▼视频,Video ©SouthArch 南社·建筑
On August 8, 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, northern Sichuan Province, causing serious damage to the Jiuzhaigou scenic area and a greater impact on the counties and towns that relies on tourism. With the development of post-disaster reconstruction, Shenzhen One Foundation has supplemented the aid for constructing kindergartens in Jiuzhaigou County, which is included in the kindergarten construction aid plan of Sichuan Province. This public welfare investment is an aid to local post-disaster construction, and also a blueprint for the development of education modernization, such as accelerating the balanced development of basic public education and encouraging the development of inclusive kindergartens, as stated in the National “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”. The social value of this kindergarten is also based on the people’s vision of further healthy development of the minority areas in the development plan, comprehensively improving the quality of education, and promoting education fairness.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view©SouthArch南社·建筑
Yongle Town, the county seat of Jiuzhaigou County, develops along the Baishui River valley, with steep terrain on both sides. With the development of tourism, the demand for county construction is increasing day by day, and it mainly develops in a sprawling manner along the road, forming a relatively concentrated urban. The population of the county is about 66,000 (2020), and the minority population accounts for nearly 40%. The importance of new high-quality public kindergarten resources for strengthening the local education foundation has become increasingly prominent, and it also carries the hope of community and local development.
山水河谷的连绵地景,与九寨沟闻名遐迩的风光,触动与启发着建筑设计的开展。风景、地形、城镇、社区与儿童是设计的核心议题,彼此关联。在城镇发展、新旧景观的变迁中,置入场地的建筑将成为绵密地景中的一部分。幼儿园联系着儿童、家庭与邻里,是社区生活中独特的场所,在用地紧凑的山城中,蕴藏着提升社区公共空间品质的巨大潜力。山水、城镇与社区的风景,在新的场地编织中,被重组、打开与融合。设计通过对公共空间的“缝补”、儿童生活与游戏的“外溢”、街道与山城风景的“再现” ,地形与风景的边界将渐次打开,幼儿园也将融入社区之中。
Our architectural design is inspried by the continuous landscape of mountains, rivers and valleys, as well as the famous scenery of Jiuzhaigou. The core of design philosophy is the landscape, terrain, town, community and children, which are closely connected, and impact each other. In the development of towns and the changes of old and new landscapes, the buildings placed on the site needs to be blended into the dense landscape. Kindergartens connect children, families and neighbors, and are unique places in community life. In the compact mountain city, there is a huge potential to improve the quality of community public space. Landscapes and scenes, towns and communities are reorganized, opened and merged in the weaving of the new site. Through the “stitching” of public space, the “overflow” of children’s life and games, and the “reproduction” of street and mountain scenery, the boundary between terrain and scenery will gradually be opened, and the kindergarten will also be integrated into the community.
▼完整立面,The full facade©SouthArch 南社·建筑
沿街面,Street view©SouthArch南社·建筑
台地与布局 Terrace and Layout
▼剖面图,Section© 东意建筑
The construction site is located in the middle of the foothills on the west side of river valley. The former elementary school was damaged in the earthquake. The road on the east side of site leads to the county center, and the west side is for preserved residential community. Elevating along the mountain landscape, the rear of the residential area is a small amount of terraced farmland. The back streets surrounding the west and north sides of site are the daily paths for residents. The archway and the big trees on the north are kept as memory of original site. The abandoned playground of elementary school become a crop drying field for the residents, which indicates the site as the center of community life. One of the site distinctions is three-level height difference, 3-5 meters difference between roads, terraces and back streets.
View from the village road along the kindergarten©SouthArch 南社·建筑
We redefine the site feature, through exploring and utilize the relationship between the site, the height difference and the streets. In terms of site layout, the buildings are enclosed in U-shape, which not only provides a more complete outdoor area, but also echoes the dwellings in the far west. The building volume in the south side echoes that of neighboring building, coexisting harmoniously; the north side along the street is slightly set back to the inside, retaining the big trees on the site.
In coping with height difference, an overhead playground is placed at the original terrace elevation, activity rooms are elevated to second and third floor, the space below terrace is underground Parking lot, the external service rooms are set up along the facade. Therefore, from street view, it is a two-floors building, raising above double-height “arcade”.
▼顶视图,Rooftop view©SouthArch南社·建筑
Regarding the relation with street, the original retaining wall and fence blocked the extension of building on the street, which downgraded the walking experience on the street. Our design extends the buildings along the terrace edge, stitches the interface with the street to create an inclusive walking experience. The lower part of the facade is an arcade space, and the upper part forms a bay window and a living balcony according to the function of the activity room. The slightly convex triangle faces the direction of the street. In addition, the concave kindergarten entrance, steps and resting flower ponds along the street are all extensions of the street space, accommodating various possibilities of community life and activities.
Therefore, the kindergarten above and below the arcade provides a new type of place for the county, breaking the boundary between the inside and outside of the site, constructing a new connection of space, sight, and behavior, and triggering the possibility of communication with the community.
▼骑楼与道路,The“arcade” facing the street©SouthArch 南社·建筑
社区与风景 Community and Scene
Through adjusting relationship between the layout and the street, the kindergarten creates a new line of sight of “see and be seen” for the street and the community, and promotes the interaction between community residents and children. In the semi-outdoor area on the upper part of the arcade, children play sports, and curiously spy on the cars and people on the street. The lower part of the arcade naturally becomes a buffer area between the street and the kindergarten. Every day, the children walk through the colonnade to the school gate to say goodbye to their parents; after going upstairs, they say hello to the parents who have not left downstairs, which flavor their school life with a touch of ritual and fun. The arcade also provides more opportunities for the surrounding residents (often parents or elders) to meet children unexpectedly, and enhances the children’s sense of dependence on the community. The playful scenes and sounds of children on the terrace “overflow” to the street, attracting attention and becoming a new scene in the daily life of the street.
幼儿园入口,Entrance to the kindergarten©SouthArch 南社·建筑
▼内部活动场地鸟瞰,Aerial view to the playground©SouthArch 南社·建筑
Another scene of community is on west side. The height difference of the terrace in the mountain city becomes a safe separation between the kindergarten and the external environment, and the conventional fence disappears. The design combines the terrain to form a variety of themed activities at different heights – games, running, gatherings, planting, etc. The activity area is like an open stage, presenting children’s activities and growth to the community. In the surrounding streets, more and more elderly people stopped, watching and greeting the children from a distance, and the integration of each other gradually became a daily scene in the community.
活动场地,Activity space©SouthArch南社·建筑
游戏与空间 Games and Space
The remodeling of the relationship between the terrain and the street has also shaped the unique play space for kindergarten: the running corridor around the site, the play place under the overhead layer, and the multiple game platforms highly integrated with the terrain.
The building and the site are connected by the spiral corridor, which is accessible from the second and third floors through ramps. On the north side, children pass through ramps, circles and sand pools to the ground play area. On the south side, the spiral corridor expands into a platform, connecting the indoor foyer, corridor and outdoor.
▼俯瞰环廊,Aerial view to the running corridor©SouthArch 南社·建筑
The multi-level platform and spiral corridor are designed for specific behaviors of children, such as circling, running and chasing, group activities, etc. The children could be inspired in this dynamic space, and expect to free exploration, which becomes the pick of their school life.
动态的空间成为幼儿园生活中的精彩环节,Thedynamic spacebecomes the pick of their school life©SouthArch 南社·建筑
The playing area under empty space fits into architectural structure, offering another trigging space to explore. The equipment pipeline is wrapped and combine with amphistylar, the enlarged components compress the space, but this transformation manifests an interesting tension between the big scale and small size of children. The aboriginal sense of integrated structural form – “cave”, “bridge”, “tunnel”, “slope”, etc. – is transformed into a curious experience of children’s exploration, climbing, sliding, crossing, flipping, searching, etc., While accommodating children’s bodies, it stimulates the rich expressions of limbs, and the spaces of various forms also maintain openness while implying the possibility of activities. The lively colors further shape the space or the mysterious or warm atmosphere, and mobilize children activities.
▼首层视角,View from the ground floor©SouthArch 南社·建筑
▼架空层儿童活动与街道联系,The playing area connects to the adjacent community©SouthArch 南社·建筑
▼架空活动区,Playing space under the elevated floor©SouthArch 南社·建筑
▼探索游径,Exploring route©SouthArch 南社·建筑
体验与童趣 Experience and Childlike
The indoor space of kindergarten is organized by activity units. Children spend the longest time in activity units and function rooms during kindergarten life. At the functional level, as children’s education mode is featured with continuous exploration which requires more and more adjustment in spatial flexibility, children’s perception and experience, and appropriate scale. In terms of design, the activity room and the lounge are flexibly separated, which facilitates functional shift or activity organization.
▼活动单元与走廊设计,Diagram: activity units and corridor© 东意建筑
The interior space continues the design of the play space – close to the perceived scale of the child’s body – trying to provide children with an emotional belonging. The space elements are based on the triangular “hut” to create the feeling of home, forming a transparent hut on the wall, a hut in the toy corner, a hut in the balcony garden, etc., this section a small space for children in spacious activity room. The choice of mild color also increases the affinity and interest of the space for children. The setting of “hut” reflects teaching organization, which is convenient for teachers to organize children’s group activities in “corner space”, where can be redefined in many ways through pictures or decorations on the walls, themed floor mats on the ground, and storage partitions, etc.
▼活动室,Activity room©SouthArch南社·建筑
结语 Summary
Qihang Kindergarten was in operation in the autumn of 2021. After completion, this child-friendly kindergarten not only fulfills the needs of the surrounding communities, but also attracts many parents from county out of the fame. The kindergarten has become a model for early education spaces both locally and in the surrounding area. Of course, due to the location, cost, construction and other reasons, there are still many blank spots that is not expected as designed, which will be filled gradually during operation, so that the kindergarten will grow with the growth of the children.
▼从乡村道路望向幼儿园,View from the village road©SouthArch南社·建筑
每一天,白色大房子内外,骑楼街下的等候与接送、二楼走廊上回望与告别的小孩、花池边休憩的大人和小童、架空层透出的欢声笑语、偶尔从通透围网探出打招呼的小手、台地街道上凭栏驻足的老人… …打开的幼儿园已然成为内外交融的社区风景。
Every day, there are children who waiting for their parents for drop-off and pick-up under arcade, children who are looking down and saying goodbye on the corridor on the second floor, adults and children resting by the flower pond, laughter overflow from the overhead floor, the little greeting hands popping from the see-through fence occasionally, the elderly stopping by in the terrace street… The open kindergarten has become a community scene of internal and external integration.
▼总平面图,Master plan
© 东意建筑
▼场地平面图,Site plan
© 东意建筑
▼负一层平面图,Plan B1©东意建筑
一层平面图,Plan 1F© 东意建筑
▼二层平面图,Plan 2F
© 东意建筑
▼三层平面图,Plan 3F©东意建筑
四层平面图,Plan 4F©东意建筑
© 东意建筑
▼场地剖面,Site sections
© 东意建筑
▼建筑剖面,Building section
© 东意建筑
▼大样图,Detail © 东意建筑
Project Name / Qihang Kindergarten in Jiuzhaigou County
Location/Yongle Town, Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province
设计/2018年 竣工/2021年
Designed in 2018 & Completed in 2021
设计团队:邹艳婷 肖毅志 肖毅强 林瀚坤 杨远景 黄瑾 郑泽旭 何亚洁 杨宗祥 隋佳音 唐帅 马智超 李凯璇
Design Team: Zou Yanting, Xiao Yizhi, Xiao Yiqiang, Lin Hankun, Yang Yuanjing, Huang Jin, Zheng Zexu, He Yajie, Yang Zongxiang, Sui Jiayin, Tang Shuai, Ma Zhichao, Li Kaixuan
援建方 深圳壹基金公益基金会
Funder: Shenzhen One Foundation Public Welfare Foundation
业主 九寨沟县教育局
Owner: Jiuzhaigou County Education Bureau
Partner: Sichuan Gaodi Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
施工单位 九寨沟县应辉建筑工程有限公司
Builder: Jiuzhaigou County Yinghui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
监理单位 四川宸胤土木工程有限公司
Supervisor: Sichuan Chenyin Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.
Land area: 3760
Building area: 1056
Floor area: 4989
Number of classes: 9 classes
Structural form: reinforced concrete frame structure