发布时间:2022-01-23 16:46:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

LIM PIZZA位于苏州市虎丘区绿宝广场步行街,这个项目的选址是一个仅有64m²的类正方形店面,我们在满足功能属性的前提下,糅合了超前与务实的理念,给予店铺建筑美感,将空间使用面积最大化的同时增加空间趣味性,营造出LIM PIZZA店丰沛的新生活力空间。 LIM PIZZA is located in Lvbao Square pedestrian street, Huqiu District, Suzhou. The site of this project is a square storefront which covers only 64M ². On the condition of meeting the functional attributes, we combine the concept of advance and pragmaticism to maximize the available space area make the store architecturally beautiful and interesting, so as to create a new vitality space of LIM PIZZA store. 室内一览©徐英达 Overview of the space

项目在空间布局上,将空间简洁明快的划分为几个大的区域,门窗是沿用了原商铺的遗留,在契合空间基调的同时最大限度的发挥其对外的开放性特质。用餐区在保证使用和舒适的基础上,用不规则的曲线餐桌搭配高低不同的同色系透明家具,来增加空间的层次给食客更丰富的空间体验。操作区和点餐区则是设计为一体式的状态使界面更加整体和协调。因为要有精酿再加上各种设备的外露,所以我们在整体调性上加入了许多的金属元素来演绎披萨与啤酒饮品的组合。 In terms of spatial layout, we divide the space into several large areas. The doors and windows follow the style of the original shops, and give full play to its openness to the outside world while conforming to the spatial tone. As for the dining area, based on ensuring use and comfort, we use irregular curved tables with transparent furniture of the same color system with different heights to increase the level of space and give diners a better space experience. The operation area and ordering area are designed as an integrated state, making the interface more integrated and coordinated.Because of the need for fine brewing and the exposure of various equipment, we have added many metal elements to the overall tonality to deduce the combination of pizza and beer drinks. 项目轴侧图©平介设计 Axonometric

用餐区©徐英达 Dining Area

从外部望向操作台方向©徐英达 view from the exterior perspective

为什么是绿色?绿色往往能给人以清新、自然、宁静、青春、放松等一系列的正面情绪,符合LIM的品牌颜色和空间的设计主题,通过绿色的空间与披萨给人的感觉发生碰撞感,意味着美味与自然的碰撞,以绿色为主配合灯光使空间具有较强的表现力及张力。 Why do we choose green?Green can often bring people a series of positive emotions such as freshness, nature, tranquility, youth and relaxation, which is in line with the design theme of Lims brand color and space. The feeling of collision between green space and pizza also represents delicacy and nature. Additionally, light with green makes the space full of strong expressiveness and tension. 空间中的绿色©徐英达 Green elements in the space

为什么是三角?不论是披萨的包装还是披萨本身,都与三角分不开,传统的披萨盒因为要让大块的披萨在运送中不发生形变,往往会选择瓦楞纸板结构的盒子来装送,即很多三角逻辑的波浪构成。披萨本身自不必说,一块完整的圆形披萨会切割为一个个漂亮的三角。Why do we choose a triangle?Both the pizza packaging and the pizza itself are inseparable from the triangles. To avoid the deformation of pizza during transportation, traditional pizza boxes are always made of corrugated boards, which consist of many waves in triangle logic. A complete round pizza will be cut into beautiful triangles. 空间中的三角©徐英达 Triangles in the space

外立面简单翻折的一角和立面三角体量的形体都是在回应这个语言。门头的翻折是作为线索让人先联想到盒子这种比较具象的物体来激发人们的探索欲望,使人们在进到空间中,会有更多的探索,和更丰富的空间体验。立面重复阵列的三角形体配合顶面的镜面铝板拉伸空间,希望用强烈的包裹感来隔绝外界的喧哗让在空间中的使用者能获得更多的正面情绪。 The simply folded corner of the facade and the shape of the triangular volume all respond to this language. The folding of the door is used as a clue to remind people of the box, a more concrete object, to stimulate peoples desire for exploration, so that people will have more exploration and get more spatial experience when entering the space. The triangular part of the facade repeated array cooperates with the aluminum mirror plate on the top surface to stretch the space. We hope to isolate the noise from the outside world through the strong feeling of being wrapped so that users in the space can get more positive emotions.项目外观©徐英达 Project facade

翻折的一角©徐英达 The folded corner

为什么是不规则的曲线?我们希望在这个有限和规则的空间里带给人们一些不一样的体验。这条在空间中扭动的曲线就承担着这个任务,它打破了这个空间原本的沉闷,在不影响人们使用的基础上或多或少的改变了人们在空间中的动线与行为,配合上高低不同的家具,使人们在这个空间中能有更丰富的体验。曲线在空间中的流动和触碰到边缘后的转折也可以理解为披萨在盒子里微微散发着的香气。 Why is it an irregular curve?We hope to bring people some different experiences in this limited and regular space. This curve twisting in the space undertakes this task. It breaks the original dullness of the space, and more or less changes peoples tracks and behavior in the space without affecting peoples use. With furniture of different heights, people can enjoy the space. The flow of the curve in space and the turning point after touching the edge can also be understood as the slight aroma of pizza in the box.空间中流动的曲线©徐英达 The floating curve in the space

概念图解©平介设计 Concept diagram

在这个快节奏的时代中,希望每一个进入店里的顾客都能有愉快的心情,和不一样的用餐体验。在带给顾客全方位享受美食的良好体验的同时,构建一体化的活力空间,并展现独特的设计理念。在紧凑的空间中最大限度的表达出简洁明快的风格,并体现出独具现代气息的新风尚,是我们本次设计需要探讨的新课题,我们也希望能在契合pizza主题的同时,赋予店铺新时代的青春活力。 In this fast-paced era, we hope every customer in the store can be in a happy mood and have a special dining experience. While bringing customers an excellent experience of enjoying delicious food in an all-rounded way, we construct an integrated dynamic space and show unique design ideas. It is a new topic for us to express a concise and lively style to the greatest extent in the compact space and reflect the new style with unique modernness in this design. We also hope to make the store more lively and fashionable while conforming to the theme of pizza.空间细部©徐英达 Details of the space

平面图©平介设计 Floor plan


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