发布时间:2020-07-01 17:32:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Kesko 赫尔辛基新总部园于 2019 年夏季竣工,可供 1800 名员工使用。Kesko 集团的主营业务为日用品的专业零售、建筑与技术的贸易。现代的办公环境能满足未来潜在的使用需求,该设计既能顺应将来的新的工作方式,也是展示 Kesko 的产品与服务的平台。

The new Kesko headquarters in Helsinki completed in the Summer 2019 and are now the offices of some 1800 members of staff who are working for the retail group specialising in groceries as well as the building and technical trade. The contemporary feel of the office environment is future proofed for changes in working methods in years to come. The design of the building also provides a showcase for Kesko’s products and services.

占据整个街区的 K 总部办公园,K-Kampus occupying the whole block ©Hannu Rytky

K 总部办公园位于赫尔辛基市区的新开发区域 Kalasatama 的显要位置,紧邻 Redi 购物中心,通过附近的地铁站只用 10 分钟就能到达市中心。基地西边是屠宰场区和业态丰富的新城区 Suvilahti。形象鲜明的 K 总部办公园独占整个街区,这在赫尔辛基相当难得。这样不仅能让园区实现统一的规划,也能强调出建筑的独特风格。

K-Campus is located in a recent addition to the city: the Kalasatama district. It enjoys a prominent position in Kalastama next door to the Redi shopping mall and within a stone’s throw from the metro station which has trains reaching central Helsinki within 10 minutes. To the west, is the slaughter house area and the fast developing Suvilahti with its many services. The K-campus is made up an urban block with its own distinct identity. In Helsinki, the possibility to occupy a whole city block in this way is a rare opportunity and it has enabled not only a wholistic vision for the campus but has also resulted a strong architectonic presence.

沿街长边立面,facade facing the street ©Hannu Rytky

立面转角处理,turning corner fo the building ©Hannu Rytky

立面上的光影变化,light shadow effects on the facade ©Hannu Rytky


The building complex embodies important values such as customer care and corporate responsibility. The architecture reaffirms these values through its interpretation of Modernist Scandinavian principles, highlighting durability and authenticity. The architects’ approach also combines the immediacy of clarity of vision with care and attention for details and purposeful design. The campus has light brick elevations that have been laid in situ and that alternate with exposed fair-faced concrete as well as large panes of glazing. From the outside, the warm tones of timber used in the building’s arcades and roof terrace are visible and add another layer to the architecture’s sense of materiality.

▼简洁现代的立面设计,simple and modern design of the facade ©Mika Huisman

▼从外部可见暖色调的底层大厅,the warm-colored ground hall could be viewed from the glass facade ©Mika Huisman


The main entrance opens up into the atrium courtyard that gives onto a public cafe as well as an auditorium which can be closed off behind partitions. The space is bathed in natural light that works well with the natural timber surfaces, the verdant green wall and use of glass. At the heart of this space, there is a stepped seating area made up of stairs using timber slats as well as a large scale staircase that doubles up as an active space for working; in much the same way all of the building’s interior areas do. The stairs lead to the dedicated office areas and meeting rooms that wrap around the atrium spanning all of four floors.

▼中庭,楼梯连接着各层办公区,atrium, stair connecting different floors ©Mika Huisman

▼柔和的自然光弥漫整个中庭,soft natural light filled in the atrium ©Mika Huisman

▼台阶下为休息区,resting area under the stairs ©Mika Huisman

▼中庭台阶吸引办公人员步行上下,the steps at the atrium encouraging people to walk up and down©Mika Huisman


The interiors reinforce the language of the building’s exterior. Architectural detailing combined with a pared-down approach to spaces that are generous and easily legible facilitates way finding throughout the Campus. The material palette has been selected so that it feels natural, for example, with its oak floors and ceilings lined in pinewood. The interiors all wrap around a glazed atrium where a scaled up staircase is a visual focal point, acting as a meeting point as well as a symbol for communality. Meeting and presentation rooms are located on the first floor and, when opened up to the atrium staircase, enable the hosting of functions for up to 1000 people. The atrium stair has been designed so that it is easy on the foot, thereby inviting people in the building to use it rather than choosing to go up and down by lift.

▼简洁的标识系统利于人们分辨方位,simple and clear way finding system helping people to find their locations ©Mika Huisman

▼中庭的楼梯鼓励大家减少对电梯的使用,the stairs encouraging people to reduce the use of the elevators ©Mika Huisman

▼走廊天花选用温暖的木色,ceiling of the corridor using warm wooden colors ©Mika Huisman

由于一栋园占据了整个街区,这样能使每个楼层都有极为宽敞灵活的办公空间。这对 Kesko 集团来说至关重要,因为不时有一些团队需要从赫尔辛基周边赶来这里办公。

A building that occupies a whole block in this way makes it possible to offer exceptionally spacious and flexible office accommodation on each floor. This has been important to the client, as Kesko has teams travelling from around the Helsinki area and congregating in the building.

▼员工可以随意选择在中庭的台阶上工作,people could choose to work on the steps in the atrium ©Pauliina Salonen

四层楼全都是面向未来需求的灵活办公区域,多用途的空间设计便于 Kesko 不同团队间的合作。设计策略尤其强调面向员工的开放空间均可有效地作为工作场所。这是对传统的坐在个人办公桌前的工作模式的转变,在 K 总部办公园中,从整体室内布局到 IT 连接点、电源和照明方案,都充分支持着游牧的工作方式。

Each of the four office floors is futureproofed ensuring flexibility in how it is occupied. The offices’ design lends itself to different methods of working within the same space and collaboration between Kesko’s different teams. The design strategy emphasises that all spaces that are open to Kesko staff can be used effectively as work stations. This is a move away from a more traditional approach to working only at one’s own desk. Instead, at Kesko, the overall fitout right down to IT points and power supply and lighting solutions ensures that itinerant working practices within the K-Campus are fully supported.

敞灵活的办公空间,spacious and flexible working space ©Pauliina Salonen

▼舒适的休闲办公区域,comfortable leisure working space ©Pauliina Salonen

▼小团队讨论区,discussing space for small teams ©Pauliina Salonen

办公分区遵循员工需求,有专注办公的区域,也有方便一起工作的区域,以及适合会面使用的区域;访客用的会议室则面向中庭,项目用的办公区与会议室相通,可根据需求选择是否对外封闭。独处的工作空间设计在繁忙热闹的公共工作区中开辟出一片静土,很好地调合了不同的使用需求。每个楼层都有会议室和有厨房的休息空间,咖啡区可兼供会议和其他工作之用。会议室紧邻咖啡区,这样咖啡也能很容易地送达给园区的访客。在 K 总部办公园中,以各种形式存在的会议区总计有 100 多个。

▼开放办公区入口,entrance of the open working space ©Pauliina Salonen

▼可被灵活使用的沙发办公区,sofa working space with flexible uses ©Pauliina Salonen

▼单人沙发办公区,sofa working space for one person©Pauliina Salonen

▼舒适的开放办公区,comfortable open working space ©Pauliina Salonen

暖色调的会议室,meeting room in warm colors ©Pauliina Salonen

会议室的等候区,waiting area in the meeting room ©Pauliina Salonen

▼较私密的会议区和用于工作及讨论的独立隔间,relatively private meeting space and separated rooms for working and discussing ©Pauliina Salonen

需要安静的传统办公室和独立办公室,traditional working space for quiet work and individual office ©Pauliina Salonen

办公楼的厨房和健身房,kitchen and fitness room ©left: Mika Huisman, right: Pauliina Salonen

声效环境和舒适的工作环境一直是 Kesko 总部办公园设计的另一个重点。贯穿设计对完全隔音的追求,最终选择了特别设计的天花和织物地面,创造出一系列平和安静的工作空间。天花层高也特意高于一般标准,与独具匠心的玻璃窗面一起塑造出令人激动、光线充足的内部空间。绿色植物在办公楼各层都成为室内的一部分,照明方案结合均质的面光源和大量的点状光源来营造氛围。

天花的定制艺术品与安静的休息区,costumed art installation suspended from the ceiling and the quiet rest space©up: Mika Huisman, below: Pauliina Salonen

▼休憩及讨论区选用活泼的色彩,访客会议室选用让人专注的木色,vivid colors used in rest and discussing spaces, while wooden colors used in meeting rooms helping people to focus©Pauliina Salonen

项目的设计原则还包括高效的使用能源,运用人工智能的使用,监控建筑的供暖、照明和空调控制系统,在最大化地降低能源消耗的同时,尽可能地为使用者提供舒适的环境。Kesko 总部办公园是芬兰首座在废弃物管理上达到碳平衡的办公楼,同时也在申请 BREAAM(英国建筑研究院绿色建筑评估体系)和绿色办公园认证。

A defining design principle for the project has been energy efficiency. Artificial intelligence has come to play a part in this by monitoring the building control systems for heating, lighting and air conditioning. The objective is to keep energy consumption as low as possible whilst still providing occupants as comfortable an environment as possible. Kesko-Campus will be Finland’s first office building to go carbon neutral in its waste management. The client and design team will be applying for both BREAAM and Green Office certification for the project.

▼木质楼梯细节,details of the wooden staircase ©Pauliina Salonen

简洁的螺旋楼梯,如雕塑一般,simple spiral staircase like a sculpture ©Hannu Rytky

▼总平面图,master plan ©JKMM

▼剖面图,sections ©JKMM

项目名称:K 总部办公园项目面积:34200 平方米项目地点:芬兰赫尔辛基项目功能:KESKO 集团总部办公楼建造阶段:2019 年 6 月建成业主单位:瓦尔马互助养老保险公司设计单位:芬兰 JKMM 建筑师事务所

主创建筑师:Juha Mäki-Jyllilä,Teemu Kurkela,Samuli Miettinen,Asmo Jaaksi 项目建筑师:Eero Kontuniemi,Mikko LehtoBIM 协调建筑师:Mikko Kyläkoski 建筑师:Kirsti Larja,Jukka Mäkinen,Marko Pulli,Mirja Puoskari,Päivi Puukari,Henri Suorsa,Teemu Taskinen,Virve Vuolasvirta,Miina Vuorinen,Tommi Varis 设计助理:Katariina Takala 室内项目设计师:Elina Niemi,Paula Salonen 室内设计师:Viivi Laine,Rami Lehtimäki,Katja Rouvinen,Tiiina Rytkönen 设计师:Sami Laine 项目管理:Haahtela-rakennuttaminen Oy 结构设计:Ramboll Finland Oy 暖通工程:Sweco Finland Oy 电气工程:Sweco Finland Oy 音响与隔音:Akukon Ltd 防火顾问:L2 Paloturvallisuus Oy 室内设计(部分):dSign Vertti Kivi & Co AV 设计:Akukon Ltd

主要材料:白色砖墙、白色混凝土、玻璃、花岗岩 人造地毯:Bolon, EGE/Orient Occident 地面:镶木地板,橡木 地毯:Kasthall/Koolmat,Tisca/Koolmat 灯具:Barber Osbergy,Örsjö,Wästberg,Vivero T,Innofusor,Finom Pure Design,Louis Poulsen,Moooi,Mater 家具:Poiat,Artek,Nikari,Samuli Naamanka,Inno,Aarnio originals,Made by Choice Halikko,Hay,Mattiazzi,Norman Copenhagen,Lammhults,Arktis,+Halle,Vivero,Selkaline,Blå Station

Project Name:K-Kampus Area:34200 m2 Location:Helsinki, Finland Program:KESKO Corporation head office Construction: Completed in June 2019 Client:Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company Design Company: JKMM Architects

Principal Architect:Juha Mäki-Jyllilä,Teemu Kurkela,Samuli Miettinen,Asmo Jaaksi Project Architect: Eero Kontuniemi,Mikko Lehto BIM coordinator: Mikko Kyläkoski Architect:Kirsti Larja,Jukka Mäkinen,Marko Pulli,Mirja Puoskari,Päivi Puukari,Henri Suorsa,Teemu Taskinen,Virve Vuolasvirta,Miina Vuorinen,Tommi Varis Design Assistant:Katariina Takala Interior Project Architect:Elina Niemi,Paula Salonen Interior Architect:Viivi Laine,Rami Lehtimäki,Katja Rouvinen,Tiiina Rytkönen Designer: Sami Laine

Project Management:Haahtela-rakennuttaminen Oy Structural Design:Ramboll Finland Oy HVAC Engineering: Sweco Finland Oy Electrical Engineering:Sweco Finland Oy Acoustics and Sound Proofing:Akukon Ltd Fire Consultant:L2 Paloturvallisuus Oy Interior Design (partly):dSign Vertti Kivi & Co AV Design:Akukon Ltd

Main Materials: white brick, white concrete, glass, granite Carpets: Bolon, EGE/Orient Occident Floors:parquet, oak /Parketti Romanoff Rugs:Kasthall/Koolmat,Tisca/Koolmat Lightning: Barber Osbergy,Örsjö,Wästberg,Vivero T,Innofusor,Finom Pure Design,Louis Poulsen,Moooi,Mater Furniture:Poiat,Artek,Nikari,Samuli Naamanka,Inno,Aarnio originals,Made by Choice Halikko,Hay,Mattiazzi,Norman Copenhagen,Lammhults,Arktis,+Halle,Vivero,Selkaline,Blå Station


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