发布时间:2023-11-28 22:18:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

今年十月,第二届芝加哥Sukkah设计节开幕。众多社区组织与建筑师汇聚在North Lawndale社区的James Stone自由广场,创造出一系列各具特色的Sukkah(住棚)建筑。


In October, the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival opened for its second cycle. The festival brought together community organizations and architectural designers to construct new interpretations of sukkahs in Chicago’s North Lawndale neighborhood, in James Stone Freedom Square (3615 W Douglas Blvd).

▼展览场地鸟瞰,Chicago Sukkah Design Festival, aerial view © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼James Stone自由广场鸟瞰,James Stone Freedom Square, aerial view © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

Sukkah是犹太人在住棚节期间搭建的一种临时性的户外建筑,用于庆祝秋季的丰收,以及摆脱奴役的历史。芝加哥Sukkah设计节的举办旨在以富有创意的方式,将这些通常被看做是临时性的建筑重新利用起来,并在新的环境中构建社区。它还颂扬了当地社区的文化遗产,在曾经居住于North Lawndale的犹太人群体、现在生活于此的黑人社区以及更广泛的芝加哥社区之间建立了联系的纽带。

Sukkahs are the temporary outdoor structures that are used during Sukkot, an autumnal Jewish holiday that celebrates the harvest and commemorates the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery. The Chicago Sukkah Design Festival celebrates how these usually temporary structures can be repurposed to build community in new contexts. It also celebrates the cultural heritage of the neighborhood and builds solidarity among the Jewish community that formerly lived in North Lawndale, the predominantly Black community that resides there today, and the broader Chicago community.

▼节日现场照片,Chicago Sukkah Design Festival © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼James Stone自由广场,James Stone Freedom Square © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼《连通的Sukkah》,设计者:Antwane Lee “Sukkah of Connectedness” designed by Antwane Lee © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼《我在盛开》,设计者:Akima Brackeen和Office of Things “I AM BLOOMING” designed by Akima Brackeen and Office of Things © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼《劳恩代尔聚会树》,设计者:Studio Becker Xu “One Lawndale Gathering Tree” designed by Studio Becker Xu, working with One Lawndale Children’s Discovery Center © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼装置细节,Detailed view © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

芝加哥Sukkah设计节创办人Joseph Altshuler表示:“节日开幕时的盛况令人欣喜,它所传达的能量将帮助加强Sukkah建筑的重要性,并以和平的方式将不同社区团结在一起。设计节本身是关于设计素养、社会正义与社区未来的,而Sukkah的二次生命也有着同等的意义。节日结束后,这些Sukkah建筑将成为其设计者(社区团体)的永久活动场所。从这个意义上看,Sukkah设计节比许多典型的设计节更具可持续性和深度,并能促进更有意义的变革。” “The energy from the opening weekend was palpable and helped to solidify the power of the significance of the sukkah and how design can peacefully bring different communities together,” says Joseph Altshuler, founder of The Chicago Sukkah Design Festival. “The festival itself is about design literacy, social justice, and neighborhood futuring, yet the second life of the sukkah is of equal importance. After the festival closes, the sukkahs will become permanent program spaces for the community groups that co-designed them. This is an effort to make the typical design festival more sustainable, more profound, and more meaningful as a change agent.”

▼《万物有季》,设计者:Architecture for Public Benefit和Trent Fredrickson Architecture “There is a Season for Everything” designed by Architecture for Public Benefit and Trent Fredrickson Architecture © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼《工具库里的美好一天》,设计者:Could Be Design (Joseph Altshuler and Zack Morrison) “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Toolshed” designed by Could Be Design (Joseph Altshuler and Zack Morrison) © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival


Six Chicago design teams were selected to work collaboratively with local community groups to design a sukkah that reflects themes of social justice, anti-racism, and neighborhood futuring. The process of designing and building the sukkahs empower participants to develop skills in design literacy and worldmaking. During the festival, the landscape of unique structures is active with public programs that consider the role of community-engaged design and that bring together Jewish, African, African-American, and many other migratory cultural traditions.

▼《一对多 / 多对一》,设计者:Odile Compagnon和Erik Newman “One To Many / Many to One” designed by Odile Compagnon and Erik Newman © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼《讲故事的Sukkah》,设计者:New Office,包含由Norman Teague Design Studios创作的艺术装置《Nu Flags》,“Storytelling Sukkah” designed by New Office, featuring a new art installation entitled “Nu Flags” by Norman Teague Design Studios © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival


After the Festival, each sukkah is relocated and permanently re-installed at the facilities of the community organizations that co-designed them, as vibrant new program spaces; for example, as a garden pergola, rooftop playscape, heritage museum, meditation pavilion, community memorial, and tool library.

▼俯瞰草地绘画《Out of Bounds》,作者:Outpost Office Aerial view. “Out of Bounds” turf painting by Outpost Office © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼开幕仪式现场,2023年10月1日,Chicago Sukkah Design Festival, opening celebration, October 1, 2023 © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼街道立面,Chicago Sukkah Design Festival, Street Elevation © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

▼设计节展场入口标识 Chicago Sukkah Design Festival entry signage © Brian Griffin for the Chicago Sukkah Design Festival

Sukkah contributors to the 2023 Festival include: Studio Becker Xu with One Lawndale Children’s Discovery Center Odile Compagnon + Erik Newman with YEM and North Lawndale Greening Committee Akima Brackeen + Office of Things with I Am Able Antwane Lee with Building Brighter Futures Center for the Arts Architecture for Public Benefit + Trent Fredrickson with Mishkan Chicago + Lawndale Christian Community Church Could Be Design with the Chicago Tool Library


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