在松下电器机电上海办公室的项目中,FTA 再次将 ABW(activity-based working)办公模式运用实践之中。针对其对灵活办公和空间复合型功能的需求,综合考虑其行业属性,提出“以 ABW 模式、可持续、数字化”为核心的空间策略。在兼顾员工对社交、生活需求的同时,打造健康、舒适、开放、轻松的办公环境,增强员工的归属感,为企业文化的滋养提供温床。
In the project of Panasonic Electromechanical Shanghai Office, FTA once again applied the ABW (activity-based working) office model into practice. In response to its demand for flexible office and space composite functions, and comprehensively considering its industry attributes, it proposed “using ABW.
01 基于 ABW 模式,为办公室节省 25%物理空间
Based on the ABW model, save 25% physical space for the office
荷兰咨询公司 Veldhoen+Company 在其 25 周年纪念视频中提道:ABW 的终极目标是让员工在企业里高效、愉悦地完成工作。“合作”“创造”与“革新”是 ABW 的真正内核。
Dutch consulting firm Veldhoen+Company mentioned in its 25th anniversary video: The ultimate goal of ABW is to enable employees to work efficiently and happily in the company.
区别于传统的以部门为核心的办公室布局结构,FTA 设计师依据专注、社交、接待、协作等工作属性,划分为专注公区、共享工位区、会议室、非正式协作区、休闲社交等区域,力求以灵活化的布局,在有限的物理空间内打造出多层次的办公场景。
Different from the traditional department-centered office layout structure, FTA designers divide it into dedicated public areas, shared workstation areas, conference rooms, informal collaboration areas, and leisure and social activities based on work attributes such as focus, social interaction, reception, and collaboration.
基于松下上海办公室工作内容的需求,采取了固定工位和共享工位相结合的 ABW 模式,为办公室节约了 25%的物理空间;同时规划了可开合会议室、多功能室等区域,通过开放的多元空间,分时段、多场景地满足人才和团队的办公需求,提升效率之余也丰富员工的工作体验。
Based on the needs of the Panasonic Shanghai Office’s work content, the ABW mode combining fixed workstations and shared workstations has been adopted, which has saved 25% of the physical space in the office.
02 人性化关怀设计 源自可持续发展的考量 Humanized caring design, derived from the consideration of sustainable development
The thinking of “sustainability” and “full cycle” runs through multiple dimensions such as space planning, furniture selection and material selection.
The concept of sustainability is not limited to the selection of furniture materials, employee care is also one of the missions of sustainable design.
整个办公区域配置了 PM2.5 系统净化系统,设置了轻运动区,增添了按摩椅,更贴心规划了母婴室等辅助空间,让员工充分地平衡工作与生活,为办公室增添了极具人文关怀的社区属性。
The entire office area is equipped with a PM2.5 system purification system, a light exercise area is set up, massage chairs are added, and auxiliary spaces such as mother and baby rooms are more intimately planned, allowing employees to fully balance work and life, adding a very humanistic touch to the office.
03 搭载松下数字技术
Equipped with Panasonic digital technology, making the office more “smart”
作为一家大型科技类公司,数字化技术更为 ABW 布局带来了技术加成。除此之外,松下机电的数字化科技也推动了办公空间的全新升级。
As a large technology company, digital technology has brought technical bonuses to the layout of ABW.
在产品展示区,实物与电子屏相联动的展示方式,向来访者提供沉浸式互动的产品体验。在 ABW 工作模式下,共享工位数字化管理,检测在位状态,全方位可视化分配,优化工位资源。智能化储物柜提升员工体验,让 ABW 实施无障碍。
In the product display area, the physical object and the electronic screen are linked to provide visitors with an immersive and interactive product experience. In the ABW working mode, the shared workstation is digitally managed, the status is detected, and the all-round visual distribution is optimized.
松下机电全新办公场所,现已逐渐蜕变为一个促进个人和企业共同成长的理想场域。未来,FTA 也将带来更多企业总部办公案例,与客户一起创新,与客户一起分享。
Panasonic’s new office space has gradually transformed into an ideal place to promote the common growth of individuals and enterprises.
∇ 15F 平面图
∇ 16F 平面图
项目时间:2022 年 09 月竣工
项目规模:5000 平方米