发布时间:2019-02-20 20:21:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

CEPT图书馆坐落在CEPT大学校园中,由建筑师B.V. Doshi于1960年代设计,此后一直在建筑世界中占据着重要的位置,作为印度现代建筑的遗产,以其标志性的设计闻名。对这样的建筑进行当代化设计介入是一项巨大的挑战,需要在体现校园丰富历史的同时,反映当下的需求以及印度建筑发展方向。

The CEPT Library is located in the CEPT University campus was designed by architect, B. V. Doshi in the 1960’s and has since then held an important position in the world of architecture both for its iconic design and the legacy of Modern Architecture in India. Making a contemporary intervention on such a site was an immense challenge on how one acknowledges the rich history of the campus while creating a building that is reflective of current needs and directions in architecture in India.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building


▼可变百叶立面,adjustable louver facade


recess on the facade creating resting space

▼图书馆外的广场,plaza outside the library

▼图书馆与周边建筑呼应,the library responding to the surrounding buildings

The library is intended to facilitate the university’s shift away from a traditionally prescriptive pedagogy toward a choice-based curriculum. Strategically located in the heart of the campus, the library is envisioned as a hub for the students and faculty from the various academic departments.. While using the functional requirements of the library for its spatial organization, the building formally weaves itself into the pre-existing architectural narrative of the campus. It does this through alignments in plan with adjacent buildings, modulation of sectional levels into and above the ground, and through the choice of material selection and expression. In fact , the  building respects the continuum of existing architectural expression that has defined CEPT’s campus for decades. At the most fundamental performative level, the Lalbhai Library responds to, and anticipates, the current and future acquisitions of the University – reading rooms, formal and informal reading spaces, individual carrels, seminar rooms, and administrative offices are accommodated in addition to softer and more flexible multipurpose spaces for exhibitions and presentations.

▼入口连桥,bridge at the entrance

▼入口近景,室内外关系,closer view to the entrance, relationship between the interior and the exterior


transition space behind the facade

▼地下一层露台,terrace on the basement 1 level

▼地下藏书区,underground book core



visual connection among different levels

▼一层展厅,exhibition on the first level

▼二层阅览室,reading room on the second level

由RMA Architects设计的图书馆试图以充满感情的方式回应上述挑战,适应独立后印度建筑丰富的现代叙事的同时,满足当代的需求和期望。建筑使用当代材料,在平面和剖面的空间设计上容纳多种功能,同时适应了Ahmedabad炎热干燥的天气,成为了项目的一项重要成就。设计还带来了富有趣味的形式和肌理,阳光穿过建筑的百叶表皮,创造出独特的建筑体验。材料和构造系统形成了独特的建筑语言,代表了印度新一代建筑的出现,延伸了经过精心调整和本地化的印度现代主义遗产。以可变百叶里面和裸露的混凝土为例,二者均回应了Ahmadabad市的建筑传统文脉。

The Library designed by RMA Architects is an empathetic attempt to bridge this challenge – of designing a building that sits within a rich modern narrative of post-independence Indian Architecture, while building for contemporary needs and aspirations. The building uses contemporary materials and is spatially articulated in plan as well section to  accommodate multiple functions but to also create an architecture suitable for the hot and dry weather of Ahmedabad which  is a significant achievement. This also allows for a play of form and texture; and light through the louvered skin of the building which makes for a unique architectural experience. Using material and construction systems to create a particular vocabulary, the architecture of the building represents the emergence of a new generation of architecture in India – one which extends the legacy of carefully calibrated and localized modernism in India. For example the adjustable louvered façade or the use of exposed concrete is a way to respond to the context of the architecture traditions in the city of Ahmadabad.

▼不同空间的使用场景,using scenes of different spaces

▼夜景,night view

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,first floor plan

▼三层平面图,second floor plan

▼地下一层和夹层平面图,basement 1 & mezzanine plan

▼地下二层平面图,basement 2 plan

▼夹层2平面图,mezzanine 2 plan




Client: Centre for Environment Planning and Technology (CEPT)

Area: 30,000 square feet

Start of Design: 2015

Occupation: 2017

Structure: N. K. Shah Consulting Engineers LLP

MEP: Arkk Consultants

Campus Architect: Dilip Patel

Facade: FACE for Louvers

Contractor: PSP Projects Limited


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