Animal cyborg that take pictures
The wind robot
Animal cyborg that take pictures
The fire robot
The gladiator cyborg
The vain cyborg
The gladiator cyborg
The earthquake robot
The wind robot
The fire robot
The wind robot
The earthquake robot
The translator robot (on the right)
The gladiator cyborg
The wind robot
The vain cyborg
The woman robot
The translator robot
The woman robot
The earthquake robot
A crude and elementary example of an istallation of mannequins in a fashion shop. An alien has landed on Earth with robots and cyborgs that will help him communicate with humans and defend themselves from aggressive ones.
The story is that the aliens come to Earth to meet the children, on their triangle-shaped spaceship. The chief has a dragon as a companion animal. Then there are some robots that are used to defend against possible attacks by the earthlings: the wind-hurricane robot, the fire robot, the earthquake robot. Another robot is a woman-robot that testifies to the beauty of the woman even in the form of a robot.
Then there are the cyborgs: the Unicorn, which serves to take photos of the land; the cyborg Vanish; the cyborg gladiator.
Year 2017
Work started in 2015
Work finished in 2017
Main structure Wood
Status Completed works
Type Showrooms/Shops