Brazil volta redonda club
设计团队:bloco arquitetos
该项目是对一个俱乐部,从外观上看,它好像是一个新建的普通住宅,位于巴西里约市volta redonda地区,这里距离市中心有大约15分钟的车程,交通十分方便,是由著名
团队bloco arquitetos完成的。场地面积较为开阔,周边是一片美丽的自然风景,连绵的群山与该俱乐部实现相融,没有丝毫突兀。
despite being situated a mere 15 minutes from the city center, the new ‘alphaville residential condominium’ in volta redonda, rio de janeiro state in brazil by BLOCO arquitetos is encountered among mountains practically free of building interferences.
the urbanization project reserved the least rugged portions for the residential lots and for the collective, leisure area for dwellers, provided a more sloped area, with a total pitch of more than 15 m, at the edge of the field. with the intention of keeping the view as open as possible, the architecture team chose to make a transparent construction: a long, linear block with predominantly glass curtain walls. the idea was keeping the view from the houses towards the valley as clear and unblocked as possible.most of the indoor space has a ceiling height of 250cm, which allows for the structure eaves to protect it from the sun.
巴西volta redonda俱乐部外部实景图
巴西volta redonda俱乐部局部实景图