The iconic RAW restaurant from Kuwait City, opens its second venue with a new concept for the area: Nikkei food, and Futura was in charge of the interior design and branding.
▼外观,exterior view ©Futura
Part of the challenge was to preserve the essence of the first RAW restaurant, but with a twist that could identify its new food style. We took inspiration from the rough and natural feeling of quarries of marble and stone, which is the purest form of nature.
▼空间概览,overview of the interior space ©Futura
▼入口接待台,reception at the entrance ©Futura
▼用餐区,dining area ©Futura
▼看向内部卡座区,view of the interior space ©Futura
The arrangement of chairs and tables, gives an intimate touch, its like being in your own washitsu in the middle of the desert.
▼墙边座位细节,details of seatings by the wall ©Futura
▼桌椅细部,details of furnitures ©Futura
We tested different materials such as copper, marble and wood. As part of the design approach, we experimented with the lighting: there is a gradient that goes from the entrance to the back of the restaurant, creating certain mysticism around the kitchen: the same mysticism that Nikkei food has for itself.
▼灯光细部,details of lighting ©Futura
▼墙体金属板深浅不一形成渐变,a gradient from the entrance to the back ©Futura
▼品牌推广设计,branding design ©Futura