Building in stone implies carving a mountain, the result imposing and profound, creating a presence with self-evident materiality. On this site, near the Cistercian Abbaye du Thoronet, building with stone extracted from Roman quarries places the project in a temporality resonant with the landscape.
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©Dan Glasser
The stone blocks, mathematical, are one by one metres by fifty centimetres thick, and weigh exactly one metric ton. They rise in equilibrium ten metres high, twist and turn. The walls dilate, filigrees of pure weight in the sun.
▼石砌的弧形墙面在阳光下呈现出一种“膨胀感”,the stone walls dilate, filigrees of pure weight in the sun ©Hervé Abbadie
The winery and visitor’s centre marks a new horizon in the Provençal landscape, a mineral presence anchored in the rolling vineyards overlooking the historic Chateau de Selle. Two walls in solid stone rise parallel to the road and wine terraces, the one curved to follow the speed of passing vehicles. The massive walls frame the winemaking process, sheltering the wine, work and visitors. The walls are both imposing and light, shifting as needed to become porous screens, providing views, access and ventilation.
▼户外平台,the public esplanade ©Hervé Abbadie
▼走廊,corridor ©Hervé Abbadie
▼品酒吧台,bar counter ©Dan Glasser
▼品酒室,tasting room ©Dan Glasser
The building is partially sunk into the hill, a thermally inert emergence optimised for winemaking. The slope allows for a natural gravitational flow and a coherent linear process, visible from the public esplanade and reception areas overlooking the cask- room and steel tank hall.
▼倾斜的场地能够促进自然的重力流动并加强制作流程的连贯性,the slope allows for a natural gravitational flow and a coherent linear process ©Dan Glasser
▼金属桶酿酒室,steel tank hall ©Dan Glasser
▼木桶酿酒室,the cask room ©Hervé Abbadie
The sun warms the surface of the stone, soft as sand. Visitors can measure themselves against the human scale of the blocks, close enough to be touched. It is a meeting of the senses. What remains are the pines, the vines and the mountain.
▼石墙在夕阳下显出温暖的质感,the stone wall shows a warm touch at sunset ©Dan Glasser
▼夜景,night view ©Dan Glasser
▼建造过程,construction site ©CFSA
©Hervé Abbadie
▼模型,model ©CFSA
▼场地平面图,site plan ©CFSA
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©CFSA
▼剖面图,sections ©CFSA