发布时间:2019-12-04 00:03:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

当代城市面临越来越复合型的矛盾和问题。 透过业态空间的叠加和互动,市民将获得更丰富的体验,从而激发更高的居住价值、商业价值、文化价值、社区价值、景观价值、品牌价值、时间价值、生态价值。

Cities are facing more  and more complex contradictions and problems. Through the superposition and interaction of functions, richer experiences will be gained, which will stimulate higher residential value, as well commercial, cultural, community, landscape, brands, time and ecological values.

▼万科北绿廊总体鸟瞰,aerial view of the entire Design Community


Project Brief


The project is located in Nanshan district of Shenzhen, which is part of the 05-01/05-02 plot of Cloud City, project planned by Vanke, with a total land area of 3,7010.4 m2 and a total construction area of 41,585.13 m2. There are two-story on the ground and two-story underground, and the building height is 9.9m, including urban park, bus terminal, commercial and office.

▼北绿廊鸟瞰,aerial of the project


Urban Design Strategy


▼城市设计概念,urban design concept

The Design Community was developed by Vanke, who chose a group design method led by Urbanus to achieve maximize diversity with fast track coordination. The site was divided to very dense minis to be designed by different independent firms from Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. In a partnership, UV and Huayi design three mini-plots hosting offices, a bus station, a mechanical parking and traffic facilities.

▼北绿廊景观鸟瞰,aerial view of the landscape in the design community



Plot A1-3-Dimensional Smart Parking and Bus Terminal

停车场是城市不可缺少的基础设施。然而传统停车场的使用存在很多弊端: 找停车位精神紧张,容易擦碰。经过一天的劳碌离开时,又时常忘记车停在哪里,在地下室焦虑地找车。既浪费宝贵的时间,又造成碳排放增加。尤其是传统机械车库,使用非常困难。而且留仙洞设计公社的地质条件以花岗岩为主,静爆形成的地下空间成本非常高。 如果仅仅用于停车,将是一种很大的资源浪费。


Usually, finding a parking lot may be a source of inconvenient issues: impatience, irritation, anxiety, wasting of time, forgetting one’s parking spot. It also produces carbon emissions. The granite underground soil of the site induces expensive digging costs, its sole use for parking could be a waste of resources.

Therefore introducing the concept of a 3-dimensional parking appears to be an appropriate alternative. Firstly, the 300 vehicles parking space is compacted in a small place, which free up spaces for different uses as offices, and hence value the underground space. Secondly, the vehicles surround a green patio of natural light. The vehicles drives directly to the spacious mechanical area which makes the experience comfortable and simple. It reduces the time of parking as the risk of collision.

▼智能停车场,intelligent parking plot


After fingerprint identification, the vehicles are parked in two vertical and horizontal storehouses. Passengers leave easily and could have breakfast before going to work. After work, the car’s owner orders remotely on his mobile phone and walk through the park in the grass and fresh air. When arriving at the pick-up point, the vehicle has been rotated and can drive directly out of the street. Under canopies, the pick-up point is equipped with waiting and coffee areas. It offers a relaxing place for workers as for visitors in the park, bringing vitality in it, enriching the parking experience and enhancing its value.

▼车库布满绿植,停车同时可以感受自然,garage with green plants, people could come and leave with a natural feeling

▼地下街巷空间,alley space between buildings

本车库不再是隐蔽的后勤设施,而成为一个独特的亮点。通过简洁的玻璃幕墙,让内部车厅的机械部件和车辆的往复运动从外部得以感知,形成自然的展示效果。车库地面的下沉和隆起, 将公园变形成为立体绿化空间。阳光和空气引入下沉庭院,坡道缓缓的向上延伸到10米高的观景台,并与贯穿绿廊的空中漫步道无缝连接,使车库融入公园立体景观。

The parking garage is not just a concealed facility, but a revealed bright spot. Through the glass curtain wall, the reciprocating movement of mechanical parts and vehicles in the inner hall can be perceived from the outside, forming a display effect. The sinking and uplifting of the garage ground transforms the park into a three-dimensional green space. Sunshine and air are introduced into the sunken courtyard. Slowly, the ramp extends upward to a 10-meter-high viewing platform, and seamlessly connects with the walkway running through the green corridor to integrate the garage into the park’s 3-dimensional landscape.

▼简洁的玻璃幕墙形成展示效果,glass curtain wall could display the mechanical parts inside

沿着空中漫步道来到位于基地远端的屋顶球场。 它是周边居民和园区年轻人下班后的最佳锻炼场地。 社区健身的人群在这里可以远眺整个北绿廊。

Following the walkway to the roof leads at the far end from the base. It is the best place for residents and young people to exercise after work. Fitness communities crowd here and can overlook the entire North Green Corridor.

▼空中漫步道链接屋顶球场,walkway to the roof with a play court


The playground covers 6,000 square meters of bus stops, avoiding the damage to the surrounding landscape caused by the noise and exhaust of the open-air stops. Under the shelter of the roof, passengers enter and leave the bus conveniently not in an idle space: it is connected with the design communities streets and becomes an exhibition facility.

▼公交站,bus station

停车,公交站场等静态交通设施通常被认为是负面影响的空间。它们争夺使用空间,形成消极的体验,降低空间价值。通过叠加互动,将负面效应,转变为正面效应, 提升了综合价值。

Traffic facilities, such as parkings and bus stations are usually considered as negative spaces. They use space, form negative experiences and reduce space value. Through superposition and interactions of functions, the negative is transformed into the positive, and the value is enhanced.

▼公交站立面,设计提升空间的综合价值,facade of the bus station, use design to enhance the value of the space



Plot B2 – Creative Offices

三明治式的叠加模式同样运用在创意办公区。  公园作为上表面, 而下沉的采光井和街道形成下表面。

Superposition is also used in the creative offices areas. The park serves as the upper surface, while sunken light wells and streets form the lower surfaces.

▼创意办公空间结构,space structure of the office space


The offices spaces break the traditional core model and are composed of a series of boxes with private courtyards. In the intersection of their gaps, social spaces and inner streets experiences are created. These social spaces include parks, courtyards, landscape platforms, street arcades, sunken courtyards and a theatre. The park’s terrain waves up and down, with a series of openings leading light into the ground. The shapes of these openings vary, forming an interesting dialogue between the upper and lower interfaces.

▼办公盒子叠加形成办公空间,office space composed of overlapped boxes

洞穴剧场是由办公体块搭接而成的核心空间, 周边设置各个环绕的视点,自然地吸引了员工的聚集活动。私家庭院和阳台种植郁郁葱葱,与周边的空间形成戏剧性的视线交流。细高而狭窄的通道既有冷巷的功能,又形成城中村式的亲切感。 这些空间大小错落,四通八达, 内外交融,和北绿廊社区的空间肌理自然融合,形成丰富的游走体验,充满了转过街角的偶遇。 为入住的创意设计公司群落提供富有想象力的办公环境。

The cave theatre is the core space overlapped by office blocks, surrounded by various views, which naturally attracts the gathering activities of employees. Private courtyards and balconies grow lush, forming a dramatic visual exchange with the surrounding space. The slender and narrow passageway is not only functional and refreshing, but also creates the intimacy of a “village in the city”.

These spaces are scattered in size, accessible in all directions, blending inside and outside, and naturally merging with the spatial layout of the North Green Corridor community. It results of a rich experience of wandering, full of encounters around street corners. It provides an imaginative office environment for the creative design company community.

▼办公空间中的私家花园,private garden in the office space

▼冷巷带给人新鲜的体验,passage between the buildings brings a refresh feeling

目前入驻公司包括设计,高科技,咖啡,展厅。叠加模式为入驻企业带来各个层面上的价值增加: 由于能直接接触阳光,空气,绿化公园,办公人群在这里可以找到心理上的愉悦感。 由于能产生聚集的活动,人群之间有视线和偶遇的接触, 能够获得社交层面上的延展性。更因为这样的空间吸引了创意与设计类的企业入驻,则有可能激发出业务上的合作。

▼办公楼间的街巷空间,alleyway between the office buildings

▼阶梯公共空间,供人们举办活动、相互交流,stepped public space where people could hold events and communicate

▼公交首末站轴测图,axonometric of the bus station

▼创意办公轴测图,axonometric of the office space

▼一层平面图,first floor plan

▼二层平面图,second floor plan

▼公交首末站立面图,elevations of the bus station











集群设计其他单位: 南沙原创建筑设计工作室、深圳坊城建筑设计、奥博能建筑设计








Design: UV Architecture LLC. /Huayi Design

Design & Completion Year: 07/2014 – 09/2016

Leader designer: Fu Li

A2+B1: Chou Fan,Xin Li,Yiming Lin,Zhen Wang

Bus station: Mingxin Lin,Jie Shen”

Project location: Shenzhen Nanshan district LiuxianDong

Photo credits: Chao Zhang, Chou Fan

Urban design and Landscape design: URBANUS(SHENZHEN)

Other company: NODE Architecture & Urbanism 、FCHA、URBANERGY

Construction turnkey: Shenzhen Guangshengda Construction.LTD

Curtain wall consultant: Shenzhen Tiansheng exterior wall consulting

Construction drawing: CAPOL.Ltd.(shanghai)”

Clients: Shenzhen Vanke

Automatic Parking Garage: cimc


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