发布时间:2018-02-05 04:55:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


One day in early December 2017, after visiting friend’s studio on West Jianguo Road, we left the crowded main road and run into a brunch, which was less chosen by. And I still remember how the golden glimmers of sunlight dancing on the leaves of the phoenix trees. Setting sun, short walls and phoenix trees, red bricks, old villas and bamboo fences, we shuttled back and forth between the roads named Wuxing, Kangping and Wanping. And that’s how we find our studio for today.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


The bar owner next door and the guests always take our studio as a fashion store. Their misunderstanding amused me every time, and that’s part of my plan also. A studio, not looks like a studio, but more than a studio. The positionings and strategies of who we are, and how we gonna do our works are what I’m trying to figure out here. I read some articles arguing about the differences between “classic architects” and “internet-popular architects”, but to me, they are the same. If we take Michelangelo and Le Corbusier as example, the former worked for noble families only, like Medici family, while the later worked for almost everyone, himself, private clients, companies, and governments. And nowadays, most of us are more like the later one, so ARCHITECT or DEISGNER is what we do, and with or without internet, is just a personal choice, not a big deal.

▼黄昏街景,nightfall view

而我认为,使用者是最具有话语权的设计评论家,所以当代设计师,要做的可能更多的是从使用者的角度出发、经营者的角度出发,去寻求设计上的突破。所谓“小隐于野、大隐于市”,“设计师/建筑师”代表的应当仅仅是我们职业上的专业性的象征,而不是我们不食人间烟火不思凡的立场。放下身段,去听去看去参与。如果要追求什么人生境界,对于我个人来讲,“可圣亦可凡”,五字足以,作为设计师,亦如此。所以当我第一次看到这个临街的小房子的时候,便深深的被他打动了。我想,是时候将自己打开,去接触更多的人、去观察更多的人、去看窗外不息的车马… …这可比天天盯着不足平方的屏幕生动有趣的多。

The clients and users should be the most important critics of designers. Besides of being professional, we need to spend more time listening and learning form our clients. And this is one possible way for us to make some breakthroughs. Be professional, and be a human. So, this is how I touched deeply by this tiny house sitting right to the road. I think maybe it’s time to open myself to others, and let my voice noticed by them. Being part of the wonderful world is far more interesting to me than sitting all day with a computer. Just like shops for fashion or jewelry, we have a shop window, literally. And we take it as a speaker to the messy world, to show the crazy ideas from us and our friends.

▼夜晚橱窗发出光亮,the shop window glows at night

在保留了基础的研发、办公、会议等功能的同时,我还加入了接待、凭窗观望、合作展示的区域… … 我可以想象若是朋友来了,三两好友,临窗小坐,品品茶、翻翻书,这种人性的碰撞所散发出的光辉,于我而言,是魅力非常的。所以,我会把这个小小的临街工作室定义为一间会客厅、一个小茶室、一个小展厅。Lady gaga说过这样一段话: “流行本身就是一种艺术,拒绝流行文化并不会让你更酷,所以我决定拥抱他。”,所以当你从我门前走过时,看到这个有橱窗的小房子,你可能会和酒吧老板一样,以为是一家服装店,也无妨。也像是珠宝店或者服装店一样,我们还留了一个小小的展柜,我们会在这里展出自己创作、或是和朋友们合作的奇思妙想,向喧嚣的世界打开一个窗户,表达自己的声音,我相信只要是足够用心,再小的声音也值得被听到。

Besides of office, meeting and experimental functions, we also kept some room for reception, observation and merchandising. We can turn this tiny house into a lounge, a tee house, a gallery, and of course, a studio. Whatever will take place in this house with interesting people would be creative, enjoyable, and marvelous.  Lady gaga is my role model, and from her point of view, “pop culture is art. It doesn’t make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it”. And in our case, it’s the same, stay away from people can not makes us cooler, so I decided to embrace it. So, next time, if you passing by our studio occasionally and taking it as a fashion store, it’ll be alright. Just like shops for fashion or jewelry, we have a shop window, literally. And we take it as a speaker to the messy world, to show the crazy ideas from us and our friends.

▼橱窗特写,shop window


As I said before, clients and users should be the most important critics. And in this case, I’m the client and the user. So, to entertain myself, I picked some colors for the interior area, Klein blue as the highlight and key point in a pure white room. A wooden floor lamp, a cozy chair and a handmade side table of white bricks.

▼纯白色的房间里放上白色系的家具,a pure room with white furniture

▼白墙与克莱茵蓝色天鹅绒的落地窗帘,the white wall contrasts to the velvet curtain in Klein blue


First day after construction, the whole space was empty, and I brought a glass vase to the site, the moment I placed it in the house, I felt what Frances felt Under the Tuscan Sun.

▼室内细部,interior detail


We are typical, just like our friends, we prefer the roads less passing by. We are all the same, just like kids painting with watercolor pens, we still got touched when we design. Every story has a starting point, and as far as I can see, this is how we write the first page of the book. So, here we go.


项目名称:锦莳设计工作室 项目地址:上海市徐汇区 设计团队:锦莳设计 设计师:梁海涛 设计周期:2017.12 施工周期:2017.12-2018.01 施工单位:上海福士达建筑装饰工程有限公司 摄影师:Arttteeezy Project Name: JOY SAESON Studio Location: Xujiahui District, Shanghai Design Firm: JOY SEASON Designer: LIANG Haitao Design Date: 12/2017 Complete Date: 01/2018 Construction Team: Shanghai Fushida Construction Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Photographer: Arttteeezy


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