Atelier Entropic:如何才能使我们的城市适应水平面上升带来的挑战?该项目提出的沿海路径位于沿海防洪线,旨在保护城市Vejle免受风暴潮和海水水位上升的影响。海岸线的部分区域填海打造了自然形态的盆地,由三条不同海拔的蜿蜒的路径相连,希望能在2100年前维持沿海海水水位。景观本身的艺术特色与Henning Larsen设计并建造完成的Wave建筑巧妙地融为一体。
Atelier Entropic:How can we adapt our cities to the coming challenges with rising water levels? The Coastal Path is a solution for the flood protection line to protect Vejle from storm surges and rising sea water level. Additional land is added to the current edge in a form of nature basins connected by three paths meandering between the different levels. The proposed paths and basins are designed to secure the coastal elevation until 2100.
The paths create a missing link between the city (the harbour and the city centre) and the nature of Vejle Fjord and The Deer Park forest. Currently, the recreational experience is disturbed by the presence of heavy traffic and the train tracks. The Coastal Path and raised landscaping act as an intelligent buffer against the road and the train tracks reducing the noise and pollution and offering a seamless recreational experience connecting people with nature!
▼城市连接:Tirsbaek Strandvej区域位于港口休闲区和Skyttehushaven公园之间,休闲区有皮划艇、赛艇和帆船俱乐部(未来将发展为新的住宅区)。两个区域之间明显缺乏适合行人和自行车的连接。港口范围将向外扩张,发展成自然盆地,其上有三条道路连接港口和Vejle峡湾,以弥补城市和自然之间缺失的联系。
▼降噪:目前,来自Tirsbaek Strandvej的噪音超过75分贝,这使得人们无法安静享受海滨散步的乐趣,也导致人们无法在水边停留更长的时间。该方案在喧闹的道路和路径之间创建了一个智能缓冲区。这个基于自然和美学的方案给步行和骑行提供了空间,使得人们可以平静地享受自然。
The Coastal Path is the meeting between land and water where one can experience the changing level of the seawater during the day, seasons and throughout years. The design activates the water edge, and our senses are at play in new ways. The paths span between different levels and frame nature basins where new life begins. The landscape is an art in itself and integrates in a playful way with the existing Wave building by Henning Larsen.
▼三条小径高差剖面 Path section
▼休闲活动及生态分布图 Masterplan of activities and biodiversity
The proposal aims to increase biodiversity in Vejle Fjord and improve the fjord’s environmental condition. Vejle Fjord is regularly affected by oxygen depletion, which limits the maritime life and food supply for certain types of fish and other animals. The stone reefs are formed under the paths to recreate important for maritime biodiversity habitat. The mussel banks are formed around the rocks to help remove large number of algae resulting in clearer water and more light and oxygen for other habitats. In the basins, the eelgrass meadows are re-established. The eelgrass forms the base of a highly productive marine food web. The unique habitat also produces food and oxygen, improves water quality by filtering polluted runoff, absorbs excess nutrients, stores greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, and protects the shoreline from erosion.
▼第一期建设区域 Phase 1
设计公司:Atelier Entropic
设计团队:Geoffrey Eberle, Magdalena Mróz, Asal Mohtashami, Bartosz Kobylakiewicz
客户:Vejle Kommune
合作方:AIM Byliv
摄影师:Atelier Entropic
Project name: The Coastal Path
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 50.000 m2
Project location: Vejle, Denmark
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Atelier Entropic
Design Team: Geoffrey Eberle, Magdalena Mróz, Asal Mohtashami, Bartosz Kobylakiewicz
Clients: Vejle Kommune
Collaborators: AIM Byliv
Photo credits: Atelier Entropic