发布时间:2011-08-27 20:40:43 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

LATZ+PARTNER: Thyssen-Meiderich 炼铁厂于 1985 年 4 月完成了最后一批铁材的冶炼后关闭了最后的五号高炉,结束了生产,同时也于 1989 年开启了新的一段难以置信的新发展。当年德国政府致力于为旧工业区的环境、经济和社会转型制定一个高质量建筑和规划的标准,于鲁尔工业区举行了涵盖约 100 个项目的鲁尔区埃姆舍公园国际建筑展 (IBA)。作为建筑展中的一个项目,蒂森梅德里希炼铁厂由彼得·拉兹教授(Prof. Peter Latz)设计,被改造为杜伊斯堡北景观公园,成为如今享誉全球的后工业景观改造的典范。公园占地约 200 公顷,它既不是传统意义上的公园,也不是人们普遍感觉上的景观。北杜伊斯堡风景公园整合、重塑、发展和串联起由原有工业用地功能塑造的肌理,并为此寻找一个新的景观文法。原有的工业肌理与新的设计相互交织,形成新的景观。


LATZ+PARTNER: The Thyssen iron works in Duisburg-Meiderich saw production come to an end with the last tapping of Blast Furnace 5 on 4 April 1985. After that an unbelievable period of development was started. With some 100 projects, the International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) in 1989 in the Ruhr District was attempting to set quality building and planning standards for the environmental, economic and social transformation of an old industrialised region. The Thyssen iron works had been developed as the Landscape Park Duisburg Nord, which is one of these projects, designed by Professor Peter Latz and Partner. It is measuring roughly 200 hectares, which is neither park nor landscape in the traditional sense. The idea was to integrate, shape, develop and interlink the existing patterns that were formed by its previous industrial use, and to find a new interpretation with a new syntax. The existing fragments were to be interlaced into a new “landscape

▼改造前旧貌 Historical Picture

▼改造后 after

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

▼改造后平面图 Master plan

© Latz + Partner

▼历史过程 Historical Maps

子项目高炉园 Partial Project Blast Furnace Park


最初在炼铁厂的高炉之间创造广场和开放空间的想法饱受争议。而如今民众对老旧的工业构造物的新知逐渐取代了曾经对于工业有毒污染物的恐惧。节日期间,多达 5 万名游客聚集在此,穿梭在花叶繁茂的树林和由高炉和暖风炉搭建的奇异构架中,形成一幅美妙的景象。点点滴滴的改变谱写出新的历史。人们对于工业污染地从此有了新的认识,一种前所未有的景观类型也由此诞生……

The Piazza Metallica is the symbol of this park, a metamorphosis of the existing hard and rugged industrial structure into a public park. Iron plates that were once used to cover casting moulds in the pig-iron casting works, form today the heart of the park. From the first moments of their existence, these cast iron plates have been eroded by natural physical processes. In this new place, they will continue to rust and erode.

It was a controversy to create places and public spaces inmidst of a blast furnace plant. Today, the fear of pollution and contamination has given way to a calm acknowledgement of the old structures. During festivities up to 50.000 people gather in these places where the trees in blossoms interweave with the bizarre framework of the blast furnaces and the windheaters to a fantastic image. So, by degrees, a fresh history and a fresh understanding of the contaminated site and of the landscape art have been developing…

▼改造前 before

© Michael Latz

▼高炉 Blast Furnace

© Michael Latz

▼改造后 after

© Michael Latz

© Christa Panick

▼节日庆典 festivity

© Thomas Berns

子项目熔渣园 Partial Project Sinter Park

烧结车间的原址由于受到高度污染,几乎不得不被完全拆除。如今由高炉车间,废弃的高架铁路和高空步道框架出的的熔渣园,却是芳草青青,绿树成荫,并成为举办节日活动的大型场所。通过 300 米长的高空步道可穿过矿坑,它提供了视角,犹如欣赏图画一般,俯视由矿坑改造而成的高低错落的花园。


The place of the former sintering plant was heavily contaminated and had to be almost completely demolished. Today it is a flourishing meadow and a shady grove, a huge festival place, framed to the side of the blast furnace plant by the remainders of the former overhead railway and a high level walk. With a length of 300m it leads across the bunkers and gives views down into the gardens built at various heights and depths within the bunker site.

Once filled with ore, coal, lime and ashes, the walls now enclose old pollutants in sealed containers, excavated materials, water or gardens- horti conclusi of great variety and abundance. They are places of retreat and contemplation that are so important in a large public park. The new huge windmill is not only part of the ecological water cycle but the symbol of renewal of a once devastated area.

▼改造前 before

© Latz + Partner

© Latz + Partner

▼改造后 after

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

子项目水公园 Partial Project Waterpark

现存的轮廓和构造被用来创造一个洁净的、生态的水系统:自东向西横穿园区的开放式污水渠“老埃姆舍”,经过新的规划设计将成为一条清澈的水渠,渠上设有小桥和步道,雨水将直接排入其中。从建筑物、矿仓和冷却池流出的废水排入埋在一层粘土之下直径为 3.5 米的地下管道之中。一个风力驱动的装置将安装与烧结车间现存的塔式粉碎机中,以此来保证水体的运输和净化。


Existing profiles and constructions were used to create an ecological clean water system:The open waste water canal of the “Old Emscher”, crossing the park from east to west, was transformed into a clear water canal with bridges and footpaths, exclusively fed by the clear rainwater. The waste water is now carried within a 3.5m diameter underground main. It is sealed by a layer of clay which collects run off from the buildings, bunkers and former cooling ponds. A windpower installation was set up in the mill tower of the former sintering plant to ensure the cleaning and the transport of the water.

The water channel and the whole water system are an artefact, which aims to restore natural processes in an environment of devastation and distortion. These processes are governed by the rules of ecology, but initiated and maintained by means of technology. Man uses this artefact as a symbol for nature, but remains in charge of the process. The system is at one and the same time entirely natural and entirely artificial.

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

子项目铁道园 Partial Project The Railway Park


铁轨园从过去的交通运输形式中发展而来。种类繁多的桥梁从不同的水平高度上开拓出公园的不同面貌,并为 230 公顷内的土地断片提供了一个完整的视野。多彩的植被展示了一个自然植物群落和来自各地不同种类的矿石相互共生的世界。公园的植物养护管理成就了这一特殊的景象。铁路轨道终止在了被矿坑改造的花园上。由从旧钢铁桥回收的材料建成的高空步道为来访者提供了一个全新而独特的公园空间体验方式。

The railway lines, still open or out of operation, are the most continuous connections also in the park. They form a filigree pattern, going deep into the living and working areas of the city quarters: “Harps” without crossings and intersections diverging and meeting again – created by engineers and reflecting the hundred year evolution of the area.

The railway park develops according to the ways of transportation in the past. Numerous bridges open up specific perspectives on different levels and secure the coherence in the fragmentary 230 hectares of the park. Its colorful vegetation represents a flora immigrated together with the ore from all over the world. The management of the park takes this unique situation into consideration. The railroad tracks end above the gardens in the former ore-bunkers. A high level walk built with recycled material on the pillars of the former overhead railway, invites to experience the space in a new and different way.

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

一座大型的冒险乐园 Duisburg Nord Landscape Park – a huge adventure playground



All the mineral surfaces, lawns, meadows and gardens can be used throughout the park; the bridges and partially accessible industrial buildings and ruins are open to everyone and offer a large, safe playground in a dramatic environment.

A network of ‘play points’ extends across the whole park. In the transition zones between park and residential areas, selected places and ‘ante-parks’ are specifically designed for children and youths.
For example, the ‘alpine climb’ features a long tube slide at the Erzbunkergalerie, and a toddlers’ playground immediately opposite offers a radius of activity suitable for this age group. A water play area at the foot of a huge windmill allows children to control the flow of water, sedimentation and erosion in a large sand pit, where they can learn through play.
A robust site for trend sports and active games has been built into the steel boxes which were used for storing manganese iron ore. Light and colourful spaces beneath a filigree rod iron structure serve as a popular meeting place for young people. They are set some distance away from the more intensively used spaces, which probably helps to keep vandalism in the park to a minimum.

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

子项目矿仓展廊 Partial Project Ore Bunker Gallery


通过混凝土切割技术,在 2 到 3 米厚的墙壁上切割出门洞开口,同时也为这座未来的展廊开拓了出一种新型的体验方式。这些矿仓在过去为封闭的空间,只能从上方往下窥视。

In cooperation with artists and the Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg. Through openings in the massive walls, paths and footbridges connect the labyrinthine complex. They will lead to artificial gardens with differentiated microclimates, with sound effects and various artistic interventions.

With concrete saws entrances were cut into the massive walls 2 to 3 meters thick. They open up completely new prospects into the future gallery, the dark rooms of which had been visible only from above.

▼改造前后 before & after

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

© Michael Latz

项目延伸 extension

图书简介 introduction

距离当年彼得拉茨教授和他的团队设计杜伊斯堡北景观公园已经过去将近 30 年,公园的第一个部分被建造于 1994 年。随着当年设计的结构在时间的加工下渐渐发展,形成现在公园的空间效果,如今正是彼得·拉兹回顾他当年这一“大师作品”好时机。彼得·拉兹亲自撰写北杜伊斯堡风景公园的传记,并通过本书深入介绍了他在这个独特项目中的知识和经验。由迈克尔·拉兹拍摄的公园照片将反映彼得·拉兹的设计哲学以及公园于一年四季中的美景。大量的设计资料,草图,照片以及设计思想被重新整理,为读者提供了全新的视角,一窥十二年的设计规划过程,建造工程以及近年来公园的发展,随着工业的印记揭开一个引人入胜的景观世界。本书已于 2016 年正式出版。

It’s been nearly 30 years since Peter Latz and his team began to work on the landscape park Duisburg Nord. In 1994, first parts of the park were inaugurated. But it is only now that the structures we had planned that time have developed their full spatial effect; what gives a good occasion for Peter Latz to have an intent look at his “masterpiece”.This volume provides insights into twelve years of planning and realisation through photographs, sketches, plans and explanations, and reveals to the reader the fascinating world that follows the industry. With this book, Peter Latz presents an in-depth account of his knowledge and experience regarding this unique project. Impressive pictures taken by Michael Latz reflect his philosophy and the park’s look and feel following the seasons.

项目名称:北杜伊斯堡风景公园 —— Thyssen-Meiderich 炼铁厂景观改造设计-- 完成:1990-2002 项目面积:200 公顷项目地点:德国杜伊斯堡

主创设计师:Peter Latz

项目经理:Christine Rupp-Stoppel in the head office in Kranzberg,Karl-Heinz Danielzik in the project office in Duisburg

团队成员:Stefanie Meinicke (†), Peter Bedner, Renate Bickelmann,Tilman Latz, Marianne Reisig, Martina Schneider, RobertWenk, Peter Wilde, Jutta Wippermann et al.

实习生:Claudia Baumstark, Ulrike Böhm, Georg Klumpen,Christoph Marx, Martin Prominski et al.

客户:Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadt Duisburg, Emschergenossenschaft Essen, Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet

合作方:Latz-Riehl, Günther Lipkowsky,
Realization by help of citizens’action, associations and employment schemes

图片:© Latz + Partner© Michael Latz© Thomas Berns© Christa Panick

竞赛团队 (1990 年国际比赛一等奖): Anneliese and Peter Latz, Urban Planners and Landscape Architects with Christine Rupp, Karl-Heinz Danielzik, Rita Altrock, Ulrike Hausmann, Gabriele Hörl, Alexander Kuhn, Marianne ReisigGünther Lipkowsky, Architect Haase & Söhmisch, Landscape Ecology Deutsche Projekt-Union Essen, Environmental Remediation Natterer & Dittrich München, Bridge Engineering

荣获奖项:2009 年绿色好设计

2005 年 EDRA 空间设计奖

2004 年休闲娱乐场所设计奖

2001 年城市规划伟大勋章

2000 年 Rosa Barba 欧洲景观设计一等奖

Project name: Metamorphosis of the Thyssen-Meiderich iron works into a landscape park

Design-completion: 1990-2002

Project area: 200 ha

Project location: Duisburg, Germany

Leader Designer: Peter Latz

Project managers: Christine Rupp-Stoppel in the head office in Kranzberg, Karl-Heinz Danielzik in the project office in Duisburg

Staff – design: Stefanie Meinicke (†), Peter Bedner, Renate Bickelmann, Tilman Latz, Marianne Reisig, Martina Schneider, Robert Wenk, Peter Wilde, Jutta Wippermann et al.

Interns: Claudia Baumstark, Ulrike Böhm, Georg Klumpen, Christoph Marx, Martin Prominski et al.

Clients: Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadt Duisburg, Emschergenossenschaft Essen, Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet

Partner: Latz-Riehl, Günther Lipkowsky,
Realization by help of citizens’ action, associations and employment schemes

photography:© Latz + Partner

© Michael Latz© Thomas Berns© Christa Panick

Competition Team (1st prize in international competition 1990): Anneliese and Peter Latz, Urban Planners and Landscape Architects with Christine Rupp, Karl-Heinz Danielzik, Rita Altrock, Ulrike Hausmann, Gabriele Hörl, Alexander Kuhn, Marianne Reisig

Günther Lipkowsky, Architect

Haase & Söhmisch, Landscape Ecology

Deutsche Projekt-Union Essen, Environmental Remediation

Natterer & Dittrich München, Bridge Engineering

Awards:Green Good Design Award 2009

EDRA Places Award 2005

Play & Leisure Award 2004

Grande Medaille d´Urbanisme 2001

1st European Prize for Landscape Architecture Rosa Barba 2000


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