发布时间:2020-01-12 15:42:16 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼大楼正立面,front facade

Pilana Karbid是一家生产硬质合金工具的年轻家族企业。公司坐落在Hulín镇附近的一个有着85年刀具生产传统的工业区。在成立的8年里,公司迅速发展至拥有45名员工的规模,对新厂房的需求也日益迫切。于是,新的生产大厅和行政大楼分两期建成。尽管公司发展迅速,保持企业内部的紧密联系仍然十分必要。在这样的理念基础上,该建筑的设计主旨便围绕保持公司内部的正常交流、员工间合适的物理距离以及视觉上的接触而展开。

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view

▼眺望园区,overlooking the area

▼生态屋顶,the green roof


▼生产大厅,the production hall

▼从大厅看向入口,view from the hall to the entrance

The factory area of the PILANA company is built-up and busy space. For the new building it was necessary to consider its restricted opportunities for further expansion to the surrounding grounds. At first, a single-storey hall was built, later completed by a three-storey building with an overhanging upper floor, which could later be extended to one floor. The rectangular floor plan hall meets strict standards for manufacturing. There is enough natural light, which permeates through windows and skylights purposefully oriented to the north. Space is well-arranged and clear with the all-year stable temperature of around 24°C. The hall has a walkable green roof and is covered with sandwich panels which run to the administrative part of the building.

▼悬挑体块轴测图,axonometric drawing of cantilevered volume


▼覆盖在办公区域外部的独特单向透明立面,a unique one-way transparent facade covering the exterior of the office area

▼独立办公室外部宽敞明亮的空间,Spacious and bright space outside the independent office

▼三层高的办公空间,three-story office space

▼仰望中庭,look up at the atrium

▼从办公区域看向生产区域,look from the office area to the production area


The three-storey administrative building is a monolithic concrete skeleton that is visible in the interior. Individual offices are by its measures and lower headroom closer to the rooms in a family house than in vast open-space offices. An important communication feature inside the building is a small roofed atrium through which light permeates. Walls in the hall and in the administrative part are mostly transparent, an elevator shaft and main entrance are accented with the blue colour of the company. It is possible to see from one building to another, and view the manufacture works from the exterior also. Visitors can see movement in the buildings and vice versa, employees can see the visitors. In the atrium, there are galleries that function as meeting space and a way to the green roof, from which you can see as far as to Hostýn hills.

▼从办公区域看向生态屋顶,view from the office area to the ecological roof

▼带有标志性蓝色的电梯,the elevator with iconic blue

▼宽敞明亮的室内空间,spacious and bright interior space

▼行政办公室,administrative office

▼会议室&茶水间,meeting room and the tea room


Along with the new buildings, a nearby parking was also reconstructed. Here, the design worked with similar features as the ones used on the administrative building and new trees were planted to complement the greenery on the roof.

▼夜幕下的大楼,at night

▼立面细部,details of the facade

▼夜幕下的行政大楼,the administration building at night

▼场地平面,site plan




Studio:ellement architects

Author:Hana Maršíková, Jitka Ressová, Jan Pavézka
 Kateřina Páterová, Jakub Bachman, Ondřej Stolařík

Project location:Nádražní 804, 768 24 Hulín, Czech Republic

Project year:2016-2018

Completion year:2018-2019

Project size:327 sq.m.

Site size:367 sq.m.

Client:Pilana Karbid

Photo credits:BoysPlayNice

Collaborators:Construction engineer: Pavel Ohnoutek

Structural engineer:Pavel Gurecký


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