发布时间:2022-02-13 15:55:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

榕城悠悠,三山雅韵犹存。坐落于福州的建发养云,在白墙黛瓦的风韵里,看它静默着,沉如时光老者,诉说着闽都光阴的故事。 Rongcheng is long, and the elegance of the three mountains still exists. Located in Fuzhou, Jianfa Yangyun, in the charm of white walls and black tiles, watch it silently, like an old man in time, telling the story of time in Mindu.

横渡时光之河,探寻其源源滋长的文化脉络,于天井之下四檐之上,在尘封时光的低吟浅唱旁驻足,依稀聆得一曲古老的歌谣轻轻回荡。 Cross the river of time and explore the cultural context that has grown from its origins. On the four eaves under the patio, stop beside the whispering singing of dusty time, and faintly hear an ancient song echoing gently.

仰观院落形制,以歇山顶为原型加以现代手法改制而成屋顶,令得空间多了些山峰傲骨、波澜壮阔的崇高意味。 Looking up at the shape of the courtyard, the roof is transformed into a roof based on the Xieshan Mountain as the prototype, which makes the space more lofty and majestic.

山势蜿蜒而下,隐匿林间的华丽长卷徐徐展开,引人一探其境。大漆画凝聚了七千年的文化传承,朱漆描金,将榕城的光阴演绎得如幻如梦。 The mountain winds down, and the gorgeous long scrolls hidden in the woods slowly unfold, inviting people to explore it. The large lacquer painting embodies seven thousand years of cultural heritage, and the red lacquer depicts gold, which interprets the time of Rongcheng like a dream.

循着木质格栅探去,云纹倾泻,光影流转,如同拂晓清梦间,有涌动的光影和微凉的晨气伏于脚下。 Follow the wooden grille, the cloud pattern pours out, the light and shadow flow, like a dawn and a dream, there are surging light and shadow and the cool morning air lying under your feet.

云纹中流动飘逸的曲线和回转交错的结构,蕴含着的是中华民族传统的文化理念和审美精神。以养云之气,酝酿一副极具东方气韵的澹雅画境。 The flowing and elegant curves and the interlaced structure in the cloud pattern contain the traditional cultural concept and aesthetic spirit of the Chinese nation. With the spirit of raising clouds, a Tanya painting environment with a very oriental charm is brewed.

文化像是一根柔软而强韧的细丝,将散落的记忆串联起来。浓缩着中华传统技艺的福州寿山石雕,或晶莹润泽,或气势恢宏,于方寸之间自生天地,万物乾坤。满含着东方气度的古老余韵,悠悠流转。 Culture is like a soft and strong filament, connecting scattered memories together. The Fuzhou Shoushan Stone Carving, which condenses traditional Chinese skills, is either crystal clear and moist, or magnificent. Full of the ancient aftertaste with oriental bearing, it flows leisurely.

借助大面积落地玻璃窗和,室外自然景色融入室内,空间的视野和气韵由此延伸开来,予人更丰富的视觉层次和心灵体验。消弭空间界限,使其不受实体建筑结构的约束,室内外生命的自由融合,正是儒门中天人合一的哲思之智的体现。 With the help of large-area floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the outdoor natural scenery is integrated into the interior, and the vision and charm of the space are extended from this, giving people a richer visual level and spiritual experience. Eliminating the spatial boundaries so that they are not constrained by the physical building structure, and the free integration of indoor and outdoor life, is the embodiment of the philosophical wisdom of the unity of nature and man in Confucianism.

在光阴的缄默中演绎静水深流的生长之河,在白驹过隙间留住被拓印的年轮,最终化为叩人心扉的回响。 In the silence of time, it interprets the river of growth with deep still water, and retains the rubbed rings in the gap between the white horses, and finally turns into an echo that knocks peoples hearts.

回望盛世之风,时光的呢喃呓语婉转回荡,以当代艺术语言解读传统东方文脉之根源,气骨醇厚的东方情致在闲庭深院中悠扬飘荡。 Looking back at the winds of prosperous times, the murmurs of time echoed tactfully, interpreting the roots of the traditional oriental context in the language of contemporary art, and the mellow oriental sentiments floated melodiously in the courtyard.

项目名称:福州建发养云营销中心 Project Name: Fuzhou Jianfa Yangyun Marketing Center 业主机构:建发房产 Owners organization: C-D Real Estate 设计面积:700平方米 Design area: 700 square meters

完工时间:2021年3月 Completion time: March 2021

坐落位置:中国 · 福州 Location: Fuzhou, China

室内设计:深圳市盘石室内设计有限公司 Interior Design: Shenzhen Panshi Interior Design Co., Ltd.

项目主创:吴文粒、陆伟英 Project creators: Wu Wenli, Lu Weiying

项目摄影:绿风摄影—陈维忠 Project Photography: Green Wind Photography - Chen Weizhong


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