发布时间:2021-01-07 19:32:07 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Simão Álvares公寓位于圣保罗Pinheiros街区某住宅楼的顶层。项目旨在通过室内改造将零散的空间整合成一个宽敞而充满活力的生活空间,以匹配业主——一对年轻的设计师夫妇的生活模式。公寓楼建于80年代,改造前的住宅模式过于零散,由一系列小空间围绕一条贯穿公寓的长廊组成,从入口玄关到狭窄的客厅,仅开设了一扇窗户,采光环境十分不理想。

Simão Álvares’s project consists in transforming a fragmented penthouse in the neighborhood of Pinheiros into a large and dynamic space, compatible with the lifestyle of a young couple of designers. Built in the 80’s, the original typology was composed of small environments, developed around a long corridor that ran through the apartment from the entrance door to the narrow living room, illuminated by a single window.

▼室内概览,preview ©Federico Cairoli


This circulation area was suppressed in the project with the total demolition of the internal masonry; however, the axis demarcated by the corridor has also structured the reform. As it crossed the entire length of space, the axis began to redistribute the program in two large sectors: social (living room, dining room and kitchen) and private (bedrooms and bathrooms). The constructive element that marks this transition is a panel composed of naval plywood and coated with tauari wood. The possibilities of existing openings in the panel allow the partial integration or complete disassociation (by forming an opaque and monolithic plan) of the private areas of the common ones.

▼改造策略,diagram ©Vão Arquitetura


When opened, enlarge the living room and unveil the bookcase, embedded in the concrete core where is the toilet. When closed, for example in the event of hosting a visit, access to the room and the toilet is through a pivoting door, just after the panel is interrupted by the concrete column.

▼隔断成为公寓的中轴线,the panel became the axis of the apartment ©Federico Cairoli

▼隔断打开后看书房,viewing the study room when the panel totally opened ©Federico Cairoli

▼活动隔断由混凝土细柱分成两部分,右侧可以旋转打开,partition is divided into two parts by a concrete thin column, which can be rotated and opened on the right side ©Federico Cairoli

▼隐藏在隔断后的书柜以及卫生间入口,the book case and the restroom behind the panel ©Federico Cairoli


On the other side of the large panel, the living areas share a unique space, without partitions. Only two fixed elements announce the transition between the environments: the kitchen counter, which supports the sofa in the living room, and the metal bench, delimiter of the dining room. The dining table was specially designed for the specific dimensions of the space. The top associated with the two beams, produced in thick glasses.

▼生活区概览,overall of the open space ©Federico Cairoli

▼厨房,kitchen ©Federico Cairoli

▼固定的中岛操作台成为客厅与厨房空间的划分,The fixed counter becomes the division of living room and kitchen space ©Federico Cairoli

▼餐厅,dining area ©Federico Cairoli

▼餐桌由玻璃构成,the dining table made of glass ©Federico Cairoli


The glass is also strongly present in the second panel foreseen by the project: a composition of planes that measured the openings of the balcony and isolate the service area. The mixture between the material in the purity of its transparency and in its variation more translucent, the result of the acidification process, arose from the desire to propose large openings without compromising the privacy of the residents.

▼玻璃也是项目中第二处空间隔断的重要组成材料, glass is also strongly present in the second panel foreseen by the project ©Federico Cairoli

▼经过酸化处理的半透明玻璃细部,Acidified translucent glass details ©Federico Cairoli


On the balcony, the partial demolition of a high wall revealed the main view facing the garden neighborhoods. And to celebrate the horizon, a volume of concrete used as a banc makes an invitation to be outside. Executed months after the work was finished, the last intervention was necessary with the adoption of a dog: musketeer screens for protection purposes were suspended by thin locksmith profiles, coupled externally to the guardrail, configuring the third and last layer of panels.

▼阳台以及第三道玻璃屏障,The balcony and the third and last layer of panels ©Federico Cairoli


Another pivoting opening gives access to the couple’s private, conformed by a circulation animated by uses. On the left, the doors covered by the same wood, open the closet, the toilet and the shower; while, on the right, two concrete volumes receive a closet and the washbasin. The bed was fittes where originally the service area was, isolating the dormitory from the other programs connected to the suite.

▼卧室,bedroom ©Federico Cairoli

▼卧室入口空间,entrance space of the master suite ©Federico Cairoli

▼平面图,plan ©Vão Arquitetura

Location:São Paulo, SP – Brazil Architects:Vão [Anna Juni, Enk te Winkel e Gustavo Delonero] Area:100m² Year:2019 Photographs:Federico Cairoli Collaborators:Deborah Caseiro, Julio Shalders, Luiza Capalbo Menezes e Victoria Menezes


圣保罗 Simão Álvares 公寓 | 三道巧妙空间屏障打造宽敞活力生活空间
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