发布时间:2021-10-19 14:27:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

由One Fine Day Studio & Partners (今朝风日好设计,以下简称Ofd) 所设计打造的MASSminors项目,是位于广州珠江新城中心区的一间小酒吧。在这处容积为128m²的空间内,以酒吧主理人的“店中店”布局需求为出发点,Ofd用不同的设计语言演绎了三处时空交错的场景:MASS外间、Leap Tunnel穿梭隧道和minors内庭,各区域风格突出又有机结合,以大胆的视觉张力宣示先锋独创的场所精神。

Designed by One Fine Day Studio & Partners (refer to as Ofd), MASSminors is a small stylish bar right in the heart of Zhujiang New Town, a booming central business district of Guangzhou. With 128-square-meter of internal space, architects Ofd conceived — “shop in shop” — a sketchy requirement of the client into a trio consisting of MASS Lobby, Leap Tunnel and minors Lounge, three stages with mixing design narratives and multifold space-time settings. Harmonizing with each other’s singular design style, the trio acts as a bold visual manifesto to the space’s genius loci — innovative and unique.

▼店铺外观,exterior of the bar © YUUUUNSTUDIO


Naming the project with a pair of antonyms, Ofd embedded a dual meaning in it. One is to imply base wines and specialty cocktails deriving from them, and what’s more important is to integrate this dialectical name with MASSminors’ design, epitomizing intricate notions the architects aims to compose: gathering and dispersal of people, conflicts of different opinions, styles about to go beyond boundary, confronting of chaos and order, and the unbalance of time and space.

▼全灰色调的极简正立面与红色灯光,All grey tones of the minimalist facade with red lighting © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼以镀锌铁为材质的酒吧外墙,The outer wall of the bar is made of galvanized iron © YUUUUNSTUDIO

以此概念落地的MASS和minors两厅设计风格各异,游离于消费功能之外的Leap Tunnel则犹如艺术展厅。Ofd不单是为建构一处引领酒吧文化的社交场所,更旨在创造一处故事性和交互感充盈的空间,为顾客带来别样的跨时空动态体验。

Based on above concepts, MASS Lobby and minors Lounge embrace with distinct design characteristics, while Leap Tunnel, an intermezzo corridor with fewer commercial functions, is branded as an arts hub. More than crafting a trendy social place to lead local pub culture, Ofd aspires to create a space with ample storytelling and interaction, greeting guests with novel and dynamic experience.

▼示意图,diagram © 今朝风日好


The interactive experience starts from the entry of MASSminors. Its floor-to-ceiling front door, disguised in rustic silver-grey cladding, is an echo of The Thousands and One Night fable. The uncertainty provoked by contrasting blends of high-shine metallic coating and coarse-grained texture, intrigues guests to wonder what behind the colossus. Once you push open it, prepare to be delighted by the fun of a treasure-hunting trip.

▼入口,entrance © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼近乎“隐形”的一体色银灰熔岩大门, the floor-to-ceiling front door, disguised in rustic silver-grey cladding © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼戏剧化的红色走廊完成场景的转换,The dramatic red corridor completes the scene transformation © YUUUUNSTUDIO

酒吧主场景是融入了建筑美学的方形空间,抽象化设计风格以Space Age太空时代的东欧建筑为蓝本,内里布局未再作间隔,而是以规整的几何凹槽分割出线条和进深感,并巧妙利用灯光使一字排开的自酿酒酒瓶成为场地焦点。

The bar’s main stage is a box structure zone immersed in architectural aesthetic. Its abstract and minimal style pays homage to Eastern European architecture of the Space Age. Instead of dividing the area into smaller sectors, Ofd kept MASS in its entirety, and made use of rectangular frame concave to empathize lines and add a sense of depth.

▼由入口看酒吧主要空间,viewing the bar’s main stage at the entrance © YUUUUNSTUDIO



Inside one of the concave shelves, an eye-catching row of home brewed wine bottles is highlighted by thoughtfully placed bottom light thread. Meanwhile, the realm, bathed in dim cyberpunk-tone crimson, exudes a mood of privacy and intimacy, relaxing fast-paced urban gangs, making them feel cozy to go gentle into a good boozing night.

▼赛博朋克风的暗红基调营造了私密氛围,an eye-catching row of home brewed wine bottles is highlighted by light thread © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼Leap Tunnel穿梭隧道,Leap Tunnel © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼石壁边廊与类太空舱形翻页钟通道象征新生旅途,a clock tunnel symbolizing the process of birth © YUUUUNSTUDIO


Turning right into the vertical space is a “oh wow” Kubrick moment. It is like leaping from primitive Stonehenge stage to a mechanized future with just a switch of frame. The following hyperspace is an assembly of more than 600 flip clocks. Walking into it evokes a feeling of drifting in a weightless space bridge, and digital time-space debris are within reach.

▼600个翻页钟所搭建的超空间隧道,details of the Leap Tunnel © YUUUUNSTUDIO

全镜面双扇门后是截然不同的古典时代:整体胡桃木低沉色调,东方快车风格的平拱穹顶,氤氲暗黄的古董灯具,定制U型皮面沙发、谜语图样的大理石地面、Carlo Scarpa式嵌入窥窗……包含丰富原创与致敬细节的元素,共同构建了侦探小说般的神秘氛围,提升空间的消费体验。

Behind the mirror-topped double doors, there is a classical world for guests to explore: retro palette defined by walnut wood panelling, Orient Express-style jack arch, vintage sconces with warm amber lighting, custom U-shaped leather sofa, geometric puzzle pattern marble tiling, and a diamond-shaped shielding window with nods to Carlo Scarpe…… Weaving a mix of original pieces and adaptations of iconic designs, the collection establishes a mysterious detective novel vibe for the space. It is a delicate approach to elevate customers’ experience.

▼minors内庭入口,entrance of the minors Lounge © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼minors内庭,the minors Lounge © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼整体胡桃木低沉色调,东方快车风格的平拱穹顶,retro palette defined by walnut wood panelling, Orient Express-style jack arch © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼侦探小说般的神秘氛围,the collection establishes a mysterious detective novel vibe for the space © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼氤氲暗黄的古董灯具,定制U型皮面沙发,vintage sconces with warm amber lighting, custom U-shaped leather sofa © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼minors内庭细部,details of the minors Lounge © YUUUUNSTUDIO


Throughout the three distinct volumes, Ofd sought to break the visual monotony of each space and subtly enhance their cohesion. Hence, rather than decorated walls or ceilings with paintings, the team deployed provocative three-dimensional installations which follow the same logic of contrasting with context. The minors lounge includes a Roman Order-shaped pendant light — an decor essential partly made with light fiberglass via 3D printing. This creative combination of B.C. art form and modern incandescent tube looks just like an old civilization remains that future age salvaged from space, reflecting a sense of nostalgia and surreal.

▼minors内庭吧台上横悬的轻质玻璃纤维3D打印古罗马吊灯,Roman Order-shaped pendant light made with light fiberglass via 3D printing © YUUUUNSTUDIO


A hanging horse installation is the centerpiece of MASS. Entwined with neon pipes and equipped with an barrel engine, the bionic artwork is an eccentric incarnation of symbolic metaphors. And if tipsy wine lovers were to sway backwards slightly, they could also taste this dreamlike absurdity. Look closely and you will find some Morse Code patterns scatter in both L-shaped corridor and the sandstone bar counter of MASS. Along the street beside, a sequence of code holes constantly sparkle invitation signals.

▼缠绕着霓虹管道与发动机的怪异仿生艺术装置,A hanging horse installation entwined with neon pipes and equipped with an barrel engine © YUUUUNSTUDIO

▼L型过道与MASS厅的砂岩吧台都暗藏摩斯密码图形,Morse Code patterns scatter in both L-shaped corridor and the sandstone bar counter of MASS © YUUUUNSTUDIO


Featuring a neat grey hue facade, by day, MASSminors is a perfect complement to the concrete high-rise it situates in, embodying an ancient Chinese philosophy — “greater hermit enjoy a solitude life in the city”. Its camouflage is a galvanized steel outer wall wrapped in toughed glass which is easy to clean and helps to protect panels from rain and sunlight. Additionally, this extra protection will prolong natural rusting process of the wall as well as showcase marks and touches of time.

▼立面细部,details of the facade  © YUUUUNSTUDIO


While the indoor world hides behind steel panels, MASSminors’ outdoor steps extend its territory by converting into a public space opening to all. At night, when tables and chairs take their places, the staircase platform becomes a square for passers-by to stop for a drink. As red beams alluring from inside, MASSminors stands out of the boisterous neighborhood, transforming as a hotspot and sanctuary for nocturnal goers.

▼户外区域的阔面台阶,MASSminors’ outdoor steps © YUUUUNSTUDIO



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