发布时间:2021-12-11 12:36:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


西咸国际文化教育园位于西咸新区五大板块的沣西新城中心,新丝路经济带起点位置,是两城一体化的中心区域,沣、渭、新河三河流域腹地, 具备田园城市新型发展模式的规划优势及国家16个海绵城市试点城市的发展机遇,将打造成以健康、农业观光、和教育研究产业为主的国际一流品质的文教园区。


▼整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view ©顾海洋

Xixian international Culture and Education Park is located in the center of Fengxi New Town in the five plates of Xixian New District, which is the starting point of the new Silk Road Economic Belt and the central area of the integration of the two cities and the hinterland of the three river basins of Feng, Wei and Xinhe. It has the planning advantages of the new development model of garden city and the development opportunities of 16 national sponge city pilot cities, and will be built into a healthy, agricultural sightseeing and an international first-class cultural and educational park focusing on education research industry.

Based on the concept of symbiosis between campus and community, the combination of leisure and medical care, and the integration of agriculture and city, the park economy takes the big health industry as the core, takes “four hospitals and one center” as the main line, takes international culture and education and modern urban agriculture as the two wings, and takes Feng River and Sha River ecological wetland scenic spots as the background to build an innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared international rural New Town which integrates culture and education, medical care and elderly care, leisure and vacation and sightseeing agriculture together.

▼不同区域鸟瞰,aerial view of different areas ©顾海洋


Overall Planning Objectives


项目定位“文化廊道、活力廊道、 生态廊道、景观廊道 ”四大主题。沙河流域未来的发展无论在国家战略布局,城市区位经济发展,还是自然生态资源上都具有明显优势。规划园区主要文教设施集中布局于沙河两岸,但相对孤立。沙河景观廊道具有作为两岸文教设施连接纽带的特除意义。

The Sha River corridor experimental section project of Xixian International Culture and Education Park is located in the midstream of Sha River, starting from Xueyuan Third Road in the south and Culture and Education Fifth Road in the north, which is about 1000m long and 150-350m wide, covering an area of about 38000㎡.

The project is positioned as “cultural corridor, vitality corridor, ecological corridor and landscape corridor”. The future development of Sha River basin has obvious advantages in terms of national strategic layout, urban regional economic development and natural ecological resources.

The main cultural and educational facilities in the planned park are concentrated on both banks of Sha River which are relatively isolated. Sha River landscape corridor has special significance as a link between cultural and educational facilities on both banks.

▼总平面图,master plan ©阿拓拉斯(北京)规划设计有限公司



Facing the harsh conditions of the current situation of Sha River, how to build the characteristics of Sha River around the integration of new towns, the sustainable development of urban and natural ecology, the coordinated development of urban and new agricultural industries, and the inheritance and development of urban historical and cultural background is the biggest challenge of this planning and design.

The designer’s vision is to create a diversified landscape environment in line with the future development of the city, and let the experimental section of Sha River corridor complete the transformation of three roles: shaping the image of Culture and Education Park in the initial stage and reflecting the landscape demonstration role of the new center of Xi’an City, improving the function of the Central Park in the medium term, forming a comprehensive urban park in the future.

▼湿地公园与车站,wetland park and the station ©顾海洋

▼蜿蜒的步道,winding walkways ©顾海洋

▼观景平台,viewing platform ©顾海洋




In order to reflect the unique ecological environment, cultural heritage and development mode of Sha River, the design team use the new Sha River poem – “new green covers the ancient road, water run the new city” as the design concept, aiming to understand, feel and build Sha River from the perspectives of ecology, countryside and humanities.

In order to reflect the urban characteristics of the integration of emerging cities and towns in the Cultural and Educational Park, the ecological, pastoral and humanistic attributes of Sha River construction are started from the historical and humanistic background of Sha River basin – Feng River ecological old road, Guanzhong agricultural impression and characteristics of cultural and educational city, as the basis for Sha River corridor to reflect the ecological city, garden city and humanistic city of the Cultural and Educational Park.

▼公园与城市,park and the city ©顾海洋



The design takes the restoration of the ecological basis of the old Fengshui Road as the starting point, retains and transforms the current river embankment as the urban memory of Sha River historical relics: it is implemented through seven specific strategies, which are restoring the water system, water system form, optimizing and connecting the North pit and pond, water self-purification cycle, rainwater collection and purification, rational planning and layout, and rational utilization of the current embankment combined with urban functions, to build a safe and stable Sha River natural ecosystem to reflect the ecological restoration of the old road of Feng River.

Starting from the continuation of the agricultural tradition, slow-paced rural life and the green tree surrounded rural environment in Guanzhong area, through reform measures, retain the advantages and remove the disadvantages, thus to establish an urban pastoral life in line with the life pursuit of modern people.

▼都市田园,urban resort  ©顾海洋


Combined with the business format, Sha River ancient bridge is regarded as the historical context of the ancient Silk Road, which goes out of Chang’an first bridge in the west.

The new-type urban integration, as an innovative city on the modern Silk Road, has the humanistic characteristics of the garden city, and as the cultural and educational core of the first Cultural and Educational Park in China, the Cultural and Educational Park is displayed in a special area, which constitutes the characteristics of the Sha River corridor cultural landscape system.

▼丰富的人文景观系统,rich cultural landscape system ©顾海洋

▼丰富的植被,rich vegetation ©顾海洋


The Ecological Wetland Sports and Health Park is located in the Sha River Corridor project in Xixian. Its main service objects are surrounding residents, school students, and enterprise employees. The park takes a healthy life as the theme to locate the attributes and functions of the park.

▼健康公园入口,entrance of the Health Park ©顾海洋


Design concept: the design echoes the overall positioning of surrounding business culture and leisure, aims at building urban health park and ecological green space, and restores the construction of urban ecological green space and multi-functional plant ecological community by taking urban keynote tree species as the main body and diversified local tree species as the support, combined with the theme of health culture.

Try to use horticultural plant therapy, emphasizing experience and interest.

▼多层次树种,various species of trees ©顾海洋


Expression form: combined with regular tree array, ecological dense forest, natural semi-open dense forest and open grassland to meet the needs of visitors for different space use, plants with horticultural therapy are intensively planted to form an herb garden.

The multi-layer planting method of trees, shrubs and grasses is combined with the central concave lawn to form a rainwater garden to build a composite ecological green space.


concave lawn and rainwater garden ©顾海洋


view to the exhibition building from the lawn ©顾海洋

▼阶梯景观与连桥,stepped landscape and bridge ©顾海洋

▼有顶走廊,covered corridor ©顾海洋

▼带遮阳装置的休闲广场,recreational plaza with shading installations ©顾海洋

控制条件:选用具有抑菌功能的松柏类植物净化空气; 选用具有香气的芳香类植物,沁人心脾使人身心愉悦; 选择无刺无毒的植物,避免游人误食; 力求三季有花、四时常绿体现季相变化,广场及庭荫树选用秋色叶树种,炫亮秋天的气氛。

Control conditions: pine and cypress plants with bacteriostatic function are selected to purify the aromatic plants with aroma are selected for refreshing and pleasant, thornless and non-toxic plants are chosen to avoid accidental eating by tourists.

The designers are strive to have flowers in three seasons and evergreen in four seasons to reflect seasonal changes. Autumn leaf trees are selected for square and court shade trees to brighten the atmosphere of autumn.

▼公园步道,walkway in the park ©顾海洋


path covered by fallen leaves in Autumn ©顾海洋



Sha River corridor is not only the reasonable maintenance and improvement of the original natural environment, but also the recreation of it by simulating the natural environment design. The greening level largely depends on the selection and optimal allocation of tree species. The designer adapts measures to local conditions and makes overall consideration, adheres to ecological priority, suitable trees, flowers and grass, so as to enrich the urban ecosystem and improve ecological benefits.

The designer also focuses on building water-saving gardens and adheres to the combination of arbor, shrub, and grass. This approach helps to build a composite three-dimensional ecological green space system.

▼复合立体的绿地系统,composite three-dimensional green space system ©顾海洋


Application of Sponge City and Low-impact Development in the project




As Xianyang is a semi dry and wet area in the northwest, and due to the lack of “suitability” evaluation in this kind of urban construction, rainwater utilization and technology in some southern areas and areas with abundant rainfall should be used selectively and carefully.

In the following concave green space, in the season without rain, the plant species and growth state wither and desolate due to the lack of rain, which makes a great contrast in the landscape effect. Tap water is also needed to irrigate the plants in non-rainy season, which changes from water saving to water consumption.

The northwest is mostly collapsible loess area. Simple rainwater infiltration will lead to the insecurity of the site and damage the landscape effect.

▼步道与绿地,path and green space ©顾海洋


Therefore, designers selectively use the commonly used low impact development modes for design, such as permeable paved green streets, intercepting ditches, vegetation grass ditches, an appropriate amount of small, scattered, multi style and drought resistant rainwater gardens and reasonable biological retention systems.

At the same time, new technologies and products are used to solve non-point source pollution, sewage interception hanging baskets are installed at the rainwater inlets of urban roads, and desilting wells and scum isolation wells are set at the rainwater outlets of river channels.

▼小型分散的植被草沟配置,small and scattered vegetation grass ditches ©顾海洋

▼水沟,ditches ©顾海洋


permeable walking path  ©顾海洋

▼植被细部,vegetation details ©顾海洋


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