发布时间:2023-11-11 00:42:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

街区的活化更新 Activation and Renewal of Neighborhoods

广州永庆坊金声电影院始建于1932年,原名“金声戏院”(GRAND THEATER),是中国第一个有声电影院。在70年代,去金声电影院吹着空调看一场新上映的国外电影,是老广州人最热衷最奢侈的享受。


▼项目和街区环境鸟瞰,Neighborhood aerial view © 章勇

The Yongqing Fang Golden Sound Cinema in Guangzhou was founded in 1932, formerly known as the “GRAND THEATER”. It was the first sound cinema in China. In the 1970s, watching the newest foreign movie in a grand theater with air conditioning was the most popular and luxurious form of entertainment for people in old Guangzhou. The theater was shut down in 2007, and then gradually became a dilapidated building. In 2019, the second phase of Yongqing Fang renovation was launched, and the renovation of Guangzhou Yongqing Fang Golden Sound Cinema focused on “commercial, entertainment, and cultural” aspects. The cinema is the cultural activity center of the area’s 24-hour tourism cycle.

▼项目改造前后,Before and after renewal © 都设营造

为广州城市记忆“点彩” Add color to the memory of Guangzhou city


After establishing the renewal concept, the designer established the generation of the design in three steps: the first step [preserving memory] – Golden Sound Cinema is an important page in the historical changes of Yongqing Fang on Enning Road and also a bustling memory of Xiguan culture. Therefore, the design first regards the only remaining facade of the original building as an artistic relic, and retains it for repair.

▼改造示意,Renewal process © 都设营造

▼恩宁路金声段改造前后对比,Street view before and after renewal © 都设营造 © 章勇

第二步【设计“点彩”】—— 基于保留牌楼和收集的原有建筑图纸研究,设计完全尊重金声电影院原貌的空间分隔比例:分为上下两部分,上半部分主要承载核心的文化演绎功能,下半部分延续传统街区的商业骑楼界面与建筑分隔,形成了上新下古的设计效果。

Step 2 [Design “Stippling”] – Based on the preservation of the archway and the research of the collected original architectural drawings, we designed a spatial division method that fully respects the original appearance of the Golden Sound Cinema. The interior is divided into two parts: the upper and lower part; the upper part mainly carries the core cultural activity spaces, and the lower part continues the traditional commercial arcade interface of the area, creating a building that new on top and traditional on bottom.

▼街道视角,View from the street level © 章勇

▼上新下古的设计效果,A building that new on top and traditional on bottom © 章勇

▼建筑外观近景,Exterior view © 章勇

第三步【四两拨千斤】——原有的影院空间引入了年轻人的现场演绎的live house,这一部分用现代的手法体现现代的功能。虽然很小,但却突出,实现了“四两拨千斤”。

Step 3 [Four ounces can move a thousand pounds] – The original cinema space was turned into a live house where the youth gather and perform, and this modern function was displayed by modern techniques. Although the space is small, it stands out and achieves the goal of “four ounces can move a thousand pounds”.

▼剖透视图,Section perspective © 都设营造

▼音乐剧场演出,Concert © 王骥


Fully automatic smart-parking system: This function increases the efficiency of traditional parking garages by three times, with a garage area of 6300 square meters, solving the parking problem of nearly 300 vehicles and effectively solving the parking problem of Yongqing Fang, providing visitors with a better travel experience.

▼停车楼的外立面延续原有建筑,Parking garage © 凌克戈

新时代的立面 The facade of the new era


▼金声电影院改造前,The Golden Sound Cinema before renewal © 都设营造

The Golden Sound Cinema in the 1970s was a popular and important cultural entertainment space in Guangzhou at that time. The stage and the curtains covering the large screen inspired the façade design. Based on the three-section partition ratio and facade rhythm of the Yongqing Archway, the new building continues the design language of the old building. The new façade uses the same modular system with modern curtain wall technology, using curved perforated panels to express the elegant and soft texture of the curtain, thus implying that exciting stories are still being told behind the curtains.

▼曲面穿孔板的现代化幕墙工艺表现出了帷幕的飘逸和柔软质感 © 章勇 The new façade uses the same modular system with modern curtain wall technology

▼立面一瞥,A glance to the facade © 章勇

技术实现 | 设计体系确保高完成度 Technical implementation | Design system ensures high completion


Perforated aluminum panel system: The curved “curtain” is the most important design element of the facade, ensuring its completeness is the top priority of the facade design. The use of curved perforated aluminum plate as the basic material for the “curtain” is mature and cost-effective. We installed profile frames around the curved aluminum plate, which restricts the deformation of the aluminum plate, ensuring the overall flatness to the greatest extent; the 12.5mm wide profile edge is perfectly integrated with the aluminum plate after coloring, ensuring the firmness of the corners and avoiding thick borders. The final product is exquisite and detailed.

▼穿孔铝板弯弧作为“幕布”的基本材质,Curved perforated aluminum plates are used as the basic material for the “curtain” © 章勇

▼雨棚建成效果,Entrance canopy © 都设营造


Lightweight entrance canopy: We have made the top of the canopy an outward sloping slope; the thickness of the canopy gradually decreases from the inside out. The main internal structure consists of trapezoidal steel beams. The structural space between the upper and lower surfaces of the canopy was made as thin as possible, with a thickness of only 80mm at the ending profile, ultimately presenting an impressive lightness.

▼立面夜景,Night view © 章勇

▼外墙近景,Facade close-up view © 章勇


Stone column system: the west façade of the new extension adopts a more classical colonnade façade at the bottom, which resembles the image of the original Golden Sound Cinema. To avoid polluting the wall during the later stage of stone gluing, an open stone system was adopted. We used three types of stones with different surface texture to splice together, making the columns appear slenderer and lighter while rich in texture. We also used the same types of stone to make lightweight honeycomb-reinforced panels, effectively meeting safety requirements at special parts of the building. The intersection of the stone and glass façade also presents fine detailing techniques. The mullions are hidden behind the stone panels, and the stone façade extends into the interior, thus seamlessly completing the form of the columns.

▼室内场景,Interior view © 章勇

结语 Epilogue


Nowadays, many urban renewal efforts are too intense, and there are also those that only transform without achieving the effect of renewal. The renovation of Golden Sound Cinema is a cultural landmark for Yongqing Fang; And for Guangzhou, this is an awakening and functional activation of urban memory. Inheritance is not difficult, what is difficult is to bring back the beauty of the past and mark the image of an era into history. These are the fundamental concerns and goals of this urban renewal project.

▼夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view by night © 章勇

▼总平面图,Masterplan © 都设营造

▼一层平面图,L1 plan © 都设营造

▼二三层平面图,L2 & 3 plan © 都设营造

▼四层及屋顶层平面图,L4 & roof plan © 都设营造

▼南&北立面图,north & south elevation © 都设营造

▼东&西立面图,east & west elevation © 都设营造

▼墙身透视-南,South facade wall section © 都设营造

▼墙身透视-西,West facade wall section © 都设营造

▼石材幕墙设计,Stone curtain wall © 都设营造


广州永庆坊金声电影院改造 / 都设营造
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