发布时间:2021-07-31 14:52:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Wanquan River is the third biggest river in Hainan province, China, which flows down from the Fengmen Ridge of Wuzhi Mountain and meanders eastward to the South China Sea at Boao Town. The village of Nanqiang at the edge of the estuary delta is the last village that the river passes before it runs into the sea, and is also a natural village that sits closest to the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA). In the early years, the ancestors of Nanqiang who went to Southeast Asia left a number of old houses with superior shape and craftsmanship for the village, which has then become the most visible and honorable cultural heritage of the village.

▼场地鸟瞰,site aerial view ©夏至


▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view to the building©夏至

▼建筑正面,the main facade of the building©夏至


The overall design concept pays tribute to the rural context of the village. As a public building, it has a big volume and cannot be simply applied with the scale of regular residences; but when we extracted the image of typical Qionghai residence from the old houses, simulated the original residential cluster on the site and then “removed” it, leaving the “historical silhouette” of the traditional architecture and representing it in a modern and public building.



▼侧面日景,lateral facade in the daytime©夏至

清水混凝土和半透明网膜的叠加,the overlap of fair-faced concrete and semi-transparent fabric©夏至

Romantic poetry is composed in the process of such deconstruction and reconstruction. Therefore, we superimposed the “silhouette” and created overlapped layers with doubled skins, which are further enriched by using two strongly contrasting materials: the plain and massive fair-faced concrete represents the cultural context of the village; while the light, soft and semi-transparent fabric implies its bright future with infinite possibilities. When the two are overlapped, a more interesting conversation is created, then there comes a new image, which indicates the many collisions of interesting ideas that will happen at this particular site.

▼夜间立面,facade by night©夏至


More enchantingly, the two overlapped skins create varied effects under different weather and natural lights:On a sunny day, the flat fabric skin will have an aluminum effect due to its special coating on the surface, together with the raw concrete, the materiality of the facade gives a sense of sculpture to the building;

▼白天,表皮呈现出接近铝板的效果,on a sunny day, the flat fabric skin will have an aluminum effect©夏至


When it is cloudy and the reflection of natural light is weak, the surface presents the texture of fabric and the grayish white of the original material, which blends with the color of the sky perfectly, like a castle built with curtains.

阴天时,表皮呈现出布面质感和材料本身的灰白色©李驰 when it is cloudy, the surface presents the texture of fabric and the grayish white of the original material


At night, when the lights are on, the outer skin of the building becomes completely transparent, revealing the entire concrete wall, which looks completely different from what it looks like in the daytime and offered a new spectacle to the villagers.

▼侧面夜景,lateral facade by night©夏至

这种有趣的外表皮是我们受当地纺织业的启发,找到的一种特殊的编织物材料,它像普通麻布一样,轻薄柔软,有浓郁的乡村气息。我们选用了开孔率在 40% 左右的编织方式,使得这层表皮既可以像百叶窗一样遮挡一半以上的烈日直射,又可以像纱窗一样,几乎不阻挡从内向外看的视觉效果,加之两层表皮之间间隙的烟囱效应,气流还会再次带走部分辐射热量——所以,这层膜像墨镜一样滤掉了大多数的辐射和亮度,留给室内的则是温和清凉的图景。

The use of the fabric skin is inspired by the local textile industry. The architect found a special woven material that looks like ordinary linen but is lighter and softer, giving a sense of rustic beauty. The customed weaving creates the fabric with an opening rate of approximately 40%, then it can not only block more than half of the direct sunlight like window blinds, but also gives enough transparency for people to look from inside to the outside. Due to the tack effect created by the two layers of skins, some of the heat will be brought away by the airflow, leaving the interior with cool and refreshing experience.


安装这层织物膜的材料也充满了乡村工艺感,除了相邻板块的胶焊缝以外,固定它的唯一方式就是原始的编绳拉结。我们一共研究了四种拉结和隐藏绳结的方式,才最终成功的把这件霓裳羽衣平整的“穿”在了混凝土墙上。拉紧后的预应力达到了每平米 2000 牛以上,足以抵挡海南每年数次光临的台风。

It was a process of crafting when installing the fabric skin: Except for the plastic welding, the only way to fix two adjacent panels of fabric is the original roping technique. The architect studied four different ways to tie the knots and then how to hide the knots, finally has successfully “worn” this garment on the concrete wall in a flat manner. The prestress of the tightened fabric can reach more than 2,000 N/m2, which is strong enough to withstand the typhoons that attack Hainan several times per year.

走廊和幕墙节点,corridor and the facade detail©夏至©李驰工作室

▼外墙夜景,facade detailed view by night©夏至


In addition to the overlapped shadows on the exterior of the building, the architect also introduced and superimposed the original rural scenery into the interior space. The real scenery of one hundred acres of flower fields replaced the original background wall of the stage. Meanwhile, to avoid the adverse effects caused by the excessive brightness of the background, the architect has opened large areas of skylights to introduce the natural lights into the hall.

会议中心内部,conference center©夏至


High eaves corridors around the hall provide an open and public gray space inside the building. The irregular outlines of the eaves framed the views to the flower field while directing the people’s views to the circular stage in the center of the field.

▼门洞细部,the openings©夏至

▼檐口为观赏花田提供了有趣的取景框©夏至 the irregular outlines of the eaves framed the views to the flower field

▼走廊内部,inside the hall©夏至


After the building was completed, the architect designed a B&B house and a multi-functional restaurant on the other end of the field, as well as an arc-shaped plank road to connect each building and a few installations with landscape for people to stop for a rest. All of them together constitutes a cluster of supporting facilities for seminars, media conferences, catering and accommodations.

民宿板块鸟瞰,B&B block aerial view©夏至


During the Boao Forum for Asia that happened not long ago, this newly built Phoenix Countryside Revitalization Exchange Center was fortunately designated as the Beautiful Countryside Livingroom, the only third-party theme venue for the Forum.

Several significant high-level dialogues on countryside development were hosted in this building, the B&B and other facilities also functioned as the reception and accommodations for the representatives of the government and media.

▼花田围绕下的建筑,the building surrounded by flower fields ©夏至

▼博鳌论坛期间鸟瞰,the building during the Boao Forum for Asia©夏至


The building is seen as a physical representation of the fading typologies of old houses in a metaphorical way, which has fortunately been widely recognized already. Also, we want to believe that in such space where you can see the overlapped shadows of history as well as the everchanging daylights, and where you can hear the rippling wheats from the fields, people will be greatly inspired when they are exploring the future of China’s countryside.

▼夜间鸟瞰,aerial view by night©夏至

整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view©夏至

▼平面图,floor plans©李驰工作室



项目名称:博鳌凤凰乡村振兴交流中心 Project Name: Boao Phoenix Countryside Revitalization Exchange Center 项目地点:海南省博鳌镇南强村和大路坡村 Project Location: Nanqiang Village and Dalupo Village, Boao County, Hainan Province 项目面积:1454 平米建筑和约 178 亩农田景观 Area: 1454 sqm architecture design and 118548 sqm (178 Mu) landscape design 设计单位:李驰工作室 Design Company: ChiLi Studio 主创建筑师/项目负责人:李驰 Chief Architect: LI Chi 策划:许伟峰、李驰 Project Planner: XU Weifeng, LI Chi 施工图设计:建学建筑与工程设计所有限公司 Construction Drawing Design: Jianxue Architecture and Engineering Design Institute 联合设计团队:胡静源、韩征宇、陈敏、魏新华、张楠 Corporate Design Team: HU Jingyuan, HAN Zhengyu, CHEN Min, WEI Xinhua, ZHANG Nan 幕墙设计:郑学松(表皮工作室)Façade Design: Façade Studio 幕墙施工:上海太阳膜结构有限公司 Façade Construction: Shanghai Taiyo Kogyo Co. LTD 摄影:夏至、李驰 Photography: XIA Zhi, LI Chi


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