Hip hop is a street culture and an attitude towards life. The spirit of hip-hop is nothing more than: truth, freedom, respect, dare to think, dare to say and dare to do. The space installation design aims to break the traditional relationship between environment and art. Art is not only an ornament in the environment, but also a medium to adapt to the environment and create an intimate and elegant connection between modern people immersed in mobile phones and the natural environment.
吸引眼球、引人入胜的艺术通道仿佛经过神秘的隧道,欢迎来到“MOSES CLUB” The eye-catching and fascinating art channel seems to pass through a mysterious tunnel. Welcome to
不锈钢围绕着艺术电梯,不仅具备潮流元素,还提供了客人拍照打卡点。 Stainless steel surrounds the art elevator, which not only has the trend element, but also provides guests with a photo clock in point.
这像是午夜的巴黎,有醉生梦死的生活;也是迷人的塞纳河畔,在流光溢彩后,仍然保留着喧哗的热闹。 This is like Paris at midnight, with a life of drunkenness and dreams; It is also the charming Bank of the Seine River. After the streamer, it still retains the noisy excitement.
金属感设计和细腻的明艳色,在繁闹的都市里开拓奇幻之旅。 Metallic design and delicate bright colors open up a fantastic journey in the busy city.
酷炫的线性灯光加上街头文化的涂鸦墙,让卫生间也成为了拍照打卡点。 The cool linear lighting and the graffiti wall of street culture make the bathroom a photo clock in point.
光影之间对称、透视、交叠,抑扬顿挫的节奏是一部无声的剧目,主角便是深入其中的人,剧情由自己主导。 Light and shadow are symmetrical, perspective and overlapping, and the cadence of rhythm is a silent play. The protagonist is the person who goes deep into it, and the plot is dominated by himself.
每一个绮梦,不仅属于设计师,更属于见证者。 Every dream belongs not only to the designer, but also to the witness.