Thailand KHAO MO landscape
设计方:Sanitas Studio
Khao mo(“mo”来源于“t’mo”,是柬埔寨语)是一种泰国艺术表现形式,起源于大城府时代。khao mo背后的设计理念是将大自然中的美景直接复制到人们的生活环境中,使得人与自然显得更加亲近,还有一点就是信仰,指的是泰国人民对Sumeru山高度(这里指物理形态上的高度)与摆脱苦难的渴望(或抽象概念上的“满意程度”)之间关系的坚定信仰。设计团队将这些理念融入到了此khao mo景观的设计当中,在该项目里,它象征着天堂。其实,人们既可以简单的把它当做是一个娱乐设施,也可以将之作为各种仪式的举办场所,比如皇家削发净面仪式。进行仪式的地方还安置有Kailash山峰的模型,可作为泰国大皇宫里的“海水浴场”,进入仪式场地的人必定是Chao Fa贵族阶级的王子或公主们。
City dwellers desire to have time off for rest and relaxation, a moment of escape from everyday life. This is different to the past. Nature has been replicated so that it can be closer to humans. The concept of Chinese gardens is to replicate the universe in the form of a garden in order to create joy and pleasantness.
Khao mo (“mo” comes from “t’mo” with roots in the Cambodian language) is a type of Thai art that originated in the Ayutthaya period. The concept behind khao mo is the replication of nature to make it closer to humans, and the belief in the relationship between the height of Sumeru, which is a physical aspect, and the desire to be free of suffering, or the state of contentment, which is an abstraction. The ideas merged and were demonstrated through “khao mo”, which is a symbol of paradise. It is used for enjoyment as well as for ceremonies, especially the royal tonsure shaving ceremony. Those who enter the ceremony, the location of which includes the model of Mount Kailash for bathing within the Grand Palace, must be princes or princesses of the Chao Fa class only.
泰国KHAO MO景观内部实景图
泰国KHAO MO景观内部局部实景图
泰国KHAO MO景观内部细节实景图