发布时间:2023-11-26 04:01:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Nowadays the term ‘waystation’ has often been used to refer to rest spots in parks. These buildings can serve multiple functions such as hosting coffee stands, providing resting areas, showcasing exhibitions as well as cultural activities. Haitang Pavilion is such a waystation.

▼视频,Video© 直译建筑摄影


Being the debut public building constructed by China Resources in the 13-kilometer-long Haitang River Ecological Park in Sanya, located in Phase 1 of the Hainan Sanya Haitang River Ecological Park, it is built to serve as a bridge for understanding Sanya from four aspects: ecology, culture, vitality, and future. Together with the Haitang River Ecological Park, it narrates a newfangled relationship between the city’s future urban lifestyle and ecological development.

Bird ’s-eye view from the north side ©金伟琦

自然而然的轻松空间精工打造的艺术作品naturallytranquil spacemeticulously crafted art piece海棠晓翼是三亚海棠河展现给世界的一张名片。我们期望展厅不仅在外观上成为一件精工打造的 “艺术品“,内部也不失自然放松的氛围。

"Haitang Pavilion" is an introduction card that Sanya Haitang River presents to the world. We hope that the building will not only become a meticulously crafted ’artwork’ exteriorly, but also enveloping a naturally relaxing atmosphere on its inside.

▼东北鸟瞰,Northeast aerial view©金伟琦

▼东南鸟瞰,Southeast view©金伟琦


▼建筑可以拆解成三个重要组成部分,three key components of the pavilion ©易加设计

▼场地剖面,Site profile©易加设计

The site is higher in the southeast sloping down towards northwest, with a 180° panoramic view with the Haitang River, offering abundant landscape resources. We aim to embrace the existing sloping condition and utilize the height difference to create meandering paths and varied sightlines, seamlessly dissolves the building into the environment. The journey from site to internal spaces occurs naturally and effortlessly.

▼从河岸公园步入展厅,Walk into the exhibition hall from Riverbank Park©金伟琦

漂浮于大地之上的轻盈屋面 Delicate roof, seemingly aloft, hovering above the ground展厅的造型灵感来自于海风吹起的帐幔,入口一角被轻轻掀起,亲和地迎接游客进入。面向河岸一侧的檐口微微探起,遥望远处的海棠河景。两翼屋角则轻轻搭在草坡上,为两侧的步道遮风避雨。借用场地丰富景观和地形高差围合出的内向的中心庭院。

The design of “Haitang Pavilion” draws inspiration from the billowing tapestry unfurled by the sea breeze; a corner of which was gently lifted at the entrance, gracious inviting the visitors. Towards the riverbank, the eaves gracefully extend, granting the picturesque Haitang River afar. The roof’s wing tips rest upon the grassy slope, sheltering the both footpaths from weather. The central courtyard is formed by embracing the rich landscaping and terrain variation offered by the site.

面朝海棠河翘起屋角,A raised corner facing the Haitang River©金伟琦

▼建筑如一片被海风掀起的幔帐,The building dances, like a tapestry unfurled by sea breeze ©金伟琦


The curtain wall is predominantly composed of glass ribs that are highly transparent, allowing the building to be integrated into the terrain and blend into its surroundings. The roof becomes the third element harmonizing the architecture and the landscape, resembling a tapestry billowed by the sea breeze, floats in mid-air, embraces the surrounding with its dynamic curvature.”

▼随风而起的屋顶造型,The roof shape with the wind©金伟琦

▼从公园入口达到展厅夜景,Night view of the exhibition hall©金伟琦

▼展厅入口黄昏,Entrance of the project at duck©金伟琦

夜景鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view at night©水相设计+吴鉴泉

2. 场景切换的精神内庭 The spiritual courtyard of scene transitions


A meandering pathway connects the park entrance to the building. The courtyard serves as a prologue to the exhibition hall, hidden at the end of said pathway. The park and the exhibition hall offer contrasting atmospheres, where one transitions from a dynamic and serene ambiance to absolute tranquility.

▼内院形态如随风飘来的海棠花瓣,The courtyard takes on a form, reminiscent of begonia petals drifting through the air ©金伟琦

▼内庭院光影,Inner courtyard light and shadow ©金伟琦

▼庭院,Inner courtyard©金伟琦


People stroll from the open park scene into the serene enveloped courtyard adorned with begonia petals. Inner peace takes over; time slows down as they stand in the courtyard, gazing at the sky, and experiencing the ever-changing natural

▼庭院黄昏,Dusk view of the courtyard©金伟琦

▼庭院夜景,Night view of the courtyard©金伟琦

▼庭院夜景,Night view of the courtyard© 水相设计+吴鉴泉

3.流动的展陈空间 Flowing exhibition Space


Followed a brief pause in the courtyard, people enter the flowing and transparent exhibition space underneath the roof. The entire exhibition hall seems to be carved out from the ground. Visitors enter the reception platform on the ground floor and descend along the ramp embedded . The space gradually becomes lofty and expansive, revealing glimpses of the Haitang River’s beauty.

室内视角,Interior viewing©金伟琦

▼展厅宛如从地面凿刻出来,The exhibition hall seems to have been chiseled out of the ground©金伟琦

流动通透的空间氛围,Flowing and transparent space atmosphere©水相设计+吴鉴泉

▼站在庭院透过玻璃遥望海棠河,Standing in the courtyard looking at the Haitang River through the glass©金伟琦


However, before the view fully opens up, they are guided to a secluded immersive exhibition hall hidden beneath. After which they ascend along the rammed earth walls, bathed in natural light, re-enter the main exhibition space, which suddenly becomes bright and spacious. The interior merges with the external park through the curtain wall.

室内楼梯坡道,Interior stair ramp©水相设计+吴鉴泉

沉浸式展厅入口,Immersive exhibition hall entrance©水相设计+吴鉴泉

▼与墙体融为一体的服务空间,Service space integrated with the wall©水相设计+吴鉴泉


The park building serves as both a venue for activities and a container that captures nature.The “Haitang Pavilion” seeks to capture and magnify natural elements, allowing people to experience the gentle sea breeze brushing the ground and the passing clouds over the roof.

▼顶视图,Top view ©水相设计+吴鉴泉

▼从南侧栈道看展厅,View the exhibition hall from the south plank road©金伟琦

▼从河岸公园看展厅夜景,Night view of the exhibition hall from the riverbank park ©金伟琦

面朝海棠河的屋角夜景,Night view of the project facing the Haitang River ©金伟琦

夜景,Night view©金伟琦

▼总图,Master plan© 深圳易加设计有限公司 + 水相设计

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan©深圳易加设计有限公司 + 水相设计

▼地下一层平面图,Basementfloor plan ©深圳易加设计有限公司 + 水相设计

▼剖面图,Section ©深圳易加设计有限公司 + 水相设计










景观设计: AECOM

设计时间 2022.08~2023.02

摄影师: 金伟琦,吴鉴泉

视频制作: 直译建筑摄影

Project Name: Haitang River Ecological Park Exhibition Hall

Client: China Resources Group

Total Floor Area: 899 square meters

Project Type: Cultural Exhibition Hall

Lead Designers: Wang Zhe, Tian Xin

Construction Drawing Lead: Lü Zhilin

DesignTeam: Shang Zijing, Li Tailai,Zhang Yuqi

Construction Drawing Team: Liu Fujv, Lü Kai, Zong Zhenyu, Gao Yujia, Wang Kaiming, Yang Helin, Liang Chunlei, Yang Ying,Liu Jia

Interior Design: WATERFROM Design

Landscape Design: AECOM

Design time : 2022.08~2023.02

Photographer : Jin Weiqi,Wu jianquan

Video Production :Archi-Translator Photography


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