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Exquisite Southeast Asia, Eastern Aesthetics


Southeast Asia Vintage Mansion, Historic Alley, Exquisite Back Garden, Designed in Colonial Architectural Style from a Century ago, Traveling Through Time, Locking in the Romance of the Story.


午后外立面,走进海楠里,就能感受到年轮一样的历史环绕而来。局部残旧粗野的混凝土拱形墙面带着上世纪的痕迹,用设计把时间凝固。热带的野性软装搭配壁纸、花纹、经典沉稳的色系以及建筑构造的中轴对称设计,整体呈现出空间的精致南洋混合东方主义美学。 Walking into Hainanli, one can feel the historical rings surrounding it. The partially weathered and rough concrete arched walls bear traces of the last century, and are designed to solidify over time. The tropical wild soft furnishings are paired with wallpaper, patterns, classic and stable color schemes, and the central axis symmetrical design of the architectural structure, presenting a delicate blend of Southeast Asian and Oriental aesthetics in the overall space.

傍晚入口/洋楼公馆/Chapter.1/Yanglou Mansion


项目的一幕幕场景仿佛置身在电影里的复古镜头中。空间呈现高级质感南洋色调,大面积运用薄荷浅绿色,点缀古铜色细节,呈现出轻 Art deco 的调性。

The scenes of the project seem to be immersed in retro scenes from a movie. The space presents a high-quality Nanyang color scheme, with a large area of mint light green accented with antique bronze details, presenting a light Art deco tone. The form of arrays gives space a more advanced eclectic aesthetic style. Brown toned wooden small reception counter, vintage glass door, retro open style turquoise bar, embedded in green plant flower beds.



收银台区域一楼前台的设计极具细节感,突出大户人家骑楼建筑的既视感。老南洋楼公馆中有一处老账房,呈现别致的故事感。复古热带印花壁纸背景上混搭着中式账房的酒水展示柜,拱形的南洋建筑和绿色小条砖,整体形成摩登中式南洋风格,给收银区域增添空间的神秘故事感。The design of the front desk on the first floor is highly detailed. The overall emphasis is on the visual sense of the arcade architecture of wealthy households. The accounting room of the old Southeast Asia Mansion has a unique atmosphere, and the retro printed wallpaper simulates the liquor display cabinet of the Chinese accounting room. The arched Nanyang architecture and green small bricks, combined with tropical prints, collide with the Chinese accounting cabinet to form a modern Chinese Nanyang style, adding some mystery to the cashier area.


卡座用餐区 卡座区域红棕色的隔断,精致的壁灯和流苏复古吊灯共同形成了这片区域沉浸的、怀旧的花样年华氛围,空间风格与文化调性互相融合。多元的文化元素将空间带入南洋时代,一种从电影中走出来的复古的小资时光。沉浸其中,恍如隔世。





中心用餐区 分散的座位区域,运用古董屏风、藤编和挂画,打造成自带热带香气感的中式南洋闺房氛围,精致优美。中式元素打造东方美学,意境悠长。 Scattered seating areas, using antique screens, rattan weaving, and hanging paintings, create a Chinese style Nanyang boudoir with a unique aroma, exquisite and beautiful. Chinese elements of Eastern aesthetics, with a long lasting artistic conception.




Chinese Eastern aesthetic composition, frame by frame, as if feeling the prosperity of private homes in Southeast Asia, the sound of phonographs, and the swaying posture of women wearing qipaos.



This space combines the passionate and unrestrained atmosphere of Southeast Asia with the calm and subtle aesthetic of the East. A window view brings the lush scenery of the garden into the interior of the mansion. The abstract feeling of the fan fills the entire space with a sense of Southeast Asian charm, with a mysterious and wild color yet still retaining the charm of primitive warmth. The colonial style soft furnishings blend with the Eastern flavor, showcasing the fusion of the space with exquisite delicacy.




Modern alleyway

二楼平面布局由于空间折角多,过道长,所以设定了一个南洋摩登弄堂的概念,形成一个完整的体验感空间。每一个餐位小区域设计为对外经营的小铺子,在老洋楼形成的南洋弄堂里展现人间烟火。The layout of the second floor is designed with the concept of a modern Nanyang alleyway due to the many corners and long corridors, creating a complete experiential space. Each dining area is designed as a small shop for external operation, showcasing human fireworks in the Nanyang Alley formed by the old western-style buildings.

软装设计尽显用心,打造了一处椰子市集,趣味、热闹、生活化但又不失去精致调性的气息。How to reflect a delicate sense of nostalgia in the details of the space? In this design, all details are highlighted. The old Nanyang newspapers showcase the fashionable culture of the past, and the soft decoration area creates a coconut market that is fun, lively, and lively, yet still exudes a refined tone.



Each small modern alleyway adopts the name of a place with a Southeast Asiastyle. The wooden blinds and Nanyang style small tiles blend the fresh, elegant, and dynamic modern feeling of the space, creating a unique and private small area. The floor to ceiling wall lamps like street lamps further enhance the modern alleyway feel of the entire space.





外观花园亭子 复古的层次多体现在细节之处,拱形门窗嵌合彩色玻璃,窗外的楼台的极致美景从玻璃映入,与室内画面交错重叠相辅相成,动静结合之处,灯光明媚之间。 The retro level is often reflected in the details, with arched doors and windows embedded in colored glass. The ultimate beauty of the terrace outside the window is reflected in the glass, complementing the indoor scene. The combination of motion and stillness is complemented by bright lighting.

外观花园亭子 虽然主调为传统复古南洋,但整体不失以“中式韵味”。外摆区的一片林中闲庭,花园庭院内一张小桌就是一个小中式亭子。格栅花窗的镂空元素和竹子链接拱形元素交相辉映。既以“韵”为调,在设计基调上更显“文化与环境的融合”。热带植物装点青绿色的亭子,清爽又浓郁的色彩,在空间中营造铺面而来的生命力和摩登南洋的韵味与文化氛围。



The terrace space revolves around the central area to create a flower pond, making the natural scenery under the sunlight the protagonist of the space at first glance. The large leafy plants of tropical Southeast Asia extend endless wildness, and the scent of Southeast Asian islands fills the air. The combination of ceiling style bamboo weaving and printing, with diverse materials, creates a romantic and natural urban backyard, which is also the secret garden of Southeast Asia Mansion in Hainanli.

青绿色的铁架子结合植物软装的搭配,展现出秘密花园里的森系氛围。 The design inspiration for the entire villa garden on the tower comes from the Grand Palace in the Champs-Élysées in Paris, presenting a clear and vibrant atmosphere visually; The combination of blue-green iron frames and plant soft furnishings showcases the forest atmosphere of the secret garden.

圆桌区域单独设置南洋感简约小亭架子结合纱帘可以形成单独私密的小包间,同时增加浪漫和舒适的气氛。 The roundtable area can be set up with a minimalist Southeast Asia style pavilion shelf combined with gauze curtains to create a private small private room, while adding a romantic and comfortable atmosphere.

夜晚时分,灯光亮起,远眺一眼就看到这个神秘而浪漫的空中玻璃花园,不仅从外立面看露台的景色美轮美奂,而且成为海楠里这个空间的一个极大吸引点。玻璃花园无论白天还是晚上,都美的仿佛电影镜头下的一帧永久定格的画面。 At night, the lights light up and you can easily see this mysterious and romantic sky glass garden from afar. Not only does the terrace view beautifully from the exterior, but it also becomes a great attraction and advertising spot for this space in Hainanli. Whether it’s a hundred days or a night, the glass garden is like a permanently frozen frame in a movie




Elegant Study Room

包厢内部,法式与传统南洋的碰撞,在空间升腾起另一种浪漫气质。两个相连的包厢,运用百叶隔断相割,复古绿的帘子映衬着南洋屏风,展现出中式的对称美学意境,地面花样繁多的大理石花纹砖,又为空间赋予了轻奢调性的古典气息。The collision between French and traditional Southeast Asian styles creates another romantic atmosphere in space. The two connected private rooms are separated by louvers, and the retro green curtains reflect the Southeast Asia screen, presenting a symmetrical aesthetic atmosphere of Chinese style. The diverse marble patterned bricks on the ground also give the space a classical atmosphere of light luxury.

灯具细节 过道色彩上以黑檀木色和浅绿色为主,构成了过道的复古味道。另一边,墙面中式中古风的挂画,不仅是风格的对撞,更是传统文化对生活的渗透。 The color scheme of the hallway is mainly composed of ebony and light green, creating a retro atmosphere. On the other hand, the hanging paintings on the walls with Chinese style and ancient style not only clash with styles, but also penetrate traditional culture into daily life.

包间走廊。每一处包厢的标识,选择采用上世纪法式味道的黄铜壁灯。斑驳的灯影浮动在墨绿色的画面和包厢名上,多了一分高级精致感,让时间停留,驻足回味。The signage for each private room is made of brass wall lamps with a French flavor from the last century. The mottled shadows of the lamps float on the dark green screen and the name of the private room, adding a touch of lingering charm and high-end delicacy.



The unique charm ofSoutheast AsiaMansion is integrated with a delicate and retro style collision, the interweaving of tradition and modernity, the pause of culture and time, the beauty of fashion and smoke, and the charming style emanating like a brilliant pearl in the night.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Name:海楠里·椰子鸡火锅 Design Company:上海耶兔兽设计咨询有限公司 Location:深圳市福田区深业上城小镇 3 层 Design Team:

董青刘亚楠王申张平 王思怡

Area:450m ² Main materials:鎏金板、艺术涂料、艺术墙布,石材 Photographer:言隅纳信 Brand Design:立体派品牌策划有限公司


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