发布时间:2020-05-02 20:32:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

比利时代因泽的Leietheater是城市中重要的公共空间典范,在扩大代因泽文化遗产影响力中起着关键作用。TRANS建筑实务所及V+事务所的协作团队,在竞赛阶段提出了更换项目场地的建议,以此拓宽项目空间,创建出延伸至Leie河畔的大型城市公园。这番举措也使得剧院得以坐落于重要的城市轴线上,成为更突出的城市地标。建筑改造自被纳入Oude Leiearm公共开放空间的代因泽Leiestreek博物馆,使其再次成为代因泽的文化中心。

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Stijn Bollaert

The Leietheater ‘takes a step aside’. The building plays a key role in defining the public space and making the heritage of Deinze visible again. TRANS V+ proposed an alternative site to the client during the competition phase. This move creates a large park that extends as far as the River Leie. In addition, the theatre was placed on important sight axes and was thus made present in the city. The Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek, which had drifted into the open space of the Oude Leiearm, is framed and is once again the cultural heart of Deinze.

▼建筑坐落于大型公园中,building near to large park ©Stijn Bollaert

场地中的公园由Marie-Josée van Hee建筑事务所设计,与剧院之间相隔的是由Tony Fretto建筑事务所设计的市政中心及Leiebocht中心广场。该地段附近还有Stedelijke学术中心。在该学术中心深造的有才华的年轻人,有很大几率会从这儿登上Leietheater的舞台。

▼区域总平面,master plan of the site © TRANS architectuur + stedenbouw & V+

The park was designed by Marie-Josée van Hee architecten and connects the theatre along the Administrative Centre, designed by Tony Fretton architects, with the centre square on the Leiebocht. This is also where the Stedelijke Academie appears, a place where young talent is trained and possibly finds their way back to the stage in the Leietheater.

▼剧院与周边建筑,theater and surrounding buildings ©Stijn Bollaert

代因泽博物馆就像画里的建筑一样。建筑一角设有咖啡厅,使得剧院在开放时间以外也能成为受欢迎的公共空间,不断地激发城市活力。超大型礼堂及塔楼使剧院建筑拥有独特的外轮廓。建筑外立面上釉面和哑光的白色石材排布成整齐的装饰图案,在不同天气条件下,反射出或柔和或明亮的光,就像一幅埃米尔·克劳斯(Emiel Claus)所作的油画,静静地伫立在那里。

▼礼堂与塔楼组成建筑独特外轮廓, auditorium with  theatre tower form a characteristic silhouette ©Stijn Bollaert

▼开放式廊道,open corridor ©Stijn Bollaert

The museum is in the picture. With a café on the corner, the building activates the public domain in a place where otherwise, after the opening hours of the theatre, a pauze would arise in the urban dynamic. The large auditorium with its theatre tower gives the building a characteristic silhouette. The brick dress is made up of glazed and matt white stones in a pattern that is laid over the stack of volumes and, depending on the weather conditions, lights up softly or brightly. A silent gesture to Emiel Claus.

▼博物馆仿佛一幅安静伫立的画,museum is in a silent picture©Stijn Bollaert

▼外立面细节,白色石材排布成整齐的图案,detail of the facade, white stones in a stack pattern©Stijn Bollaert


In a square floor plan, the programme components are arranged around a central foyer with a monumental skylight. The foyer can be expanded by sliding the partition wall with the multifunctional hall away.

▼带有巨大天窗的大厅,central foyer with a monumental skylight ©Stijn Bollaert

▼移除大厅与多功能厅间的隔断, sliding the partition wall between the foyer and the multifunctional hall away ©Stijn Bollaert

▼大厅中的楼梯,staircase in foyer ©Stijn Bollaert

▼旋转楼梯,spiral staircase ©Stijn Bollaert

▼剧院观众席,theater auditorium ©Stijn Bollaert

▼建筑平面图,architecture plan © TRANS architectuur + stedenbouw & V+

▼剖面,section © TRANS architectuur + stedenbouw & V+

Project name: Leietheater Deinze

Design: TRANS architectuur | stedenbouw & V+

Design year: 2015

Completion year: 2019

Leader design & team: TRANS architectuur | stedenbouw & V+

Project location: Brielstraat 8, 9800 Deinze, Belgium

Gross Built Area: 3500 m2

Photo credits: Stijn Bollaert

Clients: City of Deinze

Budget: € 9.250.000

Status: completed

Commission: internatoinal competition, 1st prize


Structure: Ney & partners,

Techniques: studiebureau Boydens,

Acoustics: Daidalos Peutz

Theatre equipment: Theateradvies

TRANS architectuur | stedenbouw






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