发布时间:2022-05-24 01:44:36 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Elizabeth Quay gelato kiosk sits as part of the existing EQ family, a glowing gem; small in footprint and large in presence. A day/night transformation combined with the flexibility to respond to changing weather patterns ensures continual surprise and delight.

▼项目外观,external view of the project


Reflective during the day and colour emitting at night, this chameleon-like existence reflects the surrounding context during the day and becomes a small beacon of colour and joy at night.

夜晚的建筑如同一座小灯塔,building in the night like a small beacon

这座小巧的亭子漂浮在Ashton Raggat MacDougall伊丽莎白码头的“水波纹路”上,成为了EQ主题的一部分,在码头东北角迎接城市来客。它体现了码头作为通往珀斯市的登陆点的传统角色,并使之与珍贵而独特的西澳大利亚物件产生对话。

Our little object floats on the Ashton Raggat MacDougall Elizabeth Quay ‘ripple-wave pattern’ forming part of a unified EQ theme welcoming the city in the EQ north east corner. It acknowledges the role of EQ as a traditional (40,000 year) landing and entry point in to the city of Perth and expands the conversation to include precious and unique West Australian objects.

▼环境分析,environment analysis


Inspired by the unique gems of Western Australia and the Gelato Ice-cream, colours were developed to create a synergy of product and purchaser. One eats and inhabits what one is eating simultaneously.

形状与配色草图,sketch of the form and color palette

设计师故意将图案打碎并与木纹重叠,对应了码头的涟漪。通过与颜色、图案、木纹和肌理的融合,玻璃呈现出了不同厚度与深度,如同一块经过粗糙打磨的钻石,给人以流动的外观体验。艺术家Panela Gaunt与iph建筑事务所在概念的发展上紧密合作,将艺术完全植入到了建筑之中。颜色、肌理和图案在空间内部形成了万花镜一般的效果,让游客沉迷其中,并促使他们看向上方。

▼肌理分析,texture analysis

Patterns are purposely fragmented and layered with a textural grain that acts as a counterpoint to the EQ ripples. Glass is developed with thickness and depth through the fusion of colour, pattern, grain and texture. A sense of inhabiting the interior of a rough cut diamond and experiencing wonder in flux.Artist Pamela Gaunt worked closely with iph architects to develop concepts and fully embed art with architecture.Internally the colour, texture and patterning creates a Kaleidoscopic effect consuming the occupants and encouraging one to look up.

▼远景鸟瞰,建筑呼应码头的涟漪肌理,distanced overall view, building corresponded to the rippled texture of the quay

▼建筑外观,碎片化的图案和纹理,external view of the building with fragmented patterns


The EQ environment exposes one to extreme winds, sun and storms. Our kiosk is developed with the flexibility to open and close sides and provide protection from ALL natural extremities. Full length doors fold up and down to easily provide protection while expanding the physical presence of the interior space.

折叠门打开后扩展室内空间,folded doors expanding the interior space

▼立面近景,closer view to the facade



It is designed as a 5 sided figure, the patterning and perforations continue on to the roof for the benefit of future Ritz Carlton occupants and surrounding office buildings. A collection of LEDS skims light across the roof surface shimmering in to the night and reflecting during the day.

All services are concealed from view under this perforated roof skin in a ventilated space. The space is naturally ventilated with the folding doors and high level low velocity fans extract hot air in to the service platform area. The patterning and interlayer films reduce exposure to direct sun and heat gain while allowing significant natural light. Night lighting is provided through reflected LED lighting.


patterned films reduce direct sun

▼图案延伸到屋顶,patterns extending to the roof



The Elizabeth Quay gelato kiosk is unique in its approach to lighting. While Elizabeth Quay is a smorgasbord and orgy of contrasting and competing colour LED’s, our Kiosk uses reflected white light (silence), to illuminate and form a unique, continuously changing object. Coloured light, pattern and grain is inhabited, possible only through the use of silence (white light).


aerial view in the night

▼建筑照明与码头灯光呼应,the lighting of the building responds to the illumination of the quay


closer view to the building in the night




The building was designed and constructed as a ‘kit of parts’ to enable full dismantling and relocation. This also minimised construction time on site. It allows for a future change of occupant and re-design of interior elements. All services are located on a suspended platform, easily accessible for maintenance.


exploded axonometric


It is designed to maximize cross ventilation and allow occupant control with electronically controlled full width folding doors. These doors also protect against the elements.High performance glass with multiple layers of coloured film, texture and pattern provide protection from direct sun. The quantity of glass reduces the need for artificial lighting.Low velocity fans located in the upper volumes extract hot air creating a low energy consuming stack effect system.LED lighting bounced from surrounding white wall surfaces provides low energy consuming lighting.Low VOC Paints and durable materials extend the life of the building and reduce requirement for maintenance.



▼总平面图,site plan




立面颜色和肌理,color and texture of the facade

Gross Floor Area: 120m2

Architects: iredale pedersen hook architects

Architect Team: Adrian Iredale, Finn Pedersen, Martyn Hook, Joel Fuller, Jordan Blagaich, Rebecca Hawkett, Jason Lennard, Fred Chan, Alana Jennings, Charles Dewanto.

Art: Pamela Gaunt

Structural and Civil Engineering: Aurecon

Mechanical: SMW&C

Electrical: BEST

Hydraulic: Wood and Grieve

Client: Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority MRA- Eden Shepherd

Project Manager: Brett Dickman PwC


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