发布时间:2016-10-25 07:58:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

坐落在德国鲁尔区米尔海姆/ Mülheim an der Ruhr的鲁尔西部应用科技大学, 简称HRW,是德国高等学府发展计划的一部分。8栋独立建筑和62000平方米的建筑面积, 使之成为一个独立的片区。其中包括4栋科研楼,一座食堂,一座报告厅,一座图书馆和一栋在原火车站旧址上搭建的停车楼。这里不仅是一处高等教育学府,整个校园环境也是城市发展结构的一部分。因此,校园内建筑的体量及高度顺延了周边城市的发展形态, 并在空间上有意识地朝四周开放。

The Hochschule Ruhr West – University of Applied Sciences in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, in short the HRW, is part of a nationwide development of new universities. With a total of eight buildings and about 62,000 m² of GFA, the university has the dimensions of an autonomous district: four institute buildings, a canteen, a lecture hall and a library as well as a multi-storey car park have been built on the former railway site in the Broich district. The HRW functions not only as a new educational institution, but also as an important component of the urban development concept for the entire university surroundings. For this reason, the various campus buildings reflect the heights and volumes of the surrounding development and the campus itself deliberately opens up towards the quarter and to the adjacent buildings.

▼校园内建筑外观均使用红色元素,相互呼应,red is used as a common elements on the architectures

▼校园鸟瞰,bird view of the campus


HPP / ASTOC’s design for the new college campus on Duisburger Strasse was the winner of a Europe-wide, 2-stage competition with a total of 15 participants.

▼建筑立面上设有醒目的红色元素,marked red elements on the facade


The residential area and the infrastructure along Duisburger Strasse will be enlivened and enriched by events and uses of the new university. At the same time a number of different public spaces have been created on the campus that invite one to stop and sit for a while and that are also available to residents for recreational activities.

▼校舍外的公共空间,outdoor public space


Due to the technical orientation of the courses at the Mülheim location (Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Science and Economics) special attention was paid to services and supply planning and the technology used thereby as well as the climatic impact of the overall development. The project was realised on the basis of a general planning contract; a total of 15 specialist engineering offices were involved.

▼学习室,study room

▼从学习室看室外,view from the study room

▼教室,class room


▼图书室,reading room

新的校区已经正式对外开放,北威州州长Hannelore Kraft女士在盛大的开幕典礼上致贺词, 由此,鲁尔西部大学也正式向公众展示了新的校区及学校可供申请的学科范围。

The grand campus was opened with a speech from Hannelore Kraft, State Prime Minister of NRW and the Ruhr West University presented the work of its institutes and range of courses on offer.

▼百叶可以开合进行遮阳,the blades could be open or closed according to sunshine condition

▼总平面图,site plan


项目名称: Hochschule Ruhr West / University of Applied Sciences 业主: BLB NRW / Building and Property Department of NRW, Münster, Germany 位置: 德国,米尔海姆 竞赛: 2010年一等奖 总建筑面积GFA: 62,000 m² 建筑设计/实施: HPP/ASTOC联合设计 摄影:Christa Lachenmaier

Project title: Hochschule Ruhr West / University of Applied Sciences Client: BLB NRW / Building and Property Department of NRW, Münster, Germany Location: Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Competition: 1st Prize 2010 Total GFA: 62,000 m² Architecture/realisation: Cooperation HPP/ASTOC Photographs: Christa Lachemaier


德国鲁尔西部大学新园区 / HPP+ASTOC
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