发布时间:2017-08-23 02:24:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Our intervention lies at the center of a wider project the aim of which  is the redevelopment and the conversion of the original structure of a goldsmith company, nowadays decommissioned, in the eastern suburbs of Vicenza; it is a concrete example of reconversion of a disused building within a wide area of ​​craftsmanship and office activities, which, in order to survive, will have to adapt itself  to the profound changes in the production and service sectors.

According to the project the upper volume of the rectangular plant building was emptied  in order to build  new offices, while the existing structural elements, such as the perimeter facing concrete architrave and the timber roof carriers of the roof slab,  were preserved and highly improved.

The idea is that of creating a dynamic environment along with a functional layout planned accurately in advance.  The new space stands out for its well-balanced alternation of full-wood surfaces and transparent glass surfaces which creates unexpected visual relationships and ever-changing internal glimpses in relation to the sources of preexisting natural light.

Thanks to an accurate study of the constructive details it has been possible to solve the internal constructions with the utmost simplicity, we have always worked in relation with the existing structures in order to obtain a simple, clean and well-structured  new space.

The peculiarity of the new constructive elements is that they do not interfere with the ongoing surface of the previous  floor and with the preexisting leading structures as  non-invasive fastening systems have been used leaving the chance for any future changes in  the interior spaces.

The choice of using a natural material such as fir-wood panels, has made it possible to create an homely atmosphere in a working place, guaranteeing the necessary comfort which should be an important  prerequisite in any workplace considering that the human being spends most of his daily life at work.

Year 2016

Work started in 2016

Work finished in 2016

Status Completed works

Type Office Buildings / Corporate Headquarters / Interior Design / Custom Furniture



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