发布时间:2020-07-22 10:43:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

国际著名豪华连锁度假村酒店莱弗士酒店(Raffles Hotels& Resort)始于1887年由亚美尼亚旅馆经营者Sarkies Brothers在1887年建立的。莱佛士酒店是一家殖民地风格的豪华酒店,这家酒店是以英国政治家homas Stamford Raffles爵士的名字命名的,他是殖民时代新加坡的创始人。

The world-famous luxury Resort chain Raffles Hotels& Resort was founded in 1887 by the Armenian hotelier Sarkies Brothers. A colonial-style luxury hotel, Raffles Is named after Sir Homas Stamford Raffles, a British politician who was the founder of Colonial Singapore.

莱弗士酒店在马尔代夫环礁岛的Meradhoo岛屿上打造了一个五星级度假村酒店,该酒店于2019年5月试营业。莱弗士集团委托曼谷一家在国际上专注打造酒店及度假村的设计公司Blink Design Group负责位于该度假村的室内设计和建筑改造。设计目的是在莱佛士的五星级传统和酒店独特的设计感之间实现平衡。

Raffles hotel opened in May 2019 as a five-star resort on Gafuariff Island, an atoll in the Maldives. Raffles commissioned Blink Design Group, a Bangkok firm specializing in international hotels and resorts, to Design and renovate the interior of the resort. The aim is to strike a balance between Raffles' five-star heritage and the hotel's unique sense of design.

Plan @ 水上别墅

伴随着水疗中心,海滨餐厅和一个潜水中心,Blink Design在棕榈树环绕的私人岛屿上建有22栋别墅和住宅,而乘船仅需一小会儿就能在水上建造16栋别墅。为了在莱佛士五星级传统和该酒店独有的设计感之间取得平衡,Blink Design选择了与莱佛士品牌长期相关的颜色和细节,并结合了海洋灵感。

Along with a spa, beachfront restaurants and a diving centre, Blink Design has 22 villas and residences on a private island surrounded by palm trees, while a boat ride takes only a short time to build 16 on the water. To strike a balance between raffles' five-star heritage and the hotel's unique sense of Design, Blink Design chose colors and details that have long been associated with the Raffles brand, incorporating ocean inspiration.

Plan @ 海滨别墅


Passageways connecting various public Spaces are built above water, highlighting the spectacular view of the atoll. On the walkway leading to Raffles Spa, the lounge area features hand-crafted dark rattan outdoor chairs and birch feature tables. Coral patterns enlivened the sandy interior. Inside, the eye is immediately drawn to the intricate white bamboo ceiling, which anchors the space and ACTS as a striking decorative element.

Plan @ Thari 餐厅

Plan @ Long Bar


On the overwater resort, reached by a traditional Maldivian dhoni boat, the villas sit over the water, giving guests the freshness and freedom of the water.  In each terrace, a glass panel in the floor invites guest to marvel at the colourful sea life below. With cool marble bathrooms and luxurious furnishings, each villa is a haven of calm and space. Alongside the villas sit the stunning Overwater Residence and Sunset Overwater Residence.

Plan @SPA

Plan @ Yuzu 餐厅


Each Raffles draws inspiration from local cultures and traditions while celebrating the classic traditions of the Raffles brand and enjoying a luxury hotel experience. The name of a hotel evokes all the glamour and sophistication of a golden age of travel. The design team carefully chose gray-blue, which clearly traces Raffles back to its colonial past. The design team also retained some colonial silhouettes and patterns, such as striped shutters, louvres and Windows as the main features of the building.


专访:Wereally appreciate your latest Hotel project: Raffles Hotels& Resort. Canyou share with us its design philosophy?


BLINK: For RafflesMeradhoo we sought to tell the story of a colonial inspired tropical estateresidence that became the place of which memories are made.  It's design embodies both the hallmarkqualities of both the Raffles colonial heritage and the stunning scenery of theMaldives.  The large villas were designedas estate residences with luxurious bathrooms and double queen canopy beds andsoaring open beam ceilings.


专访:Whataspects drew you to the Raffles Hotels& Resort project?

BLINK:莱佛士Meradhoo酒店实际上是一个翻新项目。大约12年前,我们设计了最初的度假胜地,当时叫做Jumeirah Dhevanafushi。当客户和Accor集团接洽我们,希望合作将酒店改造成莱佛士酒店时,我们毫不犹豫。将莱佛士的标志性品牌演绎成一个热带度假胜地,以及能够改造自己的项目,这两项挑战都非常吸引我们。

BLINK: RafflesMeradhoo is actually a renovation projects. About 12 years ago we had designed the original resort which at the timewas known as Jumeirah Dhevanafushi. When the client and Accor approached usabout collaborating to convert the resort into a Raffles we were estatic to saythe least.  The challenge of interpretingthe iconic Raffles brand into a tropical resort and to be able to rennovateyour own project were both very appealing to us.


专访:GafuariffIsland is a fascinating place. How did you pay homage to the story andtraditions of the city in your design scheme?


BLINK: As with allof our work in creating memorable stories we always seek inspiration from theplace and in this case the islands of the Maldives.  Our inspiration was to create a resort thatreflected and embodied the casual barefoot lifestyle of the islands that wasmore about the being part of the island that made it unique in the world.  We kept the scale of the main buildingsintimate and open to allow the buildings to disappear into the site and be moreabout the view.  Our material palette ofwood, unpolished stone, bamboo and linen helps to further reflect this islandinspired lifestyle.


专访:Whatspecific part of the project are you most proud of?


BLINK: We always tryto focus on designing spaces that help to create memories and experiences.  For me, I really enjoy hanging out by themain restaurant, pool, and long bar.  Themood of the intimage scale and luxury touches of the main resort area changesduring the day.  During the mornings thebeach in front of the restaurant is perfectly shaded by the coconut trees andmake it an ideal place to enjoy brunch with your feet in the sand.  The soothing sounds of the water make itidlyic.  Views from the long bar of thesun setting over the arrival pavilion are absolutely stunning.  In the evenings dining under the stars makefor the perfect ending to a day at the resort.


专访:Arethere any trends in interior design that you believe will take hold in thefuture?

BLINK: 我认为有三大趋势将继续变得越来越受欢迎:空间、自然定律和健康。豪华旅行始终由空间来定义,度假村或酒店越豪华,房间越大,钥匙数量越少。不久前,星级豪华房是150平方米的50平方米的客房。现在,莱佛士Meradhoo等只有38套+200平方米住宅的物业更为普遍。在人类不断承受自然压力的情况下,自然定律使我们能够通过将景观引入建筑物内部来拥抱自然。最后,健康从未如此重要。水疗中心已经发展并将继续发展成为幸福中心。

BLINK: There arethree major trends that I see will continue to become increasinglyInstagramable:  Space, Biophilia, andWellness.  Luxury travel has always beendefined by space - the more luxurious a resort or hotel the larger the roomsand the few the amount of keys.  Not toolong ago star luxury was a 50sqm room in a 150 key property.  Now properties like Raffles Meradhoo withonly 38 +200sqm residences are more the norm. With the state of the natural world in constant stress from mankind,Biophilia allows us to embrace nature by bringing landscape into the interiorof buildings.  And finally never beforehas wellness been so important.  Spashave evolved and will continue to evolve into centers of well-being.


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