发布时间:2021-11-11 03:06:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Wowhaus: The adaptation of large urban areas to public spaces that are actively used by residents is not only political actions to create a comfortable environment for citizens, but also a way to strategically manage the city and its long-term development. Here’s the case of the gradual transformation of the historical center of the city of Tula.

图拉历史中心的复兴——城市复愈实践 Wowhaus 于 2018 年实施的城市改造项目,最终使克里姆林宫围墙附近的一条 14 公顷的堤岸空间回归到大众视野,这条堤岸几个世纪以来一直处于工厂封闭区。而与之毗邻的历史街区 Metallistov Street,曾一度沦为城市发展的边缘地带,现已成为旅游基础设施完备的博物馆区。考虑到现代城市中心的功能发展,我们设法挖掘这片闲置历史中心的潜力,实行片区振兴计划,并为其赋予社会功能,本项目的推行在整个城区内引发了大规模的变化。

The project was implemented by Wowhaus in 2018. As a result of the transformations in the city, a new embankment appeared near the Kremlin walls (14 hectares), which was located in the closed territory of the factory for several centuries. The adjacent historic Metallistov Street, which existed on the periphery of city life, has turned into the Museum Quarter with all the necessary tourist infrastructure. We managed to reveal the huge potential of the historical center, which was previously in a functional vacuum; revive the territory, densely saturate it with social functions, without which the center of a modern city is inconceivable. The transformation of the historic center immediately launched large-scale changes in the entire city and region.

堤岸周围的投资吸引力和房地产价格大幅增长,博物馆区开设了四个联邦博物馆的分支机构:国家历史博物馆、波列诺沃博物馆保护区、亚斯纳亚·波利亚纳博物馆和库利科沃极地博物馆。当地的龙头企业开始修复周边的其他历史建筑,并将他们改造为画廊、酒店、咖啡馆、餐厅、咖啡店、纪念品商店以及游客和当地居民所需的其他基础设施。Metallistov 街上的庭院恢复了生机,成为了室内工作室、咖啡馆和餐馆。U 型河床被清理干净并注满了水,所有的工程网络都建立起来,为商业创造了舒适的条件。

The investment attractiveness and the price of real estate around the Embankment have grown significantly. Branches of four federal museums have opened in the Museum Quarter: the State Historical Museum, the Polenovo Museum-Reserve, Yasnaya Polyana Museum and Kulikovo Pole Museum. Local business representatives began to reconstruct other historical buildings located here and adapt them for galleries, hotels, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, souvenir shops and other infrastructure necessary for tourists and local residents. Courtyards on Metallistov Street revived: chamber studios, cafes, restaurants appeared there. The oxbow of the river was cleaned and filled with water, all engineering networks were brought up, which created comfortable conditions for business.

由此,城市的中心部分从一个废弃的空间变成了一个功能丰富且深受市民和游客欢迎的景点。此外,3 年来从未成为旅游城市的图拉已成为莫斯科及周边地区最受欢迎的周末旅行地之一,莫斯科及俄罗斯联邦所有主流媒体出版了 10 多份图拉旅游指南,足以说明该盛况。全市游客总流入量从 2018 年(即喀山堤岸开放之年)的 82.8 万人增加到了 2019 年的 100 万人,到 2020 年(即疫情大流行之年),游客量达到了 113.5 万人。

Thus, from a deserted space, the central part of the city has turned into a function-rich and popular point of attraction for citizens and tourists. Moreover, Tula, which has never been a tourist city before, for 3 years has become one of the most popular weekend trips for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region (more than 10 travel guides to Tula have been published from all leading mass media in Moscow and the Russian Federation). The total tourist inflow in the city increased from 828 thousand people (2018, the year the Kazanskaya embankment was opened) to 1 million people (2019), and in 2020, the year of the pandemic, the figure increased to 1 135 000 people.

上述变化带来的影响可能使图拉的城市发展战略发生变化,更宏观地说,这种经历将影响一座小城和其所处辖区的首府之间的关系。通常而言,这对于一座小城具有破坏性,但在我们看来,得益于这种持续的转变,图拉有机会摆脱与莫斯科在人力和资源方面的不平等关系,转而进入合作的关系以维持资源置换、旅游、人际交往之间的平衡。考虑到更便捷的铁路交通,Sapsan 高铁的开通将使车程从 3 小时缩短至 1.5 小时,这种平衡关系将会促进图拉的经济增长。

It is quite possible that thanks to this effect, the development strategy of Tula in relation to Moscow will be able to change. And even – let’s take it more broadly – this experience will affect the relationship between a small city and the largest metropolitan area in the zone of influence of which it is located (most often they became destructive for a small city). Thanks to such consistent transformations, it seems to us that Tula has a chance out of unequal relations (Moscow pulling people and other resources) into partnerships (exchange of resources, tourism, balance between people who come and go). Given the convenient rail accessibility (3 hours, and soon it will be 1.5 hours by Sapsan high-speed train), such a balanced relationship could lead to economic growth in Tula.

城市变革实践 City Change Practice

图拉克里姆林宫旁的喀山堤岸几个世纪以来都是封闭的工业区,现如今几乎已经变成了一个废弃之地,犹如城市中心的黑洞。2018 年,这片历史悠久的区域经过翻新,成为了一个吸引居民和游客的文化中心。

The Kazan embankment by the Tula Kremlin was a closed industrial zone for several centuries which has practically turned into an abandoned territory, a black hole in the very heart of the city. In 2018, as a result of renovation, the historical part of Tula is set to turn into a cultural centre interesting for residents and tourists.

▼原堤岸条件 Condition of the original embankment

▼修复后的堤岸 The restored embankment

目标 Objective

振兴城市的历史区域:尽可能地挖掘利用堤岸的潜力,为其周围的城市中心找到核心功能,以显著提高城市环境质量。为居民提出简单易行的全新方案,将 15 公顷的土地从一个管理不善的废弃地转变为一个受欢迎的公共空间。

To revitalise the historical part of the city: to use the potential of the embankment as much as possible and find key functions for the city centre surrounding it in order to significantly increase the quality of the urban environment. Propose simple, but fundamentally new scenarios for the residents thanks to which 15 hectares of land will transform from a poorly organized territory into a welcoming public space.

解决方案 Solution


In order to understand how a territory three times as big as the Tula Kremlin functions, it is necessary to revise the strategy of its use. The long embankment cannot exist separately to the rest of the city: the walking route along the former river-bed of the Upa river becomes a part of the new system of pedestrian areas with several semantic centres – a museum quarter, a pedestrian street with shops and cafes and also the Kremlin territory which is becoming more accessible due to a new entrance.

改造工程 Reconstruction project

克里姆林宫城墙附近的公园 Park near the Kremlin walls

总面积为 12 公顷的堤岸地区曾长期被图拉兵工厂占用,居民无法进入其中,如今它又融入了城市的结构肌理中。堤岸的重生始于清理和填充以前的河床、清除土地上的杂草和混乱无章的维护建筑。改造工程在乌帕河岸边设计了一个景观公园,附有亲水步道和人行天桥。

The territory of the embankment with a total area of 12 hectares was used by the Tula arms factory for a long time and was closed for residents. Now it is back to the fabric of the city.The new life of the embankment had been started with cleaning and filling the former river-bed with water, cleaning the territory from weeds and chaotically built maintenance buildings. A landscape park is designed on the bank of the Upa river with easy access to the water and pedestrian bridges.

Clean and reinforce the embankment

▼人行天桥 Pedestrian bridge

▼亲水步道 Hydrophilic trails


Walking zones, a cafe, a summer stage, children’s and sports areas is located between the river and the Kremlin wall. The new embankment became a recreational zone of a city-wide significance, a place for fun, walking, city-wide events and seasonal fairs. The embankment has finally opened another entry to the Tula Kremlin.

Krestovozdvizhenskaya 广场——步行区 Krestovozdvizhenskaya square – a pedestrian area

该广场成为吸引城市本地居民和游客的中心,类似于图拉克里姆林宫博物馆群和 Metallistov 街博物馆区的共享城市客厅。从广场一侧进入克里姆林宫的入口得到修复,并为残疾人配备了专门设施,以满足所有现代化要求。

The square became a self-sufficient centre of attraction for residents and visitors of the city, a sort of open foyer of the museum complex of the Tula Kremlin and the museum quarter on Metallistov street. The entrance to the Kremlin from the side of the square is restored and equipped for people with disabilities so as to meet all modern requirements.

Metallistov 街的新面貌 New look of Metallistov Street

Metallistov Street, the former Pyatnitskaya Street, is one of the oldest streets in the city. In the XVIII century it was among the first streets to be paved, but today it is not in the best condition and ended up on the periphery of urban events. Now the entire street is pedestrian with the possibility of passing special-purpose motor vehicles. All dilapidated communications are renewed to create conditions for the existence of the future museum quarter.


The street is filled with a large number of architectural monuments of the XIXth century. They are now being restored and the street, along with the Tula Kremlin, became an important symbol of the city and a new tourist and recreational city centre.

减轻交通负荷 Reducing transport load

为了向居民开放城市的中心部分,有关部门重新制定了交通方案:来自 Metallistov 街道的交通流被重新定向到附近的街道,一项研究表明该决定是合理的,因为新桥梁的修建将在未来几年缓解市中心的交通压力。

In order to open the central part of the city for residents, the transport scheme are changed: the traffic streams from the Metallistov street are redirected to nearby streets. This decision is justified by a research which showed that the amount of traffic in the city centre will be decreasing in the coming years due to a new bridge.

改造博物馆 Transforming the museum quarter


The museum quarter is one of the most interesting points of the renovated centre. Representatives of the Tula region museums will form the base of the quarter. The ground floors of the other buildings were supposed to be occupied by shops and cafes, educational facilities, hotels and offices above. Now cultural institutions are finishing with construction, but before that inner spaces and courtyards were improved, these are places for children activities, additional exhibitions and special events. Do the reconstruction of the main streets in the quarter caused some local initiatives and projects that make the city vibrant.

Condition of the street

▼博物馆街区 Museum block

博物馆街区夜景 Museum block night

▼堤岸夜色 Night sceneof embankment

▼总平面图 Site plan

▼博物馆街区 Museum block

▼堤岸分析图 Embankment analyse


项目地点:俄罗斯 图拉

总面积:14.4 公顷

水体面积:1.4 公顷

绿化面积:6.2 公顷

建筑面积:0.07 公顷

建设时间:2017 – 2018 年

客户:OOO“Tulskaya Naberezhnaya”

工作室负责人:Dmitry Likin、Oleg Shapiro

项目经理:Svetlana Salushcheva

首席建筑师:Mikhail Kozlov

建筑师:Maria Khokhlova, Anastasia Izmakova, Anna Karneeva, Marina Pakhomova, Kristina Rykova, Jan Freese

总体规划专家:Nina Smirnova, Alexandra Nikulnikova, Lyubov Peretokina

项目总工程师:Alexey Zhirkov, Alexey Pavlov


Project: Complex public design of the Kremlin (Kazan embankment)Address: Tula

Total area: 14.4 hectares

Area of water bodies: 1.4 hectares

Green area: 6.2 hectares

Building area: 0.07 hectares

Construction: 2017-2018

Client: OOO “Tulskaya Naberezhnaya”Studio directors: Dmitry Likin and Oleg Shapiro

Project manager: Svetlana Salushcheva

Leading architect: Mikhail Kozlov

Architects: Maria Khokhlova, Anastasia Izmakova, Anna Karneeva, Marina Pakhomova, Kristina Rykova, Jan Freese

Specialist of the Master Plan section: Nina Smirnova, Alexandra Nikulnikova, Lyubov Peretokina

Chief project engineer: Alexey Zhirkov, Alexey Pavlov

Landscape architecture: Natureform




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