发布时间:2022-04-16 16:48:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
设计师 André Fu 融合地中海色彩与雕塑轮廓,打造层次分明、充满活力的用餐空间。

Salisterra餐厅傲踞香港奕居酒店顶层,维港全景一览无遗。当白云飘过海上的晴空,片片云朵尽收这片富饶土地的精华,折射出丰沛色彩,幻变万千风味。傅厚民(André Fu)结合「居舍系列」为之闻名的精致优雅,在这个城市的上空,缔造出层次丰富的聚餐新体验。

Crowning the top floor of The Upper House with panoramic views of Victoria Harbour, As clouds move through the Mediterranean, they absorb and reflect a spectrum of colours and flavours from this vibrant region. André Fu combined the refinement and elegance synonymous with The Upper House. Salisterra draws upon these influences and delivers a layered and social dining experience high above the city.

2001年,奕居酒店在香港开业,凭借由香港建筑师傅厚民(André Fu)设计的豪华酒店迅速赢得国际声誉。现在十年后,设计师回到这个独特的酒店,推出了这个多层次餐饮概念餐厅Salisterra。新餐厅清淅地展示了傅厚民(André Fu)如何通过大胆的视觉叙事发展他的设计语言,为他的家乡创造一个令人振奋和充满活力的海滨体验。

In 2001, the Upper House opened in Hong Kong, quickly earning an international reputation as a luxury hotel and for its design created by the Hong-Kong based architect André Fu. Now a decade later, the relationship has evolved to a new level, with the designer returning to this unique property for the launch of Salisterra, a multi-layered dining concept. The new restaurant clearly showcases how André has developed his design language with a bold visual narrative to create an uplifting and dynamic harbour front experience for his hometown.

Salisterra的设计哲学,在于以现代的想像呈现真实本色,打造层次分明的餐饮体验,透过地中海的大地色彩,引人入胜的质感,搭配出人意表的几何装饰,引领客人踏上惊喜不断的旅程。傅厚民(André Fu)设计的核心理念是把餐厅重塑成耳目一新,令人向往的体验空间,同时忠于奕居一贯的经典气质。

The journey of Salisterra is rooted in the notion of modern authenticity. It is a curation of experiences that is highly layered, with moments of bold evolution to transport our guests into a world of earthy Mediterranean tones, intriguing textures and surprising geometries. The vision was to reinvent the dining experience into a space that was fresh and aspirational, yet quintessentially The Upper House.

除了以赤陶橙,泥土酒红,矿物蓝,土灰绿松及琥珀焦糖等丰沛色彩,营造出五个各具个性的空间。傅厚民(André Fu)同时还在设计中注入了一种新的流动性语言,强调有机形式和雕塑轮廓,几何、触感和活力的实现提供了贯穿始终的微妙但引人注目的线索。

Rich colours of terracotta orange, mud burgundy, mineral blue, dusty turquoise and golden caramel create five distinct spaces. André Fu also infused a new language of fluidity into the designs, with an emphasis on organic forms and sculptural silhouettes. The realization of geometry, tactility and vibrancy provides a subtle but compelling thread throughout.

这个空间感觉非常熟悉,但已经通过材质和颜色进行了重新构想。以对地中海的回忆为灵感,并以色彩和大胆几何形状的对话来回应厨师Jun Tanaka生动的菜肴。从一开始,傅厚民的愿望就是用邻里小酒馆的温暖和熟悉感来捕捉维多利亚港的富饶。

The space feels intimately familiar, but has been reimagined via its colour and material palette. He have taken his memories of the Mediterranean as an inspiration and have responded with a dialogue of colours and bold geometries to complement chef Jun Tanaka’s vivid cuisine. The aspiration right from the beginning was to capture the richness of the Mediterranean with the warmth and familiarity of a neighbourhood bistro.


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