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山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

发布时间:2021-11-01 07:26:02 00

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

傍晚的山东港口大厦 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

青岛港远眺 © CreatAR Images


Qingdao can be considered as one of the most livable maritime cities in China as it fully benefits from its outstanding landscape along the curved shores of the Yellow Sea and the beautiful silhouette of the Laoshan Mountain in the back. The new tower for the Shandong Port Group is one of the initial landmark projects of the Dagang Cruise Home-port Free Trade Zone which is the geometric center of Qingdao’s main urban area at the east coast of Jiaozhou Bay. The project is located in the central of Wharf No 6 of Qingdao Port, neighboring the new Cruise Home-port Passenger Transportation Center with which it will form an architectural landmark in the Qingdao port.

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

青岛港远眺 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

总平面图 © gmp Architekten


The specific shape of Shandong Port Tower is the result of careful site analysis. The 203m high-rise takes up and merge the main axis geometry of the urban surrounding to form an unmistakable landmark. The three facades of the building are turned in a way that all office levels enjoyan unobstructed view to the surrounding. There is especially no interference with the neighboring twin tower of Zhonglian Ziyou Gangwan.

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

塔楼正立面 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

塔楼外观 © CreatAR Images


In order to create a distinctive and consistent architectural shape, the architectural design of Shandong Port Tower uses a unique curved shape, inspired by sails, and the upward curve complements the newly built cruise port terminal. The upright headquarters building continues the same architectural axis of the cruise port terminal. All the metal components are white, which is related to the classic images of white sails and ships, in a background of the blue sky and clear water, forming an unforgettable classic coastal scene, which recalls the Olympic sailing competition in Qingdao.

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

黄昏中的空中大堂 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

鸟瞰青岛港 © CreatAR Images


Nine sky atriums are located in three different directions and different heights in the middle of the tower. Employees can not only work and communicate here, but also overlook the panoramic view of the port area, the overall scenery of Qingdao, and the magnificent view of the sea from three directions. The atrium is enclosed by a cable net curtain wall. Considering the uniform design of the facade, the curtain wall takes over the horizontal division of the main façade, brings in sufficient sunlight in the space. The sky atrium provides users with a large multi-functional space for fitness, leisure, communication, and sight observation, which highlights and enhances the quality and characteristics of the office space.

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

黄昏中的空中大堂 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

空中大堂内景 © CreatAR Images


The sky lobby on the top of the building, with its all-round open cable net facade, overlooks the moving scenery of the port and bay, giving the whole building a unique spatial value that is different from traditional office buildings. The transparent sky lobby gives the tower a wide and multi-faceted angle. Its internal outline resembles a big tree growing upwards, symbolizing the vigorous vitality of Shandong Port. As night falls, the illuminated sky garden further enhances the iconic appearance of Shandong Port Tower as a new lighthouse in Jiaozhou Bay.

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

空中中庭内景 © CreatAR Images

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

室内大堂局部 © CreatAR Images


竞赛阶段项目负责人:苏俊竞赛阶段设计团队:林赛博,Thomas Muncke,杨莹,Jan Peter Deml,Thilo Zehme, Fu Haoyu, Zhao Chenyu实施阶段项目负责人:郑飞实施阶段设计团队:郭福慧,王辰翰,杨莹,姚旖旎,马欣怡,饶上丰,赵正阳中国项目管理:李凌,解芳业主:山东港口集团中方合作设计:青岛腾远设计事务所有限公司结构设计:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司景观设计:德国雷瓦德景观建筑事务所照明设计:黎欧思照明(上海)有限公司幕墙顾问:迪索工程咨询(上海)有限公司机电顾问:柏诚工程技术(北京)有限公司上海分公司建筑面积:113300平方米


Competition 2013—1st prize

Design Meinhard von Gerkan und Stephan Schütz with Stephan RewolleCompetition project lead Su JunCompetition design team Sebastian Linack, Thomas Muncke, Yang Ying, Jan Peter Deml, Thilo Zehme, Fu Haoyu, Zhao ChenyuDetailed design project lead Zheng FeiDetailed design team Guo Fuhui, Wang Chenhan, Yang Ying, Yao Yini, Ma Xinyi, Rao Shangfeng, Zhao ZhengyangProject management in China Li Ling, Xie FangClient Shandong Port GroupChinese partner practice TYDIStructural design schlaich bergermann partnerLandscape design Rehwaldt LandschaftsarchitektenLighting design LEOX lighting designFaçade consultant Drees & Sommer ShanghaiMEP consultant WSPGFA 113,300 m2

Height 203 m

山东港口大厦 | 海滨地标,帆船造型,展现独特魅力

青岛港远眺 © CreatAR Images
