HASSELL等多家设计团队深知水的特性,并明确知道水能为临近社区带来的巨大利益。通过对当地社区环境,经济,文化及生态潜能的深入调研,HASSELL, MVRDV, Deltares, Goudappel, Lotus Water, Civic Edge, Idyllist, Hatch, Page & Turnbull团队希望将水引进社区环境,让水系改变人类生活。在地专业团队Lotus Water, Civic Edge, Page & Turnbull, Hatch and Idyllist的协作下,设计小组充分调研、倾听并采纳了当地居民的建设性意见,并将这一系列意见整合到设计当中。项目旨在通过设计改变当地社区环境,力求营造充满活力的社区生活,并为社区提供应急情况处理需求。
The HASSELL+ team understands water designing for water, living with water and the immense social potential that waterfront places offer communities when they are connected to them. HASSELL, MVRDV, Deltares, Goudappel, Lotus Water, Civic Edge, Idyllist, Hatch, Page & Turnbull are drawn to Resilient by Design through an acute understanding of the social, cultural, economic and ecological potential that research-led design can unlock for waterfront communities. In partnership with local experts – Lotus Water, Civic Edge, Page & Turnbull, Hatch and Idyllist – the team brings to this challenge a wealth of experience. Experience in researching, listening and engaging with communities, and designing, prototyping and delivering integrated solutions. The aim is to design and deliver places and systems that improve the physical and social resilience of communities while performing vital daily and emergency functions for those communities.
▼总体规划效果图,master plan
可恢复性空间连接水系与居住生活Revitalised public spaces that collect and connect people and water
For the collaborative research phase of the competition, HASSELL+ re-imagined a series of San Francisco waterfront communities as vibrant, fundamentally public places primed for everyday use – but also vital for environmental and emergency needs. Their response was inspired by the way the region’s communities used open spaces during both the 1906 San Francisco earthquake – one of the deadliest in US history – and the recent, devastating Northern California wildfires. HASSELL+ envisioned a network structure of green spaces, creeks and revived high streets that would serve as points of collection, connection and water management from the ridgeline to the shoreline and across the bay via an enhanced ferry network. Recharged ‘connectors’ – streets and creeks – and new ‘collectors’ – responsive, adaptable open spaces – would become places for everyday gathering, big events and disaster assembly. Together, they could ultimately make the Bay Area more physically and socially resilient.
▼社区规划愿景,the ongoing project
联合当地社区充分合作Sites and programs co-designed with the local community
如今,设计团队终于可以在南旧金山践行“联通与集聚”的规划理念。设计团队在Colma Creek构想了全新的海岸公园。于此同时,Grand Avenue将成为充满活力的社区中心,并设立信访基地时刻欢迎居民的拜访。设计团队充分立足于当地,并积极回应当地民众的真实诉求,努力营造怡人的生活环境。信访基地的数字化展示平台将为社区居民提供全方位的可恢复性空间知识宣讲,并鼓励居民参与社区政策的制定。
The team now has the opportunity to apply its ‘collect and connect’ toolkit to proposed sites in South San Francisco. At Colma Creek, HASSELL+ has imagined a new Shoreline Park. Meanwhile, Grand Avenue will become a vital community hub with a drop-in storefront people can visit during the design phase. The team’s design process will draw heavily on local voices and insights to ensure that design solutions – which will be presented in May – reflect the community’s needs. In addition to the drop-in centre, city residents will be able to access a digital platform to learn about adapting for resilience and get involved in decision making.
▼社交聚集,collector: community
▼灾难庇护,collector: disaster
▼景观分类,design elements
建造更好的滨海城市 – 放眼国际 Designing better waterfront cities – a range of international perspectives
自5月项目确立以来,港湾地区所有9个郡县的执行官员都表示出了极大的关注和支持。圣马特奥郡监事会主席Dave Pine认为这是一次向设计团队学习的极好机会,这一项目将令整个郡县带来持续的和充满创造性的改变。
以HASSELL为首的设计团队由该项目方精心挑选。项目紧随纽约、新泽西和康涅狄格州在飓风桑迪后的成功修复工程。该项目受惠于The Rockefeller Foundation100城市修复工程,这一工程旨在帮助100个受灾害城市重塑它们的21世纪新城。设计团队由来自全世界领域的经营人员组成,他们具有最专业的水利工程经验,以及对城市水系建造的深刻认知。
Since the challenge launched last May, it’s received an outpouring of support from elected officials across all nine counties in the Bay Area. San Mateo County Board of Supervisors President Dave Pine sees it as an opportunity to draw on the technical expertise of design teams, think creatively, and ultimately, create lasting change in the county.
The team headed by HASSELL are one of ten teams selected by Resilient by Design, modelled after the successful Rebuild by Design challenge that addressed infrastructure needs in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut following the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. The program is tied to The Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities network, which aims to support 100 cities to build resilience for the 21st-century. The HASSELL+ team is an international team of experts who understands designing and living with water, alongside considering the potential that waterfront locations have for better connected and resilient communities.
Location: South San Francisco, USA
Client: Resilient by Design
Programme: Masterplan, 800 kilometers of shoreline
Design MVRDV: Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries
Design Team: Nathalie de Vries, Jeroen Zuidgeest with Kristina Knauf and Vedran Skansi
Collaboration: HASSELL+ (HASSELL, MVRDV, Deltares, Goudappel, Lotus Water, Frog Design, Civic Edge, Idyllist, Hatch, Page & Turnbull)
Images: MVRDV and HASSELL+