce timber structure offsets the equivalent of a typical school bus traveling over 460,000 miles.

主楼大厅,lobby© Chuck Choi

▼主楼梯,the main staircase© Chuck Choi

▼通高中庭,the full-height atrium© Chuck Choi


Billerica’s new brand and visual identity are marked by “Reflection with Direction: Honoring the Past, Aiming for the Future.” Founded on the town’s culture of humble pride, our design of the full suite of logos, colors, fonts, and graphics empowers the town to confidently represent itself in any setting.

▼走廊,corridor© Chuck Choi

▼从走廊望向体育馆,view to the gymnasium from the corridor© Chuck Choi

▼上层走廊,corridor on the upper level© Chuck Choi

▼体育馆内部,gymnasium interior view© Chuck Choi

▼体育馆二层步道,the walking track© Chuck Choi


▼跨学科教学模式,interdisciplinary adaptability© Perkins&Will

放灵活的空间,open flexible spaces© Chuck Choi

▼走廊,corridor© Chuck Choi


▼设计手绘,sketch© Perkins&Will

Inhabiting the prosaic and poetic, the entire interior uses daylight to capture the rhythms of academic time as the sun pushes shadow through the building.Acoustic, life safety and flexibility in the student commons necessitated a creatively integrated daylighting solution. South facing skylight monitors pour light downwards, concealing a carefully integrated exhaust system that removes smoke in an emergency. All achieved while acoustically dampening ambient noise from the multi-story space below.

天窗阳光倾泻而下,theskylight monitors pour light downwards© Chuck Choi

多样的学习和交流空间,diverse spaces for learning and collaborating © Chuck Choi

▼剧场,theatre© Chuck Choi

▼音乐教室,music classroom© Chuck Choi

▼多学科教室,multidisciplinaryclassrooms© Chuck Choi

"新的比尔里卡纪念高中将会为未来几代人提供一个鼓励学习的非凡场所。任何路过这座建筑的人都可以感受到,这个小镇的居民和教育工作者非常重视为他们的孩子提供一流的教育。"比尔里卡镇镇长 John Curran 说道。

“The new Billerica Memorial High School will stand as an extraordinary vessel of learning for many future generations. Anyone who walks through this building will know that the people and the educators in this town place a high value on a first-rate education for their children.” John Curran, Billerica Town Manager

园夜景,school night view© Chuck Choi

▼场地平面图,site plan© Perkins&Will

▼首层平面图,plan level 0© Perkins&Will

▼二层平面图,plan level 1© Perkins&Will

▼三层平面图,plan level 2© Perkins&Will

▼四层平面图,plan level 3© Perkins&Will

比尔里卡纪念高中建筑设计:Perkins&Will 项目地点:美国,马萨诸塞州,比尔里卡镇竣工日期:2020 年 10 月建筑面积:30,193 m2 可持续性:目标 LEED 银级认证主创建筑师:Brooke Trivas 设计团队:Patrick Cunningham, Jeff Brussel, Robert Brown, leadership team; Brian Spangler, Xi Liu, Christina Strid, Laura Pomarico, Jennifer Miller, Michelle Rothman, James Henry, Thomas Melville, Chen Qin, Fei Xie, Tyler Hinckley, design team; Keith Curtis, Katie Janson, branding 业主:比尔里卡镇,马萨诸塞州校园建筑管理局摄影师:© Chuck Choi

合作方:结构顾问:Engineers Design Group 机电顾问:BALA Consulting 消防顾问:Architectural Engineers

荣誉:2020 年 IIDA 室内设计大赛新英格兰地区,最佳设计呈现奖 2020 年 IIDA 室内设计大赛新英格兰地区,教育类别,冠军 2020 年 Architizer A+奖,光元素应用类别,评审团大奖 2020 年 Architizer A+Awards,砖元素应用类别,决赛入围 2020 年波士顿建筑协会设计奖,室内建筑与设计奖 2020 年波士顿建筑协会设计奖,K-12 教育设施类,荣誉奖 Billerica Memorial High SchoolArchitecture Firm: Perkins&WillProject location: Billerica, Massachusetts, USCompletion Date: October, 2020Gross Built Area: 30,193 m2Sustainability: Targeting LEED Silver CertificationLead Architect: Brooke TrivasDesign Team: Patrick Cunningham, Jeff Brussel, Robert Brown, leadership team; Brian Spangler, Xi Liu, Christina Strid, Laura Pomarico, Jennifer Miller, Michelle Rothman, James Henry, Thomas Melville, Chen Qin, Fei Xie, Tyler Hinckley, design team; Keith Curtis, Katie Janson, brandingClients: Massachusetts School Building Authority, Town of BillericaPhotographer: ©Chuck Choi

Partners Structure Consultant: Engineers Design Group

MEP Consultant: BALA Consulting

FP/Plumbing: Architectural Engineers

Award Best in Show, IIDA New England Design Awards, 2020

Jury Winner, Architecture +Light, Architizer A+Awards, 2020

Winner, Education, IIDA New England Design Awards, 2020

Finalist, Architecture +Brick, Architizer A+Awards, 2020

Honor Award, K-12 Educational Facilities, BSA Design Awards, 2020

Award, Interior Architecture, BSA Design Awards, 2020


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