发布时间:2023-09-11 20:11:31 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located in the Huali Clothing Factory Park in the Linping Economic Development Zone in Hangzhou, and is transformed from several old buildings (clothing manufacturing workshops) in the park. The total land area is about 18, 500 square meters, and the total building area is about 19, 000 square meters.

▼项目概况,Project Overview © 泛城设计

▼整体鸟瞰,Overall aerial view © 泛城设计

不拆除、再利用、再更新 No demolition, reuse, and renewal


▼改造前现状布置,Current layout before reconstruction © 泛城设计

Demolition is irreversible, and any demolition will destroy a large amount of information, knowledge, layers, materials, and memories. Life takes a long time to build and develop, and this period of growth, occupation, and inhabitation is extremely valuable and cannot be reconstructed. Starting from the original appearance of the city, using everything we have at present to design and invent, any building can be transformed and reused, and any constraint can be turned into a positive factor.

▼沿街效果(沿城市主要界面),Streetscape effects (along major interface of the city) © 泛城设计

▼改造后效果,Effect after transformation © 泛城设计

▼景观室外楼梯,Landscape outdoor staircase © 泛城设计


▼设计示意,Diagram © 泛城设计

Traditional industrial plants generally have relatively straightforward structures and spatial forms to meet specific production needs: single and regular, large footprint, large depth, and most of them have practical problems such as poor ventilation and lighting. However, new functional spaces require higher quality requirements for ventilation, lighting, floor height, structural load, etc. Through transformational design, it is hoped to move from the original single, inward-looking architecture to embrace the open public landscape of the city.

▼室内空间(共享中庭),Interior space after renovation (shared atrium) © 泛城设计

▼由内向单一转变为开放的公共空间,From a single inward to an open public space © 泛城设计

▼室内办公中庭,Indoor office atrium after renovation © 泛城设计

▼天光,Skylight © 泛城设计

▼等候大厅,Waiting hall © 泛城设计

▼电梯厅,Elevator hall © 泛城设计


Space endows a unique meaning to the building, not limited to pure functional modules, but through the creation of an intensive three-dimensional spatial system that closely connects all parts, breaking the traditional compact and continuous overall pattern, and combining the new and old spaces to form a unified, compact, and high-quality space.

▼改造后室内办公中庭,Renovated indoor office atrium © 泛城设计

▼办公中庭,Atrium © 泛城设计


Ascity design avoids the pain points of traditional factory structure and space form and the actual use problems such as ventilation and lighting through fine design, and puts forward higher quality requirements for ventilation, lighting, storey height and structural load of this project, transforming the original single and inward traditional factory building into a quality building that embraces the city.

▼从办公区望向庭院,View to the courtyard from the office area © 泛城设计

▼室内办公中庭,Indoor office atrium © 泛城设计

▼室内办公空间,The interior office space © 泛城设计

▼健身房,Fitness room © 泛城设计


Ascity design matched, reorganized, and arranged the new modules based on the original space and characteristics, and then closely connected the functional areas through a public space axis. Targeted interior design was also carried out to make it a multi-functional space that meets the needs of office, exhibition, conference, training, laboratory, restaurant, and other purposes.

▼公区走廊,Corridor © 泛城设计

▼室内采光天井,Lighting patio © 泛城设计

集约立体 Intensive stereoscopic


Compared to the overall compact and continuous format, a complex and three-dimensional internal spatial system is provided. The project encompasses a variety of functions, such as offices, exhibitions, conferences, training, laboratories, and restaurants. Each new function module is matched, reorganized, superimposed, and arranged according to the actual size and characteristics of the original space, and then closely connected through a cross-shaped public space axis to promote the organic integration of the new and old spaces, forming a high-quality space that is unified, compact, and three-dimensionally complex.

▼内庭院,Inner courtyard © 泛城设计

▼大厅,Lobby © 泛城设计

▼VIP接待厅,VIP reception hall © 泛城设计

▼多功能报告厅,Multi-functional lecture hall © 泛城设计

▼餐厅,Restaurant © 泛城设计

开放共享 Open sharing



▼改造前外立面,Facade before the renovation © 泛城设计

Due to their industrial nature, old buildings are characterized by a relatively closed state: closed facades, enclosed walls, closed interior spaces, and no public space for public interaction outside. These factors, along with changes in time and space and functionality, have hindered the dialogue and growth of the building and the external urban space. The rebuilt building adopts a continuous open colonnade along the urban interface, while combining with an open landscape square to create a public and open urban interface.

The ultra-thin metal columns and ultra-thin metal cornices, combined with modern materials such as ultra-white glass and anodized aluminum panels, create a new image that is highly modern, minimalist, sophisticated, and stylish, yet also embodies a restrained and elegant style. The openness and transparency of the building echo the exhibition theme (sharing, exchange, and display platform). In addition to creating an open image on the exterior, various atrium-high spaces have been built into the interior space to fully utilize and explore the value of existing interior spaces, while increasing communication and sharing spaces.

▼改造后外立面(开放性与透明性),Facade after renovation (openness and transparency) © 泛城设计

▼改造后外立面(向外对话、生长),Facade after renovation (dialogue and growth towards the outside) © 泛城设计

▼改造后外立面(开放、现代、简约), Facade after reconstruction (open, modern, simple) © 泛城设计

绿色生态(再利用、再更新、再循环) Green Ecology (Reuse, Renew, Recycle)



▼被动式设计策略,Passive design strategy © 泛城设计

▼被动式更新设计策略,Passive update design strategy © 泛城设计

During the update process, in order to completely eliminate the original limitations in the new design, in addition to utilizing the existing physical space, the on-site climatic environment should also be utilized. Hangzhou is a typical climate environment with cold winters and hot summers, especially during most of the time when it is hot and humid, so ventilation is the first priority, followed by shading and thermal insulation. Generally speaking, more expensive technological methods are utilized in order to achieve a comfortable, quality spatial environment and achieve energy-saving and emission reduction. But simple building technology methods (passive strategies) can also achieve sustainable and effective energy saving effects, and they are very environmentally friendly!

The arrangement of the glass corridor creates a temperature differential of about 5° between the indoor and outdoor environments, typically resulting in significant cross-ventilation within the cavity (with overhead vents on the sides and the water surface of the glass corridor). The higher the floor, the greater the wind speed and the lower the wind pressure, which brings out the warmer air in the rooms connected to the corridor and replenishes the cold air, achieving a ventilation effect similar to that of a cold alley in a building! Climate reutilization and recycling also includes utilizing roof space for installing solar panels, installing indoor atriums for natural lighting, implementing roof gardens, installing vertical greening, and installing outdoor shading eaves. These passive strategies effectively achieve building adaptability to the climate and provide users with a more comfortable quality space.

▼开放柱廊下的入口灰空间,Open the entrance grey space under the colonnade © 泛城设计

▼外立面夜景,Facade night view © 泛城设计

▼开放柱廊空间夜景,Open colonnade space © 泛城设计

▼设计模型,Design model © 泛城设计

▼平面图1,Plan 1 © 泛城设计

▼平面图2,Plan 2 © 泛城设计

▼平面图3,Plan 3 © 泛城设计

▼平面图4,Plan 4 © 泛城设计

▼南立面和北立面图,South elevation & North elevation © 泛城设计

▼西立面和东立面图,West elevation & East elevation © 泛城设计

▼剖面图,Sections © 泛城设计


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