发布时间:2021-03-22 22:04:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目坐落于土耳其首都安卡拉,1998年Uygur Architects事务所赢得了Ted安卡拉大学校园建筑设计竞赛。该大学校园可容纳6000名学生,于2005年正式落成,并陆续开始教育活动。项目主持建筑师Semra Uygur与Özcan Uygur认为一个优质的校园应该如同一座小型城市,而教育生活就应如同城市生活,即使是在远离城市的地区,校园也应该为学生们创造出属于自己学院生活。因此,特德安卡拉学院的校园规划从功能布局、日常交通流线、室内外区域的多样性到实际使用过程中的需求都秉承了这一设计原则,堪称一座运行良好的小城市。

The project, which won the architectural project competition for the Ted Ankara College Campus with a capacity of 6000 students in 1998, was implemented in 2005 and educational activities have begun. Conceptualized and designed by Semra Uygur and Özcan Uygur, this campus is a city simulation accomplished adopting the principle that education should create its own urban life even if it is in an area remote from the city. As a result of this design principle, TED Ankara College Campus now operates as an actual city with its functional arrangement, the daily circulation routes designed considering the diversity of common indoor-outdoor areas, and the requirements emerged within the process.

▼校园整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © Cemal Emden


The campus in question needed a multi-purpose performing arts center with a capacity of 1500 people in the process and eventually the designers adopted the necessity of it to dissolve in the campus arrangement without any pretentiousness. The Performing Arts Center, which was decided to be articulated with the Sports-Art Street in the current campus plan, was placed in the southwest direction at the end of the Sports- Art Street, considering that it promises a use where social relations are perhaps the most publicized. The singularity of the building is aimed to be unnoticeable while moving on the inner street and care is taken to give the feeling that it was attached to the circulation route in the campus by itself.

▼总平面图,master plan © Uygur Architects


The building, which rises considering the image of an eye looking outwards and a hug inviting in, was articulated to the existing street as if it has always been there; the street has turned into a foyer and opened itself to the geography with a transparent finish. Although the Performing Arts Center is designed as a continuation of the overall building composition in the campus, it opens itself to the geography as the end of the campus in an understated but iconic way. It is both the eye and the hug. The terrace at the end of the Sports-Art street, where the eye and the hug images emerge, can also be used as an open foyer, and can be used for multi-purpose sunset events with its southwestern position. The design of the building gained identity by recreating the experience of the viewer under a top cover rather than the experience of the viewer in a closed space, and the necessity of maintaining its relationship with the existing topography poetically was adopted as a principle.

▼建筑与现有的街道相连,the project was articulated to the existing street © Cemal Emden

▼街道变成了门厅,the street has turned into a foyer © Cemal Emden

▼开放的空间体验彰显出建筑的独特性, building gained identity by recreating the open experience © Cemal Emden


The spatial play in combining the orthogonal and Euclidean geometry used in the architectural language of the campus continued in this building, but it is customized. The large volume requirement, which is the result of the dense capacity of 1500 people, has been refined by the transformation of a rectangular prism into a sculptural form. The side facades of the hall are composed by triangulating at different angles, and the movements of light on the wooden facade surfaces perform light and shadow plays outside.

▼大厅侧立面,side facades of the hall © Cemal Emden

▼立面由不同倾斜度的三角面构成,The side facades of the hall are composed by triangulating at different angles © Cemal Emden

▼露台,terrace © Cemal Emden

▼立面细部,detail of the facade © Cemal Emden


The hall, which emulates the ancient Greek theater, the most important performance venue, finds its own elevation by resting on the slope of the topography and collects the dense capacity by dissolving it in the volume with its fan-shape. In addition to the use with dense capacity, it can be divided for uses such as theater performances, converted into a smaller hall with curtains, acquiring a multi-purpose character.

▼大厅内部采取了古希腊剧场的形式,he hall, which emulates the ancient Greek theater © Cemal Emden

▼扇形的平面与阶梯式的观演席,fan-shaped plane and stepped auditorium © Cemal Emden


This image of eye and hug, obtained by carving, is felt not only in the distant view, but also in the hall, and the relationship of the viewer with the geography is kept dynamic. For this reason, the hall becomes transparent on both sides and opens itself to the outside.

▼由室内也能感受到极具雕塑感的建筑形态,architectural form with a strong sense of sculpture © Cemal Emden

▼大厅四周的墙壁采取了透明玻璃幕墙的形式, the hall becomes transparent on both sides © Cemal Emden

▼平面图与剖面图,plan & section © Cemal Emden

Project size:9405 m2

Completion date:2020

Building levels:2

Architect:Uygur Architects

Photo credit:Cemal Emden


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