发布时间:2016-06-03 15:45:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Strategically located adjacent to the economic powerhouse of Singapore, Forest City is a new global cluster of commerce and culture. Designed to cultivate a live/work lifestyle, it is comprised of financial institutions, technology and biotech research facilities, and a variety of creative industries that will establish an innovative and sustainable employment base providing an estimated 220,000 new jobs in southern Malaysia. The development’s approach to city-building makes Forest City an ideal destination for an emerging generation of Malaysians that seek to live in a compact and walkable mixed-use metropolis with a variety of civic, cultural, and recreational amenities set within a lush tropical landscape. With multiple modes of public transportation – including an extensive ferry network and light rail transit system that links to Singapore’s MRT and Malaysia’s high-speed rail line to Kuala Lumpur – Forest City will be connected to the world.

▼经过多年筹备,森林城市在各部门的通力合作和持续对话下诞生,目前正在施工中。规划试图以前瞻性的手法,通过广泛公众对话以及对生态、社会以及经济等问题的综合考虑来实现人类和自然的整合,为国际都市探索出一种全新的模式。Currently under construction, Forest City represents years of collaboration and engagement. The master plan seeks to create a model for a new global city by establishing a forward-looking approach to the integration of humans and nature through extensive public dialogue, and the comprehensive consideration of ecological, social, and economic issues.

▼ 森林城市位于马来西亚南部,与新加坡通过包括铁路和渡船在类的多种交通方式相连。森林城市包含商业、居住以及市政设施,为马来西亚南部打造了一个创新的、可持续的新型城市,促进区域经济的发展。Forest City is located in southern Malaysia. Connected to Singapore via multiple modes of transportation including rail and ferry service, Forest City supports the regional economy by offering complementary business sectors, residential neighborhoods, and civic amenities that establish an innovative and sustainable new city for southern Malaysia.

▼项目建设在填海土地之上,在提供了一个难得机遇的机会同时,也赋予了一个重大责任。新加坡的经济扩张已威胁到马来西亚多样化的生态系统。未经规划的开发已造成郊区蔓延扩张,热带雨林和海滨红树林栖息地日渐减少。森林城市通过打造垂直城市以及利用多种公共交通系统和新加坡相连等策略来提高区域密度。The opportunity to build on reclaimed land comes with great responsibility. Malaysia’s diverse ecosystems are threatened by Singapore’s expanding economy. Unplanned development has resulted in suburban sprawl, reducing tropical rainforests and coastal mangrove habitat. Forest City concentrates regional density by building vertically and linking to Singapore via multiple public transit connections.

▼ 随着多种公共交通模式的建立,森林城市得以与世界连通。这其中包括一个庞大的航运网络、同新加坡捷运系统相连的轻轨交通系统以及马来西亚拟在建设的直达吉隆坡的高铁线路。With multiple modes of public transportation including an extensive ferry network and a light rail transit system that links to Singapore’s MRT and Malaysia’s planned high-speed rail line to Kuala Lumpur, Forest City is connected to the world.


Sasaki’s master plan for Forest City seeks to establish a symbiotic relationship between development and the natural environment. Organized around the Seagrass Preserve – a critical ecological feature of the region – Forest City embraces this unique marine sanctuary with a contiguous network of complementary waterfront landscapes that offer opportunities to learn about and protect the region’s ecosystems. With 31.4 linear kilometers of coastline, edges are designed to mimic naturally occurring features of Malaysia’s coastal ecosystems, including tidal pools and shallow bays that provide critical marine habitat and support local fisheries. The most essential of these is Forest City’s restored mangroves, which provide over ten linear kilometers of essential habitat and help to improve regional water quality.

▼ 森林城市项目有效地利用了该区域关键性的生态特色区——海草保护区,致力于在城市发展和自然环境中建立一种和平共生关系。规划通过限制捕鱼船、人类通行,以及为持续监控、研究和保护这片重要景观创造条件等,建立了一个250公顷的海草保护区。Celebrating the symbiotic relationship between development and the natural environment, Forest City is organized around the Seagrass Preserve – a critical ecological feature of the region. The master plan established a vital 250 hectare marine sanctuary by restricting motorized boats, limiting human access, and creating opportunities for ongoing education, monitoring, research, and conservation.


With the rare opportunity to build on reclaimed land comes great responsibility to ensure that development will be balanced with a robust and sustainable ecosystem. With this in mind, resiliency planning at Forest City was a central principle integrated into all aspects of the project. From a physical planning perspective, rising sea levels were the primary factor guiding the design approach. Climate models suggest that sea levels in Southern Malaysia will rise an estimate 0.2 to 0.8 meters by 2100. Edge conditions at Forest City are designed to absorb the impact of increasingly powerful storms and provide landscapes with the necessary space to evolve as waters rise over time. Terraced conditions at the edges provide habitat opportunities, and also can accept rising seawater. In fact, 4% of the total land area at Forest City is dedicated to a gradually ascending coastal zone that allows for shifts in the landscape as the high tide line rises over the next century.

▼ 森林城市滨水沿岸的设计模仿了马来西亚的沿海生态系统以及在其31.4公里海岸线景观中最高产的部分。红树林、潮泥潭、浅海湾和人工鱼礁的设置均考虑到了水深和盐度,为海洋生物提供了关键的栖息地。Waterfront edges at Forest City are designed to mimic features of Malaysia’s coastal ecosystems, and some of the most productive landscapes occur along its 31.4 linear kilometers of coastline. Mangroves, tidal pools, shallow bay mudflats, and artificial reefs are sited based on factors including water depth and salinity, providing critical marine habitat.

▼弹性规划从项目初期便融入了设计的各个方面,森林城市海岸边界的设计能适应逐渐上升的海平面。项目面积的4%被划定为平缓上升的滨水保留带,为未来100年中高潮岸线的上升提供了景观调整空间。 Resiliency planning was integrated at the outset of the project. Forest City’s edges are engineered to accommodate gradual sea level rise. 4% of the land area is dedicated to a gradually ascending coastal zone, allowing for shifts in the landscape as the high tide line rises over the next century.



A primary concern raised during the planning process was Forest City’s potential impact on regional fisheries. Located near the estuary of the Sungai Pulai River and two Ramsar-designated conservation zones, the brackish waters of the region support a diverse collection of coastal mangroves, shallow water seagrass, and intertidal mudflats. These ecosystems provide habitat for an estimated 75% of locally caught fish, and are among the most productive and biologically complex ecosystems on Earth. The master plan for Forest City is organized to protect endangered seagrass beds through the creation of a preservation zone that restricts motorized boats, limits human access, and creates opportunities for ongoing monitoring, research, and conservation of this vital landscape. Forest City’s proposed mangrove habitat zones will help to resupply some of the ecosystem lost during the past 70 years of urban expansion in Singapore and Southern Malaysia. According to UNESCO estimates, over 30% of Malaysia’s mangroves have been lost to deforestation over the past five decades. Forest City re-establishes 9.2 linear kilometers of new mangrove habitat, 10.3 linear kilometers of shallow coves and mudflats, and protects 250 hectares of critical seagrass habitat. Based on estimates from the United Nations Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability, these coastal systems have the ability to absorb or sequester carbon at rates up to 50 times those of the same area of tropical forest. These various habitat conditions are being monitored in partnership with the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), with researchers responsible for providing a quarterly ecology study and a monthly on-site audit. Additional efforts include real-time assessments of water temperature to ensure optimal conditions for the seagrass preserve to thrive, and a seagrass nursery providing supplemental plants to strengthen the ecosystem.

▼当地的咸水水质可以支持一个多样化的生态系统。项目位于靠近蒲莱河河口和国际湿地公约组织划定的两个拉姆塞保护区,拥有海滨红树林、浅滩海草和潮间带泥滩,为数百种迁徙到马来西亚南部的候鸟提供栖息地。The brackish waters of the region support a diverse ecosystem. Located near the estuary of the Sungai Pulai River and two Ramsar-designated conservation zones, Forest City features coastal mangroves, shallow water seagrass areas, and intertidal mudflats. Each provides nesting grounds for hundreds of migratory bird species endemic to Southern Malaysia.

▼海岸边界设计中最重要的是对红树林的重建。马来西亚的红树林在过去半个世纪中因收到砍伐而减少了30%,森林城市项目的总体规划试图重建长达9.2公里的红树林栖息地,其碳截存能力是同等面积的热带雨林的50倍。The most essential edge conditions are the restored mangroves. 30% of Malaysia’s mangroves have been lost to deforestation over the past five decades. The master plan reestablishes 9.2 linear kilometers of mangrove habitat, which can sequester up to 50 times more carbon than the same area of tropical forest.


The larger objective of Forest City’s focus on the seagrass preserve and the mangrove edge is to reinforce their importance as a critical component of Malaysia’s coastal ecosystem by educating the public of their inestimable value to the region’s fisheries, tourism industry, and future resilience to climate change. These shallow, nutrient rich areas provide shelter to young fish, shrimp, crabs, and mollusks. They offer refuge for endangered species such as dugongs, sea turtles, and seahorses. They are nesting grounds for hundreds of migratory bird species endemic to Southern Malaysia. Mangroves directly support countless food webs, and protect coastlines from storm damage, wave effects, and erosion by absorbing the force of waves and replacing lost sediment by catching suspended particles in their root systems. This process prevents that same silt from covering (and damaging) coral reefs and seagrass beds that are also critical to the long-term health of Malaysia’s coastal ecosystem. With this in mind, Forest City’s environmental outreach programs include training for local residents to become nature guides and experts on the region’s ecology.

▼森林城市的景观设计体现了生态系统的经济和社会价值。海草保护区能为濒危物种如儒艮、海龟和海马提供庇护所;营养丰富的浅水区域是鱼苗、虾、蟹和软体动物宝贵的食物来源,对当地渔业的生存提供了至关重要的支持。马来西亚项目与马来西亚博特拉大学合作,紧密监控海草保护区的健康。Forest City’s landscapes demonstrate the economic and social value of ecosystem services. The Seagrass Preserve offers refuge for globally endangered species such as dugongs, sea turtles, and seahorses. The nutrient-rich, shallow water environment is also a critical food source for young shrimp, crabs, and mollusks critical to the survival of regional fisheries. Monitoring efforts of the Seagrass Preserve’s health are being undertaken in collaboration with the Universiti Putra Malaysia.

▼滨海生态系统教育中心提供持续的研究和监测活动。教育推广将推动对项目的长期监督,包括认识沿海地区对于当地渔业的价值、旅游业以及对气候变化的适应能力等。The Coastal Ecosystem Education Center provides ongoing research and monitoring. Educational outreach regarding the coastal zone’s value to the region’s fisheries, tourism industry, and resiliency to climate change will inspire long-term stewardship.

▼森林城市的滨海生态系统不仅直接提供了无数的食物网,还能减弱海浪冲击来保护海岸免受风暴、巨浪和侵蚀。作为社区推广的一部分,项目将为本地居民提供培训,让他们成为大自然的向导以及地区生态的专家。Forest City’s coastal ecosystem directly supports countless food webs and protects from storm damage, wave velocity, and erosion. As part of Forest City’s community outreach program, local residents are training to become nature guides and experts on the region’s ecology.


Beyond the edge, Forest City’s future success also relies on a highly efficient transportation system that promotes a compact and walkable urban environment. Density and civic uses are organized around transit centers, ensuring that over 80% of the development is situated within a 10-minute walk of public transportation. The system is organized with a multi-layered approach designed to prioritize pedestrian connections. Infrastructure related to vehicular traffic is located at the ground level, while a contiguous landscape creates public space adjacent to transit stations at the top level of the infrastructure podium. This approach envisions a new paradigm for the public realm – a 4 million square meter, contiguous rooftop landscape that links all development parcels, accommodates stormwater, re-establishes native habitat zones, filters runoff, and provides recreational opportunities in an entirely automobile-free experience.  Green walls, sky gardens integrated into the architecture of the city, and rooftop landscapes on individual buildings create yet another dimension of vertical open space that allow humans and nature to coexist at new heights.

▼森林城市需要建立高效的交通系统来打造紧凑且适宜步行的城市环境。高密度和公共使用的功能被安排在交通中心周围,以确保的开发区内80%以上的范围内都能在10分钟内步行到达公共交通设施。Forest City relies on a robust transportation system that promotes a compact, walkable urban environment. Density and civic uses are organized around transit centers, ensuring that over 80% of the development is situated within a 10-minute walk of public transportation.

▼ 综合用途中心将商业、居住和开放空间连接起来。规划在沿途安置了各类办公、市政设施以及社区景观设施;每个社区中都融合了多样化的房屋类型,来确保满足单身就业人员、年轻家庭和老年住户等不同人口特征的需求。Mixed-use centers link transit with commercial, residential, and open space. A diversity of businesses, civic facilities, and community landscape amenities are centered on transit, and a varied program of residential housing types is integrated into each neighborhood to ensure varied demographics ranging from single professionals and young families to elderly residents.

▼ 上升的滨水沿岸为城市设计提供了积极的解决方案。这种方案为公共领域展示了一种新范式——400万平方米的连续屋顶景观不仅将所有的发展地块串联在一起,同时还可容纳雨水、重建当地的栖息地区域、过滤雨水径流,并提供了一个无机动车的娱乐体验场所。Ascending waterfront edges prompted a radical urban design solution. The approach envisioned a new paradigm for the public realm – a four million square meter contiguous podium landscape that links development parcels, accommodates stormwater, reestablishes native habitat zones, filters runoff, and provides recreational opportunities in an entirely automobile-free experience.

▼ 项目填海目的是为了打造适宜步行的环境,而基础设施将建于地下。森林城市多层结构的系统在设计时对步行通行给予了优先考虑。与车辆交通相关的基础设施位于地面层,与此同时,一个连续的景观在基础设施平台的顶层也创建了可以便于达到交通站点的公共空间。The city is reclaimed for pedestrian use, with infrastructure below. Forest City is organized with a multi-layered approach that prioritizes pedestrians. Infrastructure related to vehicular traffic is located at the ground level, while a contiguous landscape creates public space adjacent to transit at the top level of the infrastructure podium.

▼建筑平台层的设置为景观基础设施的整合提供了多种可能性。平台上的树木可将周边温度降低2-3摄氏度,绿色植生墙则可以净化室内外的空气质量。这些景观还能收集雨水,供抽水马桶和其它非饮用用途使用。The podium condition provides multiple opportunities for integrating landscape infrastructure. Trees at the podium level decrease ambient temperatures by 2-3 degrees Celsius, and vertical green walls purify indoor and outdoor air quality. These landscapes also capture precipitation, with rainwater harvesting supplying make-up water for fountains toilets, and other non-potable uses.

▼项目完成后,它将成为世界上最大的绿色屋顶。高的地下水位需要往上建设而不是向下挖掘,因此森林城市超过一半的公共空间都位于城市裙楼顶层。绿色植生墙、空中花园与屋顶景观一起打造了多维度的开放空间。When completed, this will be the world’s largest green roof. Because high groundwater levels required building up rather than digging down, over half of Forest City’s public realm occurs at the top level of the urban podium. Green walls, sky gardens, and rooftop landscapes create multiple dimensions of open space.

▼ 森林城市希望凸显马来西亚丰富的人文多样性,在每个区域中心优先建设拥有文化和公共服务设施的城市社区集群,公园和广场通过融合多元的商业、文化和公共活动项目得以激活。Forest City celebrates Malaysia’s human and environmental diversity in its collection of urban districts, prioritizing cultural and civic amenities at the center of each neighborhood. Public parks, squares, and plazas are activated with a mix of commercial and social program.

▼在森林城市的中心,城市平台逐渐过渡为地面高度,变为96公顷的中央公园景观。公园为展示马来西亚多民族文化传统的节日和活动提供了休闲设施和集会空间。At the center of Forest City, the urban podium transitions to ground level and the 96 hectare central park landscape. The park provides recreational amenities and gathering spaces for festivals and events that showcase the many cultures, traditions and ethnicities of Malaysia.

▼经过20年建设,森林城市会逐渐演变,将采用更多的创新城市实践以及更深入的与自然进行融合。高效的交通系统、城市平台以及生产性景观这些现在看来雄心壮志的策略,将成为日常生活的一部分。With a 20-year buildout, Forest City will continue to evolve, incorporating even more innovative urban practices and deeper integration with nature to become a model for coastal cities around the world. Once considered ambitious strategies, Forest City’s robust transit system, urban podium, and biologically productive landscapes are the new normal.

Project name: Forest City Malaysia Master Plan Project location: Iskandar Development Region, Malaysia Client name: Country Garden Pacificview Completion date: June 2015 Size: 1,386 hectares Image/text credits: Sasaki Associates Services: Planning/Landscape Architecture/Urban Design


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