Old oak trees and avocado groves with occasional ocean breezes define the tranquillity and solitude of this special area.
Mainly five acres on a steep hill in the De Luz mountains, the site presents certain challenges where and how to build.
An east/west rectangular orientation and having to accommodate a fire truck reduced the already limited possibilities for how the home will be integrated with the land.
Kitchen Patio: the Kitchen is composed of a 1/4 vaulted shell (half of a barrel vault) that ties into the concrete walls on the opposite side.
The garage doors are flush with the walls, minimizing the visual dominance of the garage in relation to the rest of the house.
Front Entrance walkway
The Front Entrance features a jade and volcanic rock garden that migrates through the glass to the inside recessed planter in the foundation. The front door is made of charred cedar, well known in Japan where it has been used for hundreds of years.
The home contains 2 level changes that further separate the public spaces from the private - kitchen to the guest wing and living room to the master suite. The green areas represent interior gardens which grow out of the foundation of the house.
From the Front Entrance towards the Kitchen: the vaulted shell peels away from the concrete wall.
left to right: Laundry, Garage and entrance to the Guest Suite and Office
Kitchen looking north
Kitchen looking south
Lo Studio
arroccato su una collina modesta
tra gli alberi di avocado e olive e grandi querce
una leggera brezza dal mare
passa attraverso le montagne circostanti...
un silenzio profondo
a volte interrotto dal richiamo di un falco
o un pensiero casuale
permea tutto...
un giardino non un terreno
un luogo non uno spazio
una casa non un'abitazione
ora qui, da nessuna parte
Year 2019
Work started in 2018
Work finished in 2019
Main structure Mixed structure
Contractor Penna Construction
Status Current works
Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Chalets, Mountains houses