发布时间:2022-03-03 13:04:53 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目坐落于印度尼西亚,由当地政府发起,目的是振兴南苏拉威西省Syech Yusuf Discovery地区。场地毗邻本地大清真寺,以及包括市长办公室在内的市政大楼,该地区也因此成为了当地市政会议活动的中心。不仅如此,这里还有许多运动设施,包括一条慢跑道以及一系列运动场,丰富的活动与便利的设施使这里成为人们青睐的休闲目的地,每逢周末周边城市的市民也会来此休闲运动。在周边市政设施以及体育设施的包围下,本项目设计的主要关注点在于如何运用轴线将周边设施联系在一起,最终这条轴线以贯穿整个场地的路径的方式呈现在大众眼前。

This project was initiated by the local government who wanted to revitalize the Syech Yusuf Discovery area. The site itself is surrounded by The Grand Mosque, the government office including the mayor’s office which made this area into a central meeting point of governmental activities. Not only that, this location is filled with many sports facilities such as jogging track and a couple of sports fields turning it into a desirable destination even for people from different cities such the people of Makassar during weekend. Having surrounded by these facilities, the main concern of the design is to connect the axis between these objects creating a direct circulation path across the site.

▼项目整体鸟瞰,bird’s eye view of the project

▼场地局部鸟瞰,partial bird ‘s-eye view of the park


From a distribution stand point, the pre-existing facilities were not placed accordingly which scattered its users all over the site creating a security problem from low supervision. Because of this, the first step that we did was to redesign the distribution of zones. We also add a few additional sports facilities to form its zones. The previously scattered PKL (hawkers) are now centralized in the northern area to emphasize the division of the northern zones.

▼由跑道看塔楼,viewing the tower from runway

▼与跑道和谐呼应的观众台,the spectator stand in harmony with the runway


Position wise, the tower is placed at the eastern most part of the site. Almost all of the elements and facilities in this design are facing it. This orientation was inspired by “patonro” a headband originated from the people of South Sulawesi. Other than orientation centred to this patonro, the whole area of this site was design with full view of the tower, each element of this site able to frame the main tower. With this goal in mind, the surrounding area was formed more horizontally.

▼由滑板场地看塔楼,viewing the tower from the skating field

▼塔楼的设计灵感来自当地人民戴的头巾,The tower was inspired by the “patonro” originated from the people of South Sulawesi


To avoid blocking from the northern zones unto the park that directly borders to site. The cross circulation was then combined with the use of slopping to create viewpoints from elevations scattered across the area. These cross circulations created intersections with edges that always meets. The combination of the elevated viewpoints and the slopping track gave the user freedom on choosing possible path and how to use them.

▼不同的地形高差提供了丰富的景观视野,The different elevation of the terrain provides a rich view of the landscape

▼台地细部,detail of the terrace


Slopping tracks were not only meant as viewpoints to enjoy the scenery, but these elevated slopping tracks also functions as high walls that replaces the functions of fence to keep any kind of balls inbound so the user won’t bother other zones. The usage of gravels was meant to reduce ball rebounds. Both of this intervention allows the zone meant for sport  to stay open without any fence around it.

▼集市区,commercial area

▼封闭的外墙避免了球类运动对室内活动的干扰,The enclosed exterior walls avoid the interference of ball games to indoor activities

▼温暖的色彩与丰富的光影使建筑体量变得柔和,Warm colors and rich light and shadow soften the volume

▼砾石的应用减少了球的反弹,The application of gravel reduces ball bounce


Finally the materials used in this design are meant to be textured. This was intended to scatter bounced light so the solid massive form of these site wouldn’t cause harm to the user of site.

▼集市区入口,entrance of the commercial area

▼柱廊与光影效果,Colonnades and light and shadow effects

▼总平面图,master plan


▼场地总体立面图,elevation of the site

▼场地总体剖面图,section of the site

▼局部立面图,Partial elevation

▼局部剖面图,Partial section

Project name: Syech Yusuf Discovery Park

Completion Year: 2019

Size: 50.547 m2

Project location: Gowa, South Sulawesi

Landscape/Architecture Firm: andramatin & ARA Studio


Lead Architects: andra matin & Hermawan Dasmanto

Design Team: ( andramatin team : Sovie Khuswah, Dhanie Swaliyaah , Akhyar Maulidan Dz), ( ARA Studio team : Mohammad Firmansyah , Nandhita Narendratmaja )

Clients: Gowa City Goverment


Main Contractor: PT. Fatimah Indah Utama

Planning Consultant: PT. Praprimadani Pratama

Supervising consultant 1 : CV. Bajirupa Consultan

Supervising consultant 2: CV.Mallomo Engineering

All Photo credits: Agung Fadriansyah


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