美国规划协会(APA)在2018年3月28日宣布Sasaki进行的“798 艺术区愿景规划”项目获颁该会最高荣誉的皮埃尔·朗方国际规划卓越奖(APA Pierre L’Enfant Award)。位于北京的798艺术区是一个发展蓬勃的混合用途区,也是国际公认的工业区升级转型的成功例子。
The 798 Arts District in Beijing is a thriving mixed-use district, regarded globally as a successful example of industrial urban transformation. Sasaki completed the 798 Arts District Vision Planover a decade ago, and on Wednesday, March 28, was awarded the American Planning Association’s highest honor, the 2018 Pierre L’Enfant International Planning Excellence Award.
▼“798 艺术区愿景规划”项目获美国规划协会最高荣誉,the 798 Arts District Vision Plan was awarded the American Planning Association’s highest honor
Sasaki在十多年前为该区制定愿景规划,重要合作单位还包括一名热爱中国现代艺术的比利时慈善家,以及当地一个负责管理前工厂工人养老基金的财团,他们的贡献为798艺术区的发展奠定基础,使区域从旧日废弃的工业遗址逐步改造成今天举足轻重的艺术场地。时至今日,798艺术区享有继故宫和长城之后北京第三受欢迎景点的美名,它的成功界定了历史建筑的“活化再利用”(adaptive reuse)基准,也向全球各地的艺术区开发项目作出优秀示范。
Sasaki collaborated with a Belgian philanthropist with a passion for contemporary Chinese Art and a consortium that oversees the pension fund for former factory workers to realize the plan, which laid the groundwork for the district’s evolution from a forgotten industrial remnant to a destination. Today, 798 is the third most visited tourist destination in Beijing, after the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. It is consistently considered a benchmark for adaptive reuse and arts district development around the globe.
▼798艺术区对历史建筑的“活化再利用”,the adaptive reuse of the historic buildings in 798 Arts District
(Michael Grove),ASLA会员,说道:“那里给人的印象有些残破,但魅力依然。这个地方在许多方面都散发一种原始的、不加修饰的美感,我想这便是798的优点所在。我们可以看到它最真实的一面,过去的工业轨迹成了城市今天重要的回忆。” Sasaki在规划798艺术区时,北京正经历一场大规模的城市改革运动,以迎接2008年奥运会的到来。城市的大小建筑被推倒重建,但Sasaki却认为应尽量保留眼前这些由前东德和中国两地建筑师联手建造的工业设施,才能绽放当地独有的神韵和历史色彩。
“When we first visited 798, it was in a state of partial decay, and there was beauty in that. In many ways, the district still feels gritty and unpolished—and I think that’s a great thing—it adds to 798’s authenticity,” says Sasaki landscape architect and principal Michael Grove, ASLA. “The fact that there are these relics of the district’s industrial past is an important memory for the city to retain.” When Sasaki was working on the plan for 798, much of Beijing was going through a vast transformation to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games and developers were razing and rebuilding much of the city. Rather than tear down the industrial infrastructure and buildings designed by a collaboration between East German and Chinese architects, Sasaki recommended preserving as much of the existing infrastructure as possible to capture the spirit, history, and character of the place. The interdisciplinary team of planners, urban designers, and landscape architects crafted recommendations that infused historic buildings with new program, recommended new development in a massing strategy that complimented the scale of the existing district, enhanced pedestrian circulation, and integrated plazas and courtyards into what was once interstitial space.
(Isabel Zempel) 表示 :“区域规划方案中的大部分建议都得到原原本本的实施,我们清楚看到798的核心区和街道巷弄都经历了重大转变,周边的新发展项目也充满潜力。改变进程一旦启动,设计师自然会‘不请自来’,各自发挥,这实在叫人鼓舞。主广场的概念跟预期一样执行,现在自然发展成了艺术广场。我们的规划框架发挥了它应有的作用,那就是为区域自然而然的演化提供指引。” Sasaki与798艺术区业主协力透过重塑区域用途以获取稳定收入来源,并巩固区域在中国艺术界的影响力。经过十多年的发展历程,工厂建筑已变身新型博物馆、画廊和咖啡馆,从前不起眼的庭院和空地也化作户外凋塑和时装展览、或举办形形色色活动的场地。
“Many of the initial recommendations within the district plan have been implemented faithfully,” reflects Isabel Zempel, a landscape architect and principal at Sasaki. “It was very clear to us that there were three big moves: the core, the streets and alleyways, and the potential for new development clusters surrounding the district. When you set up these big moves and other designers come in and make something from the plan, that’s very rewarding to see. The main plaza that we envisioned was executed as we imagined, and is now used as an arts plaza. That’s exactly what a framework plan should do—it should guide evolution.” Together with their clients, Sasaki sought to repurpose the district as a stable source of revenue while solidifying its place as an influential force in China’s arts scene. Over the course of more than a decade, factory buildings have been transformed into new museums, galleries, and cafes, and previously hidden courtyards and vacant lots are now settings for outdoor sculptures, fashion shows, and other cultural events.
▼798艺术区现状,current situation of 798 Arts District
▼工业建筑散发出原始的、不加修饰的美感,the district feels gritty and unpolished through the industrial structures
▼由旧建筑改造而来的画廊建筑,galleries renewed from discarded buildings
“多年过去,798改变不少。虽然大部分改变都是好的,但在士绅化的浪潮下,当地存在已久的社群难免备受冲击。从发展的角度看,我认为798是工业区转型的经典范例,有不凡的国际地位。它摆脱了典型的拆迁定律,放弃在原址建造摩天大楼,而选择了一条更冒险、更创新的发展道路。” Sasaki董事兼城市设计师
(Dennis Pieprz),ASLA荣誉会员,如此评价。他又道:“其实798这个项目的发展前有古人,后有来者——Sasaki不是唯一参与规划和推动区域发展的单位,前人的保护和创意工作功不可没,是区域发展的基石。我们很高兴过去的付出有了回报,也十分荣幸我们的工作得到了美国规划协会的认同。”
“798 has changed considerably over the years. Much of it is great, but certainly, some of that evolution comes with forces of gentrification, which is hard on the communities that were already there. From a development perspective, I think it will always be one of the world’s great stories of how an industrial district transformed itself, avoided demolition, turned away from the easy route of infilling with high-rises, and took a much more experimental and inventive path.” says urban designer and principal,
Dennis Pieprz, Hon. ASLA
. “And it was not just Sasaki’s doing—many others have come before and since to work on the district and advance its evolution, while preserving the creative energies that have always been a foundational part of this place. We are all proud and honored to see the plan come to fruition, and to be recognized by the APA for our work.”
▼经过十多年的发展历程,工厂建筑已变身形形色色活动的场地, over the course of more than a decade, factory buildings have been transformed into spaces for
various cultural events
美国规划协会的官方新闻稿摘录 | The APA’s official press release
芝加哥 – 美国规划协会向国际设计事务所Sasaki颁发2018年皮埃尔·朗方国际规划卓越奖,以表扬设计团队在北京“798艺术区愿景规划”项目的贡献。按照规划方案,废弃的军工厂房被改造成涵盖博物馆、画廊、艺术家工作室和办公场地的大型艺术区。时至今天,798艺术区每年接待逾三百万名访客,是继故宫和长城之后北京第三受欢迎的景点。皮埃尔·朗方国际规划卓越奖旨在表彰在美国境外实践的规划工作,这些工作以解决环球经济、人类居住和社会服务相关的问题为前提,提倡可持续的社会价值。此奖项由美国规划协会与国际城市与区域规划师学会(ISOCRP)联合颁发。
CHICAGO – Global design firm Sasaki will receive the American Planning Association’s 2018 Pierre L’Enfant International Planning Excellence Award for its redevelopment of the 798 Arts District in Beijing, China. The collection of former weapons manufacturing facilities has been transformed into an emerging arts community, complete with museums, art galleries, studios, and work spaces. Today, with over 3 million annual visitors, the 798 Arts District is the third most visited destination in Beijing behind the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The Pierre L’Enfant International Planning Excellence Award recognizes planning practices and efforts undertaken outside the United States to address global issues of economic development, human settlement, and social services to promote communities of lasting value. This award is given in cooperation with the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCRP).
在公众的反对声音以及多家文化机构的干预下,798艺术区在2004年逃过了拆迁命运,但经营环境依然不乐观。有鑑于此,尤伦斯当代艺术中心(Ullens Centerfor Contemporary Art)的创办人试图利用他们的力量,着手协助798艺术区业主七星集团将该区重新打造成一片艺术文化集中地。“798艺术区愿景规划”的诞生,有赖这名热爱中国现代艺术的比利时慈善家(编者按:指尤伦斯先生),还有由中国政府牵头、负责管理前工厂工人养老基金的财团,这看似风马牛不相及的两个单位通力合作,为798艺术区重新定位,在开拓稳定收入来源的同时,也巩固区域作为中国艺术和文化重镇的地位。直至2006年,北京政府正式承认798艺术区的地位。
In 2004, public outcry and intervention by several cultural institutions prevented the district from being demolished. Owners of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art then embarked on an endeavor to help the landholder, SevenStar Group, reimagine the district as an epicenter for arts and culture. The 798 Vision Plan was the brainchild of an unlikely partnership between a government-led consortium that oversees the pension fund for former district factory workers and a Belgian philanthropist who had a passion for Chinese modern art. Together, they sought to repurpose the district as a stable source of revenue while solidifying its place as a major influence on Chinese art and culture. Beijing officials formally recognized 798 as an arts district in 2006.
Sasaki董事及ASLA会员迈克尔·格罗福,表示:“798跟中国其他城市的规划项目截然不同。很多时候,别的地方要求以白板方式(tabula rasa)进行开发,但798的发展愿景却在于刻意的“杂乱”,以促进区域持续演化,加强当中的真实个性。要做到这个结果,我们在乎规划原则的影响力多于数字上的开发指标。”
“Unlike many other planning assignments in Chinese cities, which often have a tabula rasa approach to development, the visioning of the 798 Arts District was intentionally much messier, with an outcome that is meant to continue to evolve over time and add to the district’s authenticity,” said Sasaki principal Michael Grove, ASLA. “This speaks to the power of a plan that leads with principles rather than development metrics.”
798艺术区愿景规划按四大原则进行:1. 强调艺术是区域的主导前提。2. 保存原址工业建筑风格和景观。3. 改善区域交通布局,提高识别及易达性。4. 鼓励发展艺术相关用途,进一步彰显区域主题。方案满足了多方利益相关者的需求,并通过创造就业机会、拓展收入来源和提升土地价值等长期策略推动区域的经济转型和发展,各国城市纷纷参考798的经济模型以创建自己的艺术区。方案还示范了历史建筑如何以“活化再利用”方式成为全球瞩目的文化园区。
The 798 Vision Plan follows four guiding principles: 1.Emphasize the arts as the district’s main theme; 2. Retain the industrial aesthetic of the buildings and landscapes; 3. Make the district more visible and accessible; and Encourage arts-related uses that complement the district’s theme. The plan created a district that satisfied multiple stakeholders and created a long-term strategy for how the district can evolve and thrive economically by creating jobs, generating revenue, and increasing land values. Its economic model is followed by other cities striving to create arts districts. The 798 Plan also shows how adaptive reuse can transform an entire area and turn it into one of the most important cultural destinations in the world.
2018年评审委员会主席谢德里·克科尔曼,AIA会员,表示:“798艺术区愿景规划为当地居民和访客营造了不可多得的场地,不但平衡了多方利益相关者的需求,区域本身也能在延续历史关联的前提下不断演化。” 美国规划协会国家奖项在五十多年前成立,是协会所颁发的最高荣誉奖项,旨在表彰个人和团体在社区规划、规划倡议和公共教育方面的杰出成绩和领导能力。美国规划协会将于2018年4月23日(星期一)在新奥尔良举办“国家规划会议”,届时本年度的5个卓越奖及16个成就奖得奖单位将于特别午餐会接受殊荣,协会出版的四月号《规划》杂志也将逐一介绍各个得奖单位。有关美国规划协会2018年国家规划卓越奖及成就奖的完整得奖名单,请点击
“The plan helps create a sense of place for residents and visitors alike,” said W. Shedrick Coleman, AIA, chair of the 2018 Awards Jury. “The 798 Arts District Plan balances multiple stakeholder needs and has continued to evolve while preserving historical connections.” APA’s national awards program – the program’s highest honor – is a proud tradition established more than 50 years ago to recognize outstanding community plans, planning programs and initiatives, public education efforts, and individuals for their leadership on planning issues. This year’s five excellence and 16 achievement recipients will be recognized at a special luncheon during APA’s National Planning Conference in New Orleans on Monday, April 23, 2018. Award recipients will also be featured in the April issue of Planning magazine. For a complete list of the APA’s 2018 National Planning Excellence and Achievement Award recipients, visit