发布时间:2021-04-08 08:16:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©Marcos Zegers

▼项目航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the project ©Marcos Zegers


Project concepts and strategies: Users are children from 2 to 6 years old. The space and layout should make sense for them. The site was a 1500 m2 empty lot with a soft depression produced by the demolition a former construction. This somewhat moving topography was used to create 2 main levels connected by a sloping garden that encloses a recessed sand pit.

▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Marcos Zegers

▼略带倾斜的花园与中央凹陷的沙坑,Slightly sloping garden with central sunken sandpit ©Marcos Zegers

▼沙坑活动空间内部,interior of the sunken sandpit ©Marcos Zegers


The program was laid out around the lot as individual constructions connected by an elliptical path. The continuous route seems like a never-ending running and playing experience, driving everyone through the different gardens and places along the way. A common thread of a story where every particular place, surprise and experience connects as part of the same story.

▼平面图,plan ©Andres Zegers Arquitecto + Lirio Paisaje


A water stream flows along the path. Water enters at the highest point and runs through different surfaces creating sounds and allowing for children to reach and touch or even stand feet in water in spring and summer. At the end of the loop water runs into a well where it gets pumped back in track.

▼建筑小品之间由椭圆形的园内路径串联起来,the individual constructions connected by an elliptical path ©Marcos Zegers

▼伴随园区路径的人工水渠, Artificial aqueduct along the route of the site ©Marcos Zegers


The landscape design aims to create in one hand, a direct connection with nature through different gardens made of mostly native species of trees, herbs, weeds and vines. These gardens will in a few years become clusters of smells and colors and will provide shade for the hot seasons.

▼景观平面图,landscape plan ©Andres Zegers Arquitecto + Lirio Paisaje


But furthermore, the idea of interacting with nature as a way of learning, understanding and caring for nature is in the heart of the landscape design. There are not only a greenhouse and a table vegetables orchard, but fruit trees are scattered with in the gardens. They will not only provide fruits to eat as they will also teach everyone about seasons, flowers, smells and a sense of time a growth.

▼温室大棚与蔬菜种植园,the greenhouse and a table vegetables orchard ©Marcos Zegers


Maybe one of the most challenging issues was to create spaces suitable for concentration learning focused on a specific subject with a reduced group of children, while being able to achieve the feeling of freedom. Circular shapes in learning show many benefits as it proposes for a dual perception; on one hand it creates a good space for concentration and sociability – we all look at each other – and on the other hand a circular space invites for a playful understanding of space. In our design, almost every room or outdoor construction is circular. Besides the continuous path and the sand pit there’s a woven basket-like room, a half-height brick room and a circular timber frame room.

▼砖砌座位的景观亭,the half-height brick room ©Marcos Zegers

▼藤蔓编织成的教室,the woven basket-like room ©Marcos Zegers


Handcrafted brick was used for most of the elements creating a continuous palette that incorporate as many materials as possible that the land offered as tools for play and education.

▼鸟瞰,bird’s eye view ©Marcos Zegers

▼景观亭图纸,drawings of the half-height brick room ©Andres Zegers Arquitecto + Lirio Paisaje

▼其他装置图纸,drawings of other constructions within the site ©Andres Zegers Arquitecto + Lirio Paisaje


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