发布时间:2020-10-21 23:28:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

重庆观音桥属于重庆江北区商圈,是江北区的商贸中心、商住中心、金融中心、文化中心和交通枢纽。这里也是“都市繁华、核心商圈、潮流生活”的代名词。商圈核心区外,繁华逐步消落,2 公里外的边缘地带则是老居民用地,而项目属于此片区,本项目利用一块依附儿童公园旁的公共绿地,希望在这片寸土寸金的土地上为城市提供一个崭新的面貌。设计以城市更新立意,用艺术的感知传达生活的向往,唤起观音桥边缘地带的情感共鸣。

▼项目概览,preview ©三棱镜建筑景观摄影

Guanyin Bridge belongs to the business district of Jiangbei District of Chongqing. It is the business center, business-residential center, financial center, cultural center and transportation hub of Jiangbei District. This place is also synonym of “the city prosperity, the core business circle, the trendy life”.

Outside the core area of the business district, the edge area 2 kilometers away is the old residential land, and the project belongs to this area. The project makes use of a public green space attached to the children’s park, intending to provide a new look for the city on this land.

The design is based on urban renewal, conveying the yearning of life with the sense of art and evoking the emotional resonance for the edge of Guanyin Bridge.

▼观音桥分析图,analysis of Guanyin Bridge©A&N 尚源景观


At the beginning of the design, the gallery of VANKE Chongqing the Sky of the City was thinking that the sought-after city for people in Chongqing should have its own symbol. “Cloud”symbolizes tolerance, a free and changeable attitude, which is also the state of the land. The design takes “cloud” as the theme to record the perception of art, so that every visitor can have a relaxed appreciation and feel the new vitality of the city.

▼沙盘模型,sand table model ©A&N 尚源景观


同时,考虑艺术的视觉感知,漂浮的大门横向延伸,将大门构筑漂浮离地面至一米的距离,构筑后半部分为结构主要受力部分让整个大门向外悬挑 2700mm,构筑下方以柔软的地形做依托结合结构墙以镜面不锈钢贴面形成反射,让底部形成消隐悬空,大门构筑以 1450*2700mm 超白玻及极细的扁钢线条方式创造极简的整体形象,更轻盈的呈现出漂浮的设计感。

The entrance makes use of the shape of the cloud to find the context of design, using the high-permeability glass to create a hazy feeling in a poetic way. The overall design integrates with the surroundings delicately and lightly, like the state of cloud, blending with nature, and leaping above the nature.

At the same time, consider the visual perception of art, the floating gate extends horizontally, which is one-meter distance from the ground. The second half of the structure is the main stress-bearing part to ensure the whole gate is overhanging 2700mm. The lower part of the structure is supported by soft terrain, combining with the structural wall and using the mirror surface stainless steel veneer to form a reflection, which makes the bottom a hidden suspension. The gate is made of 1450*2700MM ultrawhite glass and very thin flat-rolled steel lines to create a minimalist overall image, showing a lighter floating design.

漂浮的大门,hazy feeling entrance©三棱镜建筑景观摄影


Cloud is tender and free. The terrain of core area is inspired by the sea of clouds. The site skillfully expands the space, mutually infiltrates the environment, and expresses the artistic perception of the space. In this way, the boundary between space can be eliminated and interspersed freely. “Restore a scenery derived from nature, but scenery had never appeared in the nature before. ” becomes the conceptual basis of terrain shaping.

设计概念生成图,concept©A&N 尚源景观


In order to fully reflect the concept of “cloud sea “, the whole site takes the undulating terrain as the main landscape element of the space. Each undulating terrain comes from design to model making and then drawing mapping, repeated grinding before the initial results.

▼ 场地整体以波澜起伏的地形作为空间的主要景观元素,the whole site takes the undulating terrain as the main landscape element of the space©三棱镜建筑景观摄影/河狸景观摄影

▼ 穿梭在起伏的草地中央仿佛行走在云端,walking through the undulant meadowland looks like in the clouds ©河狸景观摄影


玻璃的选择尤为重要,高度与厚度成为项目的难点,最终我们选择了采用 4900*900 的艺术纹理热熔玻璃,让整个围合的场地空间变得通透起来,在光影之下的投射形成的幻化的艺术之美。

The design skillfully eliminates the external unfavorable environment and sets off the internal relations, allowing the nature to penetrate, just like the sun covered by clouds appear the hazy beauty. With the change of different light and shadow, it talks to the nature outside in a hazy form. The selection of glass is particularly important, and the height and thickness become the difficulties of the project. Finally, we chose to use 4900 * 900 artistic texture hot-melt glass to make the whole enclosed space transparent, and the mirage of artistic beauty formed by the projection under the light and shadow.

玻璃让整个围合的场地空间变得通透,glass make the whole enclosed space transparent ©河狸景观摄影

▼树影投射在玻璃上,显得更为朦胧,the shadow of the trees on the glasses makes the atmosphere hazier ©三棱镜建筑景观摄影


We attempt to use “cloud art” to convey the new concept of life on the edge of the city. The floating, soft, hazy, and free attitudes here are arranged in the form of sculptures, recording the perception of life and art.Latter of Clouds-Intertwined with islands floating in the sky and scattered cloud ladders, it means that the journey to the city in the sky is opened from here. Step on the layers of gentleness, farewell to the troubles of the world, and return to upward life.▼云之梯手稿,hand drawing of Latter of Clouds ©A&N 尚源景观



The green island made of stainless steel is combined with the frosted semi-permeable acrylic ladder and the embellishment of tree branches, suspended in the window, and the whole reflects the beauty of purity, lightness and floating.

▼云之海手稿,hand drawing of Sea of Clouds©A&N 尚源景观

“云之海”实景,Sea of Clouds©三棱镜建筑景观摄影

云之城——以城市的轮廓为缩影,结合错落有致的云雾阶梯,呈现天空之城的纯美生活,感受穿过云层后,在离天空最近的地方下栖居。以薄钢铸造的云梯和 4mm 不锈钢圆条拼接的城市缩影,视觉上使之轻盈朦胧。

The city of clouds-with the outline of the city as a miniature, combined with the scattered cloud and fog stairs, it presents the pure and beautiful life of the city in the sky. After passing through the clouds, you can live in the place nearest to the sky.The cityminiature is made of thin steel ladder and 4mm stainless steel round bar, which makes it light and hazy visually.

▼云之城手稿,hand drawing of City of Clouds ©A&N 尚源景观

▼“云之城”实景,City of Clouds©三棱镜建筑景观摄影


Regarding to the plants, we selected the misty terminalia catappa, which is as ethereal as the cloud. Its straight trunk extends layers of distinct branches and leaves. Each layer has its own different posture, elegant and not messy, which better shows the temperament of the cloud here.

▼如云般缥缈的锦叶榄仁环绕着建筑,misty terminalia catappa, as ethereal as clouds, surrounding the building©三棱镜建筑景观摄影


The design of the gallery hopes to convey the attitude of freedom, fantasy and inclusiveness to the people living in this land as far as possible, to cross the existing stereotype of people on the edge of the city, so that they can embrace new changes and accept more diversified values and more artistic lifestyle than before. Therefore, we want to connect the existing with the newly established, and let it lead people to have a life attitude like the cloud.

▼总平面,master plan©A&N 尚源景观

项目名称:重庆 万科·天空之城



景观设计:A&N 尚源景观


项目状态:2020.09 竣工 A&N 尚源景观设计团队








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